What I don’t understand of both Singh and Eby is the need to engage in any carbon tax discussion at this moment.

Why take the bait from Poilievre? Nobody cares about the carbon tax at the moment. Gas is below $1.40 in Ontario, the lowest in a long time. Nobody cares at the moment about carbon tax. What would have happened if they would have just ignored Poilievre’s sniping?

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Looks like the NDP has been lured by Poilievre's framing of carbon pricing.

However, Eby no doubt has broader climate policy plans for later. Must win first.

Maybe there is no way to fight the current headwinds of carbon pricing anger.

Electoral choices come down to trust in broad directions.

Maybe the B.C. NDP has made a cynical pragmatic calculation.

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Maybe they have the concept of a plan…

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The problem for the left is that they forgot the lessons that the Scandinavians learned in the 1980s and 1990s. You can't build a cradle to grave universal welfare state if you can't afford it. The left didn't focus on the wealth creation side so now we don't have enough money for the wealth spending side.

Only the US, with the world reserve currency, can print cash seemingly forever. Canada can't do that, and now the Liberals have expanded the size and scope of the state without making sure that the current responsibilities are taken care of first.

The left did it to themselves in Canada, and now our dying institutions such as the health care system are in freefall.

They right won't have to kill the Canada Health Act, the left killed it by not building a proper foundation for it.

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Well said. Eby is clearly panicking under intense pressure, and is sadly unable to find the conviction and courage to counter the simplistic conservative narrative. So disappointing.

"The best lack all conviction while the worst are full of passionate intensity" (Yeats writing at a much worst time than ours!)

Where is just one Canadian politician who can clearly explain carbon pricing and climate policy more broadly? One progressive to make the case for the suite of climate policies that Canada needs to pursue not just to save the planet, but to maintain economic competitiveness in a world moving to a new energy system? Our high standard of living depends on seizing this future, and yet Canadians are deluged by political leaders who are complacent, parochial, and shortsighted.

I hold out hope that Carney can somehow rescue our small-minded nation and elevate our economic discourse -- our understanding of what's at stake, Canada's particular opportunities, the path to take us there, and reassurance that things are looking good for ourselves, our kids, and grandkids.

Why are Canadian progressives so unable to articulate both the problems and the solutions we face as a country?

Covid has clearly exhausted our progressive political leaders and shaken our economic security.

The right has pounced on rising anxiety and offered comforting slogans.

The onus is on progressives to tell a different, better story....

Evan, stand up for election!

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The problem isn’t giving a sh!t, it is that parties are marketing arms for special interests. Instead of doing the hard work of building grassroots, competitive election machines, policy institutes, and principled leadership, we get fuzzy wuzzy, poll tested gymnastics and leaders that look good, but are retards. They work for the plutocrats, oligarchs, corporations, or whoever has enough money to fund their Quixotic journeys.

Canadians want a centre-left government that will deliver real change, including good healthcare, climate mitigation policies, strong livable cities that are affordable and able to grow in the 21st C., and an economy that is adaptable to the uncertainties of the future.

Any leader offering any of that? No, they are flakes, frauds, and/or half-baked fruitcakes.

Trudeau has gone as far as he is intellectually capable. He’s a weak sauce progressive, selling progressive conservative ideas about taxes, subsidies to the provinces, and limited federal government. That’s better than PP and his Schutzstaffel cosplay crowd, but holding hands with Mob Ford, Fishy Francois, and Dumb Dani is one hell of a self-own.

So, someone has to do the heavy lifting of building institutions that can think, strategize, and fight. Sunny days is a loser proposition. Fascism is much, much worst. Where is this person? No sane person wants to leave business or the real world to deal with the constant abuse. On the other hand, the sheeple need managing and either ethical leaders emerge or we’re going to be led by wolves to the slaughter.

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Sep 16·edited Sep 16

I think Eby's adapting. And that's a good thing if he wants to win. He has to portray himself as someone reasonable. And he's still projected to win. Just look at the king of flip flops - Doug Ford. Projected to get a third majority.

Anyways, his goal now is to grab whatever vote is still parked with BC United. So he has to be moderate.

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yea man

someone find don iveson please

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why ?

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one of the few recent progressives that I can remember that didn't just govern with empty promises. but unlike some of the others, he's not geriatric haha.

the reference is silly as I doubt he wants anything to do with the federal liberals

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thanks ! Was unaware of him !

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