
They haven’t responded to any of the other five-alarm-fire polling or results over the last year, why would you expect them to start now?

On a fundamental level, the entire Liberal party apparatus continues to operate as if they really think everything is fine. Fine inside the party, fine with the provinces, fine with general voters, fine internationally.

One of the things that I’m most looking forward to over the next few month, is that with a changing of the guard we might start getting some inside takes about just what the hell they've been thinking, any who has been making the calls

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On one level, I think your fears are a bit overblown. I think the Conservatives are polling where they are in Quebec because some Quebecers like to vote for the perceived winner to gain influence with them. It’s part of how Trudeau won a majority in 2015.

On another level, I agree with you. English Canada is, IMO, in danger of disintegrating culturally within the next decade or two because no one has taken the effort to build the institutions necessary to support English Canadian culture. Quebec and the First Nations are what help distinguish English Canadians from Americans. If we push one or both away, then English Canada will essentially become America, with all the negative cultural consequences that would entail. As to how to stop this, I have no solution except for a thorough rebuild of both the Liberal and New Democrat parties. They are failing at the art of politics by convincing people outside their base to support them. That includes Quebecers. Hopefully you could do your part for the Liberals in a more official capacity, Evan.

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Even if you still need an editor.

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So, Evan, you are upset that the LPC is "poised" (you quote Anglo pundits) "... to elect a candidate who not only does not have any relationship with Quebec but doesn't seem to care."

Chickens. Home. To. Roost.

After nine years as the PM wherein he actively sought to denigrate Canada, particularly the ethos of English speaking Canada, where he went to war with Alberta, yada, yada, yada, bring on the fucking referendum. You people who worry about Quebec but not the ROC are not my Canada.

And I say that with the greatest affection.

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War with Alberta? Trudeau didn't start that. No Conservative PM built them a pipeline to tidewater. How many millions were given to clean up abandoned oil wells (why don't oil companies have to do that?) Do they even have to put down a deposit now to do that? Transition to alternative fuel sources, slowly it's going to happen if you want to live on planet earth. UCP seem to be wholly beholden to the oil and gas industry and nothing else. Have squandered chances at developing more solar/wind lately. Texas hasn't. I agree that eventual Liberal leader has to be fluent in French, but does not have to come from Quebec. Let's see who the candidates are before he says they don't " understand" Quebec.

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Hmm... I'm pretty sure Quebec is also distinct in its early and deep embrace of net zero.

Who better than global climate change expert Mark Carney to articulate and advance climate policy and the vast opportunities for Quebec and Canada in the transition to renewable energy?

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