Mr Scrimshaw, I agree with your assessment that a bold Liberal platform will lead to a Liberal government, but I want it should be noted for posterity that this is at least the second election during Horwath's tenure that the NDP could have won if not for better leadership.

A Liberal victory here would be due to the confluence of factors.

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Well written as always and you described perfectly what I'm also concerned about with Del Duca. Assuming that I recall correctly, he once commented that they lost the last election because they went too left and Canadians want a centrist government. I really hope he doesn't still believe that because I think he's mistaken.

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You say silly things like that so donors who are overwhelmingly centre-right give you a go. They lost because everyone was upset with the Liberals privatizing Hydro and like Gas Prices in the US and Biden's approval, the things were linked by the opposition talking about it a ton. Everyone talked about Hydro privatization, the Tory solution was to fire the "one million dollar man" which you know, has no solution to the problem if they're not going to talk about price controls but appeals to donors who like the "free market" or whatever.

The Liberal way to victory is always to talk left wing and say only they can win. They need to take back that upper-middle class "I'll never vote NDP vote" who didn't show up last election in the GTA while ganging up on Ford. The power-breakers didn't like the NDP leading Ontario under Bob Rae in the early 1990s, they basically sabotaged him (go read about it, numerous big Canadian publications talked about how they all went in on sabotaging him). If the Liberals aren't seen as a favourite, the media will once again pretend it's a battle of Bob Rae's ghost vs Moderate Doug Ford. Which will once again lead to a Tory government.

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