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"Could The NDP Lose?", Scrimshaw speculates. In this election year? NO. As a resident of BC who has ample knowledge of BC politics and the players, Scrimshaw is just wrong here. The BC Conservatives are far right nutjobs who have no appeal to the mainstream. They are even more dingbatty than Maxime Bernier. I don't care what any pollsters claim nor do I care what the Postmedia dominated media spin, neither the BC Conservatives nor BC United have a hope in hell of winning the next election. The vast majority of residents are not going to give a couple of dingbats in the BC Conservative Party, whose exec director is a white supremacist, power. Nor are they willing to return power to the money laundering-enabling, cash for access pond scum now calling itself BC United - third name change for this party party. (Please note, you only need to change your name when you've destroyed your reputation.) I'm sure many long term NDP voters wish Eby was more leftwing because he's mostly centrist. He has navigated that line masterfully for the most part. Giving a little to each side of the line.

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