In my opinion there are two dynamics at play here:

Now that a Trump is president and we really see the damage he doing and is prepared to do, voters are having second thoughts about a potential Poilievre government. I believe we would have seen this also with Trudeau still continuing as a leader, but of course we will never know.

The second, smaller effect, is the proroguing of parliament. No opportunity to make social media anymore for Conservatives. In fact, I think we should prorogue more often.

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Don't concern yourself at all with being called a "partisan hack."

Clearly such people lack discernment and have utterly failed to read the room, which is screaming loudly that journalistic impartiality, integrity, and objectivity of yore not only no longer apply, but have become enough of a liability to have spawned a new word-- BOTHSIDESISM, very much a pejorative. Like, duh.

Especially since Trump won. How fucking stupid ARE people that they would even CONSIDER supporting ANYONE who is even remotely Trump-ADJACENT at this point, as him and "da boys" begin doling out bona fide FASCISM? Remember Timothy Snyder's warning--"Post-truth is pre-fascism." Americans are now officially living the nightmare.

And the conservatives here are more than just Trump-adjacent FFS. Talk about believing someone when they repeatedly not only TELL you who they are, but then also SHOW you! The CPC truly is the Convoy Party of Canada, or the Christian Party of Canada, etc. etc., whatever you pick, the brand has been headed for absolute shit ever since super-religious Preston Manning took it over, and it's there now. Religion still lurks at the heart of the matter, hiding in plain sight, waiting patiently to erupt like it has in the theocracy-adjacent U.S. with Project 2025.

And speaking of that nightmare, anyone on the side of big tech is also tacitly enabling the destruction of civilization as we have known it, period.

That's your generation Evan; it IS mostly your cohort supporting Poilievre, "Lord of the Flies" aficionado coasting on the fumes of leading Harper's legion of "boys in short pants." Little boys who have grown into smaller men i.e.

And then there's climate change. Which side unbelievably still denies it, AND science itself (!!??) again? And which generation will have to actually try and survive THAT lurking catastrophe again? A potential nightmare like no other except nuclear war?

ANYONE who still supports the political right wing in ANY capacity at this point, is out of their mind and a threat to us all.

Consider this poem by Gwendolyn Brooks:

"The toys are all grotesque

And not for lovely hands; are dangerous,

Serrate in open and artful places. Rise.

Let us combine. There are no magics or elves

Or timely godmothers to guide us. We are lost, must

Wizard a track through our own screaming weed."

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Thank you for your insights.

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After the last 3-4 days I'm actually grateful to trump. He has single-handedly done more to repair the divisiveness in Canada than any Canadian political leader has been capable of doing. The trump associates on Poilievre's campaign must be tearing their hair out right now....

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Again Thank You. I too disparately hope the swing is real!

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