So... my guess is that this may push a lot of votes back to the PPC.

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That clip from O'Toole is damning and the Liberals would do well to blast it to every social outlet and make a quick attack ad framing them as the only ones who can get Canada out of the pandemic. That O'Toole's response would have been/would be no better than/the same as Kenney's. A Liberal tweep I read said that whatever "moderate" boost he hoped to garner from Mulroney's endorsement had been swept away by the Kenney disaster and it seems that person was right.

We'll see if Trudeau himself follows the advice of some political analysts on Twitter and heads to AB himself with local candidates, and to denounce both O'Toole and Kenney and promise more help from a Liberal government. I'm not sure if animosity towards the Trudeau name would be dampened out of anger at Kenney, and/or if it again makes him vulnerable to the "why did you have an election in a pandemic" question that's been dogging him throughout the campaign (media doesn't care about all the other provincial pandemic campaigns and only applies a double standard to Trudeau). But the Liberals absolutely *have* to use this to frame the ballot question around what they've been trying to frame it around for the past month: who do you want to carry you out of the pandemic? The Liberals, who've gotten you this far, or *Jason Kenney's best buddy* Erin O'Toole?

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