What's worse is that Clark is deeply attached to Chinese government interests, and her addition to Carney's team would amplify existing concerns that Carney is himself China-aligned.
Everyone seems to have quickly forgotten that in the just-concluded Liberal leadership race, China coordinated a disinformation campaign against Freeland, and by extension, in favour of Carney. The issue grabbed headlines for just 24 hours given the sad state of our media. Poor Chrystia, the best we can say about her is that she's NOT China's preferred candidate (that comes off as mocking but it actually does matter if you care about foreign interference in Canada's sovereignty and democracy).
Christy Clarke is a BC Conservative who changed the name of the party to trick colour coded bloody voters and it worked. I had teacher friends who thought she was federal liberal...and so voted for her, not seeing that her entire cabinet was former Conservatives.
Her legacy is mud. She sued teachers for striking by changing legal legislation during our strike. We had to go to the Supreme Court of Canada to get our 2M back.
She fined protestors and scientists who tried to inform citizens about aquaculture, because of the investment.
She demeaned Ministry workers publicly causing a suicide by one worker, which she never acknowledged.
She stole assets from crown corporations to ensure that LNG could see the that we had frozen a promised retainer for their investment.
She invited American private schools to invest in BC by offering real estate. BC teachers loved that one.
She is a lying spinner of her accomplishments at the cost to British Columbians. We will always be paying more for energy in this province because of the Natural Gas deals and Site C dam that she committed us to. Gas from our own province costs us more to use than customers out of province.
Christy Clark is a Trump. She will say one thing and do another. I will leave the Liberal Party if she is given a position. It's bad enough that her only gift is spin doctor. That's why she offers to help campaigns...she can decorate a lie and make you believe.
We truly can't afford to quibble here because of just HOW bad the alternative is.
Don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good. I agree completely about Clark, lived in B.C. while she was in charge, and am stunned that she would even be considered, but it won't matter because she's just one person, and this group will change.
Agreed. I believe carney will listen. He’s already said the child care and dental programs are staying. He seems committed to renewable energy and protecting us from climate change. I don’t foresee an east/west pipeline in our future. Does he think there could be waste in government spending? Possibly. Doesn’t mean he’s going to slash and burn like DOGE has been doing.
And above all, and I cannot stress this enough, he will not sell us out to 47.
Unless a star candidate appears on the left for the NDP, I’m not going to quibble unless things go too far right.
If Carney wins, I think he needs to think about a War Cabinet--to unify Canada. I think he should include some Conservative members. They might decline the invite, but it doesn't look good on them, if they do that during the existential crisis we are in.
Canada wants strong fiscal management AND strong social supports. These are Canada’s two wings of a bird. The party who addresses both aspects is the party that will succeed. I think Carney has that balance.
As a progressive, I believe it would be wise for Carney to include 2–3 right-leaning ministers in his cabinet, especially given the current tariff threats from Trump (given everything else will probably not matter much at the elections). It will also help to position Carney as someone who can reach across the political divide. It will be a good constrat with PP who does not allow his MPs to talk/work with his opponents.
Charest was the leader of the Progressive Conservative Party of Canada from 1993 to 1998 and then was parachuted in Québec as a Liberal to counter the Parti québécois. An arrogant a$$hole who was kicked out of the Liberal Party when he lost the 2012 election to the sovereigntist Parti Quebecois (PQ) and resigned as premier.
Christy Clark is a no-go. She would stab you in the back and not blink a eye. It could also undermine trust in Carney's decisions and affect the progressive vote in BC - she is not a Liberal (deliberate misuse of the name) and carries too much baggage. Plus she lies!!
I am one of those ancient John Turner-Paul Martin Blue Liberals. I have argued that we can track the erosion of Liberal support since 2015 to the number of Blue Liberals who would not vote for the party anymore because the swing to the left was too much for them. My argument to progressives for the last 2 years was if the Liberals cannot win that vote back, they risk losing everything that was achieved. Poilievre is not going to tweak around the edges. He wants to eliminate the entire Liberal legacy. Everything. I had hoped for a progressive Blue Liberal that could speak to people in plain language. The idea was that a Blue Liberal platform could sacrifice some things to save the most important parts and signal to Blue Liberals a return to sound fiscal policy and smarter economic policy. If I were Carney, I would table a Blue Liberal Paul Martin budget and let Poilievre vote against that to force an election. I would then let Poilievre campaign for 35 days against that Blue Liberal Paul Martin budget. That's this geezer's two cents.
That would corner the little prick alright, but I think the internet campaign of the last decade in particular that spread misinformation and rage farmed against Trudeau and the Liberals was more of a factor than anything, surprisingly exacerbated by the pandemic and a bizarre anti-science following. Unbelievable.
An alarming number of the younger generations believe and read their "feeds" above all else, including critical thinking. Look at the black and white take on the Gaza mess.
I'm looking for a government to start curbing big corporations, but big tech first and foremost because the medium IS very much the message in this case.
It's common for every younger generation to want to speak their own language, but I think this new forum/platform has also come to define AND confine them, far more than they realize, hampering a broader perspective.
Now we’re going to see how smart / tactical Jagmeet Singh really is… because Carney should be an easy target for progressive attacks. If the NDP can’t get to 20% at least they should dump him ASAP.
He certainly doesn’t have a lot of vulnerability on socially progressive issues, at least as far as domestic policies. Palestine is the big one in terms of visibility, but I’m both unconvinced that it moves the needle for most of the electorate and that the NDP could put together a cohesive policy that gains them more than it costs
For fiscal progressive issues, the current NDP doesn’t have a coherent platform of their own, and if they haven’t evolved one at this point they’re not going to before the election
Evan, this is one instance where I think you’re hopelessly East. The reverse version of the Albertan analyzing Quebec politics when they can’t even pronounce the names.
I can superficially see why you’d think otherwise, but Christi Clark has no following or credibility. Not in BC. Not in Alberta. Not nationally. Not among conservatives or moderates. She burned all her bridges a long time ago. She brings nothing to the table. Not for fiscal policy, and not for social policy.
There is no meaningful constituency who will think better of Carney for having her on the team.
I would rather have Kim Campbell than Christi Clark. I don’t think Clark would bring many extra votes in BC.
Christy Clark? Not a Liberal.
What's worse is that Clark is deeply attached to Chinese government interests, and her addition to Carney's team would amplify existing concerns that Carney is himself China-aligned.
Everyone seems to have quickly forgotten that in the just-concluded Liberal leadership race, China coordinated a disinformation campaign against Freeland, and by extension, in favour of Carney. The issue grabbed headlines for just 24 hours given the sad state of our media. Poor Chrystia, the best we can say about her is that she's NOT China's preferred candidate (that comes off as mocking but it actually does matter if you care about foreign interference in Canada's sovereignty and democracy).
Christy Clarke is a BC Conservative who changed the name of the party to trick colour coded bloody voters and it worked. I had teacher friends who thought she was federal liberal...and so voted for her, not seeing that her entire cabinet was former Conservatives.
Her legacy is mud. She sued teachers for striking by changing legal legislation during our strike. We had to go to the Supreme Court of Canada to get our 2M back.
She fined protestors and scientists who tried to inform citizens about aquaculture, because of the investment.
She demeaned Ministry workers publicly causing a suicide by one worker, which she never acknowledged.
She stole assets from crown corporations to ensure that LNG could see the that we had frozen a promised retainer for their investment.
She invited American private schools to invest in BC by offering real estate. BC teachers loved that one.
She is a lying spinner of her accomplishments at the cost to British Columbians. We will always be paying more for energy in this province because of the Natural Gas deals and Site C dam that she committed us to. Gas from our own province costs us more to use than customers out of province.
Christy Clark is a Trump. She will say one thing and do another. I will leave the Liberal Party if she is given a position. It's bad enough that her only gift is spin doctor. That's why she offers to help campaigns...she can decorate a lie and make you believe.
It takes one bad apple to ruin a basket of good intentions.
We truly can't afford to quibble here because of just HOW bad the alternative is.
Don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good. I agree completely about Clark, lived in B.C. while she was in charge, and am stunned that she would even be considered, but it won't matter because she's just one person, and this group will change.
Agreed. I believe carney will listen. He’s already said the child care and dental programs are staying. He seems committed to renewable energy and protecting us from climate change. I don’t foresee an east/west pipeline in our future. Does he think there could be waste in government spending? Possibly. Doesn’t mean he’s going to slash and burn like DOGE has been doing.
And above all, and I cannot stress this enough, he will not sell us out to 47.
Unless a star candidate appears on the left for the NDP, I’m not going to quibble unless things go too far right.
As you said, we can argue later.
If Carney wins, I think he needs to think about a War Cabinet--to unify Canada. I think he should include some Conservative members. They might decline the invite, but it doesn't look good on them, if they do that during the existential crisis we are in.
Canada wants strong fiscal management AND strong social supports. These are Canada’s two wings of a bird. The party who addresses both aspects is the party that will succeed. I think Carney has that balance.
As a progressive, I believe it would be wise for Carney to include 2–3 right-leaning ministers in his cabinet, especially given the current tariff threats from Trump (given everything else will probably not matter much at the elections). It will also help to position Carney as someone who can reach across the political divide. It will be a good constrat with PP who does not allow his MPs to talk/work with his opponents.
I am voting Liberal even if it’s the last thing I do.
A Pierre gov has been a nightmare for me & that was even before tariffs & annexation
Charest was a Liberal when he was premier of Quebec, no?
Charest was the leader of the Progressive Conservative Party of Canada from 1993 to 1998 and then was parachuted in Québec as a Liberal to counter the Parti québécois. An arrogant a$$hole who was kicked out of the Liberal Party when he lost the 2012 election to the sovereigntist Parti Quebecois (PQ) and resigned as premier.
As a long time Liberal and BC resident, I can tell you that Clark would probably turn off Lib support in BC.
Christy Clark is a no-go. She would stab you in the back and not blink a eye. It could also undermine trust in Carney's decisions and affect the progressive vote in BC - she is not a Liberal (deliberate misuse of the name) and carries too much baggage. Plus she lies!!
I am one of those ancient John Turner-Paul Martin Blue Liberals. I have argued that we can track the erosion of Liberal support since 2015 to the number of Blue Liberals who would not vote for the party anymore because the swing to the left was too much for them. My argument to progressives for the last 2 years was if the Liberals cannot win that vote back, they risk losing everything that was achieved. Poilievre is not going to tweak around the edges. He wants to eliminate the entire Liberal legacy. Everything. I had hoped for a progressive Blue Liberal that could speak to people in plain language. The idea was that a Blue Liberal platform could sacrifice some things to save the most important parts and signal to Blue Liberals a return to sound fiscal policy and smarter economic policy. If I were Carney, I would table a Blue Liberal Paul Martin budget and let Poilievre vote against that to force an election. I would then let Poilievre campaign for 35 days against that Blue Liberal Paul Martin budget. That's this geezer's two cents.
That would corner the little prick alright, but I think the internet campaign of the last decade in particular that spread misinformation and rage farmed against Trudeau and the Liberals was more of a factor than anything, surprisingly exacerbated by the pandemic and a bizarre anti-science following. Unbelievable.
An alarming number of the younger generations believe and read their "feeds" above all else, including critical thinking. Look at the black and white take on the Gaza mess.
I'm looking for a government to start curbing big corporations, but big tech first and foremost because the medium IS very much the message in this case.
It's common for every younger generation to want to speak their own language, but I think this new forum/platform has also come to define AND confine them, far more than they realize, hampering a broader perspective.
Now we’re going to see how smart / tactical Jagmeet Singh really is… because Carney should be an easy target for progressive attacks. If the NDP can’t get to 20% at least they should dump him ASAP.
I’m not sure about that.
He certainly doesn’t have a lot of vulnerability on socially progressive issues, at least as far as domestic policies. Palestine is the big one in terms of visibility, but I’m both unconvinced that it moves the needle for most of the electorate and that the NDP could put together a cohesive policy that gains them more than it costs
For fiscal progressive issues, the current NDP doesn’t have a coherent platform of their own, and if they haven’t evolved one at this point they’re not going to before the election
Evan, this is one instance where I think you’re hopelessly East. The reverse version of the Albertan analyzing Quebec politics when they can’t even pronounce the names.
I can superficially see why you’d think otherwise, but Christi Clark has no following or credibility. Not in BC. Not in Alberta. Not nationally. Not among conservatives or moderates. She burned all her bridges a long time ago. She brings nothing to the table. Not for fiscal policy, and not for social policy.
There is no meaningful constituency who will think better of Carney for having her on the team.
Charest?? NO....!!!!!!
May as well bring Justin Trudeau back as communications director