I would also add a growth agenda. We should figure out ways to encourage more and more investment into the country and not demonize people who succeed here. Part of that also includes deregulation and harmonizing internal trade.

Ultimately, economic growth can pay for all the services we want.

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The purpose of the permanent Expert Commissions is to work through questions like that - I’m not an expert at how to answer sticky economic policy Qs and I don’t want to pretend I am

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Expert panels are great, until we have an expert panel on carbon taxes headed up by the food professor and a panel on mental health headed by Jordan Peterson. Be careful what you wish for.

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Evan mentioned the PMO a couple of times in this article. Over time, since when I am not sure, but the power seems to reside more and more in the PMO. Maybe it started with Lyin' Brian, maybe sooner. But I think the PMO needs to be stripped of its power and have power return to MP's and membership. I would not be surprised if PP consolidates more power in the PMO because of course he wiil.

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I think that MPs get exactly as much power as they demand. The PMO can’t take power away from them, but it can be surrendered when MPs as a whole are uninterested in operating as an independent body from the Executive.

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Sounds great. I’d vote for you.

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I particularly liked the leadership review. BC EDAs that I’m familiar with wanted one two years ago. JT has not opened doors in our riding for the last 6 years! We focus on our local MP Patrick Weiler who also recognized this and has felt the PMO shun.

However, we do not elect our PM, we choose a party that reflects our values and those we want to see in our communities. I used to say country but hey, who gives a damn about BC. (We like it that way until they ram more oil and gas ships into our front yard).

Therefore, I embrace your platform cuz I know I could bring to the door and have it open wider.

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Why would we need two conservative parties? If anything, a shift to the actual left from the Liberals would be welcomed by working Canadians. As we re-shore manufacturing from countries that have caught up to us economically, we need stronger unions and labour protections, we need stronger trades, we need better pay in the service industry. We also need our profits from our resources to be returned to the people. As the demand for mineral resources increases in the energy transition, we need to make sure we don’t become a vassal state to higher powers again.

Identity politics don’t come from the left (we’re the class politics crew in case you forgot) they come from the academic world. All these ways that current Liberals perform aren’t really based in a solid worldview, they are only done to acquire and keep power. This has correctly eroded trust in our system and given power to those who want to break it.

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What if PMJT is actually trying to pass the torch to Freeland?

A classic Hail Mary pass!

What if the Libs cooked up a big show of conflict to reposition Freeland as the fiscal warrior vs Trudeau; i.e., the "change" candidate?

He resigns in January, and leadership contest follows with her as the preferred candidate among a field of weaker choices.

They have been close friends for such a long time.

C'mon - AS IF he'd "fire" her and then expect her to deliver the FES.

She may be the only Lib willing to take on the poisoned chalice at this point, with others waiting until after PP wins to rescue Canada from the damage.

Freeland didn't give up her NYC journo career to sit as an oppo MP.

Sadly, Freeland and the plotters share the same delusion that has kept JT in power this long, as Canada shows no sign of welcoming a woman PM, and certainly not one who has been in lockstep with JT all along.

But it'll be fascinating to watch...

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The only problem is that Freeland, though obviously intelligent, is an awful retail politician. She’d be an even worse Ignatieff 2.0.

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I think the harder problem is the public treats dissent from the leader treason.

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What happened to “taxing the rich” or some version of taxation equity. The least we could do is look at how oligarchs in the US avoid paying taxes because of loopholes and close them down before they get a foothold here.

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I like most of your ideas and your analysis mostly right on but, damn, you sure need an editor. Your writing often includes errors and is not very fluent. This from someone who usually writes en français but can write better than you in English. I’m only writing this because I truly believe your ideas deserve better writing. You can contact me on Substack.

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So what you’re saying is that the party is a circus need a Carney to run it? Sounds good

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Ignatieff II will have exactly the same galvanizing effect on the population as Ignatieff I.

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