Vassy’s baby presented us with the unique opportunity to watch the same show with a different host, David Cochrane. Spoiler alert: it was not the same show. The notion that we could have an unbiased media is quaint and misguided. But the problem as you noted is that we have relentless, unhelpful, and dishonestly concealed bias from many sources. The quality of discussion and information on PnP went up noticeably during Vassy’s absence, and has sunk again following her return. And there have been signs of Steve Paikin’s loss of integrity for a few years now.

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Thanks Evan! I no longer watch these ‘news’ shows with their pompous pundits. Can’t stand them. Disappointed in Steve Paiken. I thought The Agenda was the last holdout of serious commentary. Of well!

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Nice, now we need part two: stenography as "journalism" and both-sidesism, which would pick up right where this left off. Love this! then part three: CLICKBAIT amplifies stupid things and misses important things/

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Thank you so much for this. I especially appreciated you speaking up for those who wish to add on to information we have researched on our own. CBC seems to have a list of ten names who are experts in everything. I don't believe this is possible or helpful.Where can I go for decent analysis?

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