agreed! There's no case for Freeland. She's also had ten years to hone her communication skills and either does not have the capability or can't admit to herself that this is a major weakness of hers. I'd rather take the unknown of Carney than a doomed candidacy under Freeland. I love this party and I hope more than anything Carney can pull us out of this hole we're falling into.

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Goodness ... you said this Evan !!!

"If you want Canada to be in a good position, why would picking a Prime Minister that Donald Trump hates be a good thing?" Really!! Are you too on your knees to the 'Orange One' ??

Canada should choose a PM that understands Canada, it's challenges domestically and internationally. Choosing a PM to make the Donald happy is sooo ridiculous to be totally brainwashed. Besides which, Freeland has dealt with this goof before.

Geez ... take a break, drink some tea ... I can't believe you actually said that. Wow ...

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I agree that Freedland is much inferior to Mark Carney as a candidate. She has been much too close to Trudeau for much too long, and will not be able to distance herself in a couple of months. I can see the Conservative ads already. Besides, what I have seen of her as a retail politicians isn't very promising -- she has a tin ear for people's concerns.

By contrast, Carney comes across as an adult. I may not agree with him on all issues, but I think that he has the qualities to make a good leader. His handicap is that we don't know how he would perform on the hustings. Yes, he did a good job with Jon Stewart, but that was a very friendly interview. How will he do under fire? We don't know. Still, better a candidate that might work out (Carney) rather than a candidate who is doomed (Freedland).

As for Karina Gould, her candidacy is a joke, right? She will be on the opposition benches for the next eight years, and after that, any recognition that she might garner in this leadership race will have dissipated. But I will always remember her as the Minister Responsible for the Issuance of Passports.

In passing, my father fought against the Soviets in World War 2. He wasn't a Nazi, he was a conscript.

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Like you, I have NEVER understood her appeal. PP would absolutely demolish her, as would The Real MAGA crew.

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Imagine this scenario.

Freeland accepts the role of Captain Canada, leading the charge against the Orange Menace from down South. She spins it as doing what is needed for Canada right now, even if it is perceived by some as a demotion (it isn’t). She would be in front of a row of premiers, rallying the troops, daily press conferences etc. She would have been the most visible politician while distancing herself from cabinet and Trudeau at the same time. In the meantime Carney would have been doing boring economic stuff at Finance.

Then elections come. Liberals lose, Trudeau resigns, Freeland is front and centre and ready to take over. Liberals magically win, Trudeau stays on for some time and hands over leadership to Captain Canada. Carney is still doing boring stuff at Finance.

Freeland missed a golden opportunity to become the designated next leader of the Liberals.

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1) Carney was never taking Finance

2) Freeland was being offered a demotion so she wouldn’t be front and centre

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Huh? Freeland would the point person for everything related to Canada-US relations and deputy PM. She would have led the first minister meetings. She would have led delegations to Washington to explain the lunacy of tariffs. The role provided an enormous platform. She would be Doug Ford, but with a brain and able to read complex words.

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Please allow me a thought experiment.

Assume that Freeland wins the LPC leadership. I know, I know, but I said this was a thought experiment.

Anyway, she wins and then calls DJT to negotiate and end to the trade war. At that point, Freeland remembers that she was BOASTING that DJT "hates" her. So, do you think that the DJT will take her call? Perhaps, the switchboard will say that DJT is busy and will call back after successfully buying Greenland or some such.

As I said, a thought experiment that should be considered by anyone thinking of voting for Freeland.

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Why are people still thinking that this is a negotiation with Trump? The tariffs are not a means to an end. They are the “end”. Trump wants tariffs. Full stop.

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Yes, basically. At least Gould can say she’s the progressive candidate who is pushing for young, middle class families or something similar but Freeland just has nothing in this race. Carney is too similar and then more compelling in every way you mentioned.

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Oh Man, I agree ... she needs more ...SOON..... Help her out..... get on her team.... give your head a shake..... She will be the best thing for CANADA in the long run ( with Carney as her Finance Minister) :) You know the big boys want him ,but all that he will do is lead the funeral procession of the Liberal party with an air of dignity into the dark night.

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Carney won't take anything less than PM. Why do you think he turned Trudeau down for the position?

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Ya… I agree,

All or nothing for him… being a banker knowing a banker, I prefer nothing…..

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