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Wells is also the guy with the famous "rules" of Canadian politics, one of which is that the hive-minded bubbleheads in the media are usually wrong about what they do and don't know. At least he admits that at any given moment, he could be one of them. Which... he often is. Along with his cohorts -- like Jen Gerson, who should have "Relax, Doug Ford will be fine" engraved on a plaque as a career-ending epitaph. Or sewn into her clothing to wear as a mark of shame. Someone remind him of the now infamous "Resistance" cover story, that featured Ford among the rest of the Trumpish premiers and Andrew effing Scheer as some kind of Machiavellian group of extraordinary geniuses who would for sure be Trudeau's worst nightmare. If anything Ford being elected at all is one of the worst contributions to Canadian life that the media bears responsibility for. They should be ashamed of their Hillaryification of Kathleen Wynne.

The coziness of the Queen's Park press gallery to this government, and the national media's unwillingness to *repeatedly* call out the criminal fecklessness in that wretched hive of scum and villainy (preferring instead to obfuscate jurisdictional realities and lay the blame on Trudeau), is an absolute outrage. Yet they continue to bothsides democracy and lives in the balance of an unceasing public health crisis in the name of "objectivity." How truly, truly wrong they are indeed, and Wells should update his eponymous rules to reflect that his industry is FOS. Ford and his ilk may not be the PM's worst nightmare, but they've been hell on earth for vulnerable Canadians. Maclean's should be highlighted for its own Paul Wells edition of the Sports Illustrated Curse.

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