I hope you are right, because I am more and more convinced that the United States is screwed and if they go crazy I'm not sure how Canada can avoid following them. In 2016 it took only a few months before the media "normalized" Trump, so I don't doubt they will also do that here if Skippy ever gets elected. Then, I guess, we all have to move to Iceland....

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Oh, boy, I so want to agree with your conclusions. As it happens, I've become quite cynical and simply believe that there is such a thing as a bottomless well. The US is a wonderful object lesson, because they do everything harder, faster and more extremely than we tend to. The object lesson there: there's no limit to doubling down on past excess, immorality, and failure. In fact, the one thing better than admitting one's failure and beginning to recover is to never admit one's failure and clutch ever more violently those scared cows that are literally depositing manure all over everything that's holy. At least, that is the takeaway up to this point. I can't tell you how often we've blown past the last red line over the past two decades, but I don't think we've stopped blowing past red lines yet. I thought Farage becoming an MEP was a low point. That was succeeded by Cameron committing to the referendum, Corbyn refusing to fight Brexit, Brexit, Cameron humming a nonsense tune as he left the UK to burn, and empty vessel named Theresa May becoming PM, Johnson pushing out May, Johnson winning a healthy majority... it is never ending. And one can easily do the same for Trump, the GOP (Mike Pence is about to throw his hat in the ring!), Ford, Kenney, and now Charest and Brown are parroting the same lines. Honestly, perhaps I've just lost my general optimism, but if I examine the trendlines as empirically as possible, I don't see a rebound, but a plummeting asymptote.

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It has always amazed me how right-wing Canadian media is, despite the hate they're getting from the cons all the time... I can't think of any other country where this is the case

Even in the UK, you have clearly partisan left-wing media like the Guardian...in the US, the mainstream media has long recognised that the right-wingers are gonna hate them regardless, so at least they don't really try to appeal to them...in Canada, even the Star tries to push con-friendly content from time to time... weird, innit?...🤔

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