I disagree about the bias in polling but not towards or away from one political party or another. I think the polls are more of a measure of where respondents get their information than how they would vote if there was an election today. People like to consider themselves part of a community and when their media of choice (mm, sm) keep telling them that someone one is hated, that's how they respond when asked. Unless and until the results are analysed statistically for media bias polling will continue to "get it wrong". Polls are a measure of media effectiveness and spread rather than of voter intention or voter like/dislike.

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I was wondering if you would write about this one. On Twitter you made the comparison with Frank Graves. I think this comparison is quite wrong. Frank Graves has been clear about his personal preferences, but I have never seen him spread lies or disinformation to further his personal beliefs.

Angus Reid is less clear about his personal preferences, but as it turns out he quite willing to knowingly spread lies to damage Trudeau. And when he is called out, he offers a non-apology and basically doubles down on his lies. I think there is a significant difference and the remaining credibilities of the two pollsters are not even close.

Now, does that mean that there is a country wide conspiracy to skew the polls? No, but at the same time there is no reason to take anything that comes from Angus Reid seriously as he demonstrated that he is willing to lie knowingly to achieve his personal preferences.

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Oh FFS. All these young people against the Liberals are the ones who will bear the brunt of climate change too. The chaos peddlers are more hysterical than usual because they're trying to prevent the Liberals from introducing several important climate change measures like the cap.

Hilary Clinton pointed out the obvious problem with this generation of university students fervently donning the Palestinian scarves, appropriately black and white when she said, "They don't seem to know much about the long and complicated history."

And we know without any doubt now that hearing something repeated ad nauseum on all the media very much affects attitudes, especially of people who don't READ anything but their own "FEEDS."

The Liberals are the only adults in the room qualified to govern through what's coming, period, armchair pundits and podcasters aside.

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I'd recommend reading the National Observer, the Tyee, or the Narwhal, all started by women and so more balanced.

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I think the bigger story around “polling stories” is the discussion about how hollowed out our media has become. There’s so few actual reporters, or support budgets for them, that “journalism” has almost entirely collapsed into low hanging fruit like reporting polls. When something that should represent 5% of the news cycle starts being 50% of the news cycle it’s easy to assume it’s actively displaced better reporting, and that if you got rid of it other, better, reporting would come back. Instead, it’s the last thing standing.

At this point cutting down on polling stories just means a higher percentage of regurgitated press releases and ripped-from-Facebook/tiktok stories

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Polls are cheap. Journalists and research are expensive.

I have to think of the two CTV employees that messed up and got fired. Not because of bias, just because of sloppy or hasty work.

Would a pollster like Angus Reid suffer similar consequences for knowingly lying and then doubling down? Probably not.

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Great article. Call it like it is. The Liberals and Trudeau are despised at this point. I wish people would face it. They need to go. They are not the LIberal party of 'yore". They have betrayed me and other "Liberals". I'll be honest - I am not looking forward to a Conservative government with the likes of PP at the helm but if that's what it takes to rid the LIberal party of Trudeau and all of his "holier than thou" preachings of what Canadians need, so be it. If they don't return to center ground they'll be sunk for a very long time. Spit on me if you will but, this government is nothing "Liberal" in the old sense - at all. Good riddance.

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Polls are disingenuous at best, but the main story here remains that the Angus Reid brand is built on the appearance of non-partisan and scientific polling methods. This is a self-own of epic proportions before we even start to get into things like sampling and response bias for the polls themselves.

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Does your opinion here apply to the United States polling? How does the reality in the USA and the accusations of bias in the USA, impact our perception of bias in our generally neutral pollsters?

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No comment about Bruce Andrdson's daughter working for the PM?

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Bruce hasn’t been at Abacus in years now so no, it’s not relevant

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