"there has been less evidence of strategic thinking from the PM and the Cabinet in the last four weeks than there has been in the pages of this site."

I hope that you are including the comments :-)

Biden had strong leaders in the Democratic Party who sent him a clear message. Trudeau doesn't have any in the present-day Liberal Party. Nobody to pierce through the veil of self-deception.

Poilievre launches personal attacks on Trudeau, and Trudeau launches personal attacks on Poilievre. I know thaat Kim Campbell said that an election campaign is no time for discussion of policies, but we aren't in campaign mode yet, and unlikely to be for at least ten months. So on what are we supposed to base our decisions on?

One question that could be asked: Is Canada, and Canadians, better off now than in 2015? My answer would be "No!" As a nation, we are worse off economically: real GDP per capita is stagnant or declining, housing is scarce and mostly unaffordable, groceries are expensive, our health care system is worse off (longer wait times), our national defense is deteriorating, our foreign relations have soured, our judicial system is a problem (eg a shortage of judges nominated). Even the legalization of marijuana is now being called into question by some experts.

I don't want to sound like a spokesman for Pierre Poilievre -- I'm not. But he has identified some of the problems and that is what is making him popular, despite unattractive personal traits.

Look at it this way. A moderate loss in 2025 might help the Liberals shake off a mindset whose usefulness has run its course. They would have to come up with new ideas, if not a whole new approach. And they might -- just might -- start taking the working class seriously.

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You are a spokesperson for Pierre, because all the are better off than 2015-s are over simplifications, shared responsibility or just not true (some people call them lies).

You mention healthcare: talk to your premier

GDP per capita: directly dependent on investments in fossil fuel extraction (which is not happening anymore)

Military: under Harper we ended at 1% of GDP, now at 1.4% and project to grow to 2%. In real dollars we spend twice a much as in 2015 (as GDP went up as well)

Judges are not the problem (there about 50 vacancies, which is about 4% of the total number of judges). The problem is court staff, prosecutors, etc. in other words provincial

Etc. etc.

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Interesting points. But

(1) Healthcare is a shared responsibility. The Canada Health Act, a federal law, sets the framework. Any province that does not conform to the CHA gets some of its federal transfer payments clawed back. So, through the power of the purse, Ottawa has a very significant role.

(2) GDP per capita covers all sectors of the economy, not just oil and gas. The analyses I have read on the decline do not point to any specific sector, but rather to falling labor productivity. See for example the studies of Andrew Sharpe's Center for Studies of Living Standard (CSLS).

(3) Yes, military spending is higher than under Harper, but so what? My point is a comparison between 2015 and 2024, not some past point. During the last nine years, we have added insignificant new quantities of armaments and equipment, all while the existing stock aged and has become more and more unreliable. Personnal in the armed forces is significantly below authorized levels, and we no longer have enough procurement specialists to spend the money that is allocated. Part of the reason is that military procurement is primarily a regional development program, where friendly firms get contracts, whether or not they deliver on time or on budget; military effectiveness plays a secondary role. Reminds me of the late David Lewis' line about corporate welfare bums.

(4) Our justice system could certainly use more resources in many areas. But from my conversations, the most critical problem is lack of sufficient judges. That's what I hear from both lawyers and judges.

(5) Etc. etc. I'm not sure how to answer that one.

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Not completely true there bud

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You know who doesn’t get to say “not my problem”? Someone who wants to be PM.

Poilievre is out there every day saying he wants to solve those problems. It doesn’t matter if he’s being truthful or not, it’s a message that beats “not my responsibility” 100% of the time

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The Prime Minister isn't a dictator. Most of what's affecting affordability has to do with corporate greed, and since we live in a capitalist system still, governments have to defer to that. Do you hear yourself saying "It doesn't matter if he's being truthful or not.....?" Do you hear the slippage?

How about being the master, CASUAL stoker of "disinformation" and deliberate, gleeful "rage farming" and being a climate science denier not to mention a denier of science, PERIOD who also openly disdains the media, particularly CBC, and important national connector, AND being openly convoy/Trump/proud boy/Diagalon adjacent, AND visiting CHURCHES of late in his "campaigning" in the context of marching, emboldened Christian Nationalism and the 900 page long Project 2025 FFS, not to even mention him being a complete, unadulterated asshole as a person?

It's like Trump and WHOMEVER the left wing offers up; with HIM as one of the choices, it's a no-brainer.

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You seem to be confusing “Poilievre is showing a basic understanding of how to get elected” with “I think he should be elected”

Of course he’s a bad and dishonest person, leading a bad and dishonest party. Why does that excuse the Liberals from sleepwalking away from their electoral responsibilities?

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The set date for the next election is over a year away. Clearly, there is MUCH change everywhere and Canada is part of that change or responding to it. The new leader of the CPC started campaigning immediately once elected following a US pattern of constant election mode. The upside to this strategy for voters, is his 'everything' is broken and personal attacks on the PM is proving dead wrong as the real performance of Canada and/or Liberal/NDP policy is documented. Indeed, these personal attacks could have people believing that JT is soooo powerful as to have that level of global influence - to then think - who wouldn't desire a PM with that much power?? And although the CPC and leader are filled with short slogans, they really have NOT stated their policy approach. They still have a year to 'think' through this and to try recover from being continually wrong. In the mean while, the current government LPC/NDP continue to get things done and deliver on joint policy for citizens.

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Well I’ve said it before that our PM has plans on leaving but waiting for closer to the election or right after. He’s waiting for a reason. If he bowed out now the media and conservatives nut jobs would have a field day. Make it that they succeeded. It’s what the US media/republicans did to Biden. The polls aren’t the answer. As more people are seeing the liberals being a better choice. This cat and dog hate is exhausting. People need to learn a lesson. As Pierre dingles that carrot, our PM can hold his own. We have immaturity verus intelligence. The more Pierre acts and speaks like a weasel more are seeing the bull he represents. Our PM is where he’s supposed to be for now. We aren’t going to give the unhinged hard xx’s let’s let them sweat. The stupider Pierre gets the better for the liberals. Not much we can do about failure from media. But in Sask, members are leaving and they are having a hard time replacing them. Bad enough SaskParty brought in people with no credentials nor did background checks. We need to stop talking about Trudeau and talk about policy, educate the fools. He’s leaving but people are getting desperate. No matter who the liberals bring in they will be crucified by the far right. Let’s get the facts on policy and why democracy is important

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I think Poilievre will be a disaster as Prime Minister, but many of the problems the Liberals face fall under the category of self-inflicted wounds. This government is tone-deaf, out-of-touch, & collectively have their heads up their own asses. And they are so invested in listening to their own echo-chambers that they don't even realize what they're doing. Certainly many of the things PP blames Trudeau for are out of Trudeau's control, but not all.

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I disagree totally, Trudeau has done 90% better than Harper or Mulroney, Harper and Mulroney hold the highest debt score in Canada without a pandemic. You people are too hanged up on media that’s not giving you the facts you need. Trudeau has done wonders for the people yet media can’t be bothered to report it. I have political friends across Canada. I have friends in parliament. Pierre and cons use the Arthur Finkelstein method when it comes to politics, and it’s awful even Arthur said before he died that he wanted the right to win elections but instead he made things worse. Now here’s Harper teaching this method across the world to right wing politicians. Trudeau has done more for people since Tommy Douglas with the help of the liberals who brought Tommy in to bring healthcare across canada not just Saskatchewan. Wars are expensive and the pandemic was a huge cost like wars are. You will never find the long list of good our PM has done because google is now republican corporate controlled. All Harper etc information has been deleted from Google and WIKIPEDIA

What Trudeau got blamed for was Harper’s doing, or provincial government. I followed politics since grade 8, I work, volunteer, read the political books and in committees. I’ve drank with them all. Prime minister Justin Trudeau and Rachel Notley were the hardest working politicians. Now look? Media, farm trolls, corporate and idiots control the narrative, JT brought back the oas age, upped our pensions and provided supplements, hired back professionals like scientists, his regime is educated. He nearly completed water wells on reserves, he did a good job on the pandemic. He brought back supports for vets. He got people back to work while provincial government cut. He is supporting our provinces bc these prov premiers have racked up debt. Federal debt is payable while provincial debt is not. In war the feds take on the debt. No ones perfect but JT is not getting the appreciation the premiers are taking it and no thanks to the feds. The liberals know what they are doing but the obstacles come from these far right conservatives voting against everything our PM brings up. The liberals are great for women while the conservatives treat women like garbage. I know that personally, these cons have affected our lives cruelly and no media takes our story. I’ve spoke to many politicians and political people over the years and worked in govt for 35 then continued to work along politicians. I’ve held many conversations with political experts. The problem is no one paid attention until JT got in, then everyone thought they were experts. When they did no research. If PP gets in your are Royally screwed, the liberals have done more for Canada then any other party. Our constitutions and rights were brought in by the liberals. Too bad media became a weapon because it’s made people severely uninformed. Name one thing that’s out of control and if you say debt remember wars/pandemics are not cheap. He’s already brought down the debt while dishing out to provinces that are spending and giving corporate welfare to their friends. Most of the problems are provincial but people are uninformed on responsibilities and our PM is working hard for the people. My friends who work under all of them say our PM is hard working, compassionate and intelligent. His people are experts unlike Harper who fired experts. Hate has made people ridiculous, I have lists of good JT has done I’m just tired of people not paying attention or researching

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Your comment is emblematic of the problem both Liberals & their supporters have.

The Trudeau gov't has been in office for almost NINE years at this point. They've passed their best-before date.

I detested Harper & wasn't a fan of Mulroney - but a decades old reach back doesn't deal with the here & now.

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lol seriously you obviously don’t follow and never have

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LOL - please don't make assumptions about me because I find the Trudeau Kool-Aid old & stale :-)

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And there’s your immaturity again

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Also remember Harper sold us out it’s called FIPA either he bought the pipeline or China was allowed to come in and take over, no thanks to Harper. My life destroyed by cons because I know to much? They didn’t need my vote so let’s throw her under that bus then take the bus away.

These conservatives are the mob, talk to old conservative fixers they will tell you lots. People will have a severe wake up call if Pierre gets in, we will never get great canada back

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"... incredibly arrogant to say, but it’s also true ... there has been less evidence of strategic thinking from the PM and the Cabinet in the last four weeks than there has been in the pages of this site."

Yes and yes. Put differently, your arrogance is quite acceptable, justified even, but the LPC / GOC dereliction of duty is not in any way acceptable.

"He ["JT"] has an obligation to the Liberal Party and to liberal and progressive voters ..." I submit that JT sees the relationship to be the contrary, that is that the LPC voters have an obligation to HIM.

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Evan when your piece starts with the claim that Canada is an unserious country, you just expose how totally abstract, unfounded, and nonsensical your opinions are. A bunch of ill-informed shallow click-bait aphorisms follow. Not interesting, not informative, not helpful.

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Trudeau is waiting to see how the elections in the US will turn out. If Trump wins, all your plans about any policy are out of the window. It will be a non stop effort in managing the relationship with the US in all areas. Trudeau and his cabinet are preparing for this scenario as it will be an onslaught of unpredictability. It is something that Trudeau will be able to do well, and the phone call to Trump after the shooting is an indication how serious they are about being ready for this. Now, this is not something you prepare for in the open.

Now, if Harris wins the election, the situation will be completely different. To some extent I believe this is politically the less preferred scenario for Trudeau. It would be better for Canada and the world, but from an electoral chance of success point of view, probably less favourable. In this scenario the Liberals need to rapidly present a vision for change. Time will tell if they are able to do it.

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That seems like an accurate description of Trudeau's thinking, though not an accurate assessment of objective political reality. A Trump re-election would have major implications for Canadian policy, but not on the existing popular fatigue for Trudeau himself. It's not obvious that most Canadians would perceive Trudeau to be a better counterweight to Trump than Poilievre.

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Except that we would actually see the first 6 months of managing a Trump led US. The voters would be able to judge if they want to continue Trudeau’s approach towards Trump or go for an unproven leader.

And any time Poilievre criticizes Trudeau’s approach, he runs the risk of siding with Trump against Canada’s interests.

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I think you’re absolutely right that Trump and the USA in general is an important governance concern, without being an electoral concern.

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