Really like the suggestions, I have one to add: reduce student to teacher ratio. This is really expensive, and would require a lot of portables and new schools, but education is personal as he said and the relationship between teacher and student is the most important part of it. The less relationships you have, the more time and care you can put into them. In child care, when the ratios were reduced during Covid restrictions, we also saw a reduction in referrals for special needs and requests for support. I’d bet dollars to donuts you’d see the same in public schools

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Bonnie Crombie just invited Christy Clark to advise her. Bonnie Crombie should just fold her tent and join the Ford circus. Clark was arguably the most corrupt premier BC ever had. She even had to buy a seat because the riding she inherited from Gordon Campbell rejected her. Crombie couldn't be a worse pick for the Ontario Liberals.

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