Why has no one dug into all this? Because there’s no reporters left. I doubt there’s as many as 100 full time investigative journalists left working in Canada. Across all levels and topics. Not to mention the hollowing out of the research and support staff that work really needs.

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Erin O’Toole will soon be forgotten. Finding the courage on your way out, when there is nothing on the line (other than your own future employability), is not very courageous at all and in all likelihood just self serving.

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This interesting essay could have been made more solid if the author had done one more read through for mistakes.

I agree generally with Mr. Scrimshaw's dismissal of O'Toole as a serious character. I agree also that there is not much journalism of substance to be found in the commentaries of the larger Canadian media venues as well as in the woke blatherings of "alternative" commentary such as that in Rabble and Tyee.

In my opinion the most consequential speech O'Toole ever made was when he explained his own personal experience with the Chinese political interference. I take seriously his conclusion that it changed the outcome of the 2021 election. It probably did. This characterization by a former leader of the official opposition party has huge ramifications for the credibility of Parliament and for the trust in authority by all Canadians. And yet Evan Scrimshaw didn't even address directly the content of this specific speech and its broader implications.

The big media venues these days seem drawn to the trivial in the effort to steer our attention away from the crime spree underway in our country at the highest levels. In fact much of the media participates in this crime spree by covering it up. Given his support of Rachel Notley and his contempt for Danielle Smith in the recent Alberta election, I take it that Scrimshaw is part of the woke crew of Canadian journalism. Or maybe I'm making assumptions. What is it Evan?

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I agree that the recent speech about the 2021 election was much more valuable than his exit speech. However, Erin O’Toole did the same thing as the torquers in the Globe and Mail and at Global News: presenting intelligence as black and white facts. And the problem is, they are not facts and certainly not evidence. Intelligence are indications, suspicions, typically contradictory. Erin O’Toole knows this and yet he happily partakes in accusing the current government of in effect treason.

Having said that, what on Earth are you talking about the crime spree at the highest levels. You can disagree with the current government, you can claim that they are incompetent, but why is it necessary to accuse them of crimes? We don’t need this kind of Trumpism in Canada.

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You ask Dan about a crime spree in Canada. Well how many dead and injured from the government-media-woke-NDP sanctioning of jabs and mandates that didn't stop the spread of COVID but did cause the kind of outcomes explained in detail by many experts including Edward Dowd? What about all the bribery, kickbacks attending this hoax pushed also by Donald Trump with all his bragging about his role on fast tracking Warp Speed vaccine? What about all the media deception and the court cases that are bringing the fraud to light including now in this transgender scam ? What about the Trudeau government's interventions in the neutrality of courts to get the rulings it wants, including the "mooting" of the Charter. Please be more attentive Dan. Please put aside your ridiculous Trump fixation and get more real about what's going on in our own country. AJH

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You need to seek help.

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Edward Dowd? You mean the anti-vaccine guru spreading quackery whose claims have been debunked. Good god. Go back to your Q cult.

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Aj. Your idea of deep research I suppose is listen to Rachel Notley and the CBC. Q cult is to reassure those that want to question authority that all is being taken care of by some fictitious white hats. Do a bit of genuine homework rather than resting complacent under the spell of those who have killed and injured millions with the gene-altering snake juice.

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Your delusional brainwashed thinking has severely impacted your cerebral cortex. I'd consider checking yourself in with the rest of the lunatics under the spell of pseudoscientists and conspiracy theorists. Bye bozo. Enjoy the evening.

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I asked a simple question > aimed directly at Mainstream Media ‘journalism’

Did Mr Erin O’Toole

- Speak to Mr David Johnston in their meeting

- The way he ‘spoke about him’ in his ‘brave’ Exit Speech & Substack ‘Essay’ on Blue Sky ??

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.. lovin it..! every damn word ..! ripped him a new one + MainMedia ..! most excellent, deserved & bodacious ! 🦎🏴‍☠️☠️

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