Please move the Liberal Party of Canada back to the centre as it was during the Chretien years.

The deal with the NDP is over so no need to cater to the left any more.

Please return the Liberals as the voice of the centre!

Thank you for your leadership!

Phil Zanotti

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This election will not be won or lost on wonky policy details. It is about a feeling that Canada is broken. Carney will not be able to channel that sentiment (or perhaps the better word is rage.)

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I agree with you. The Liberals are certain to be wiped out in a wave of righteous voter anger.

But...I am mindful of the gathering dark clouds and shifting sands due to Trump returning to office. He is threatening Canadian jobs and economic well-being, emboldening Russia to continue its war in Ukraine, encouraging China's plans to take over Taiwan. How well will Poilievre manage to contain Trump and deal with ongoing and new domestic and international crises? His biggest drawback is that he has been a politician his entire professional life and knows nothing of anything else. His knowledge base is so limited.

How soon after the Conservatives' first majority will it be before voters see the appeal of someone (maybe even like Carney) who has well-known experience in dealing with domestic and international crises, and who, despite all his faults, has undeniable intelligence, gravity and seriousness? The way back for the Liberals may be as soon as one election cycle.

On Twitter, Marc Lévesque made a great point about the intellectual ability and economic qualifications of our highest political actors, which is particularly relevant in light of the proposed Trump tariffs: Against Trudeau, Poilievre more than held his own. Against Carney, he cannot.

As much as I despise the current Liberals, even I would prefer to have Carney as PM leading the Canadian response to Trump's unprecedented threats, rather than Poilievre.

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Liberals and Conservatives are both to blame for the housing and Mark Carney was the centre of it in 2008 at the Bank of Canada. Its been going on ever since... in 2008 instead of having boomers lose out we robbed furture genertations into a real esate financial ponzi scheme turning the young into indebted financial slaves who dont own propetry and have their money used (100ès of billions worth) to pump up assests of elites and boomers. Mark Carney is an economic terrorist and a threat to Canada. Evan, I know you know better. Ive enjoyed your writings on politics but I warn you against Carney. I hate conservatives but would rather see PP as PM than Mark Carney... and i really really really hate PP

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You strike the right notes in the « speech » that Carney should make on Dorchester Square aka Place du Canada. But most of it should be en français. I get it that English Canadians also need to hear this so maybe some of this needs to be repeated in the other language.

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Oh, I’d have him deliver it in French, I’m just not good enough to write it well in French

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I would support a Liberal Party that someone like Mark Carney rebuilt. Carney as the plopped on leader of Justin Trudeau’s Liberals?

Nope. That’s a pass.

There’s no place where this level of out & out incompetence can be rewarded with anything less than a solid kick in the &ss. Out behind the barn with them & don’t come back ‘till you fix what’s ailed you, stem to stern.

Take your lumps, do the work & come back to me when you’re finished.

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All of these are good points. However, I don’t know how effective a right-wing pivot on law and order issues would be. IMO, voters already have images of what a party is “supposed” to be, and the Liberals’ image, right or wrong, is that of being soft on crime. This type of reasoning is part of why the Democrats lost the election; not enough people believed they would be tough on the border because that’s not what a Democrat is “supposed” to be. Similarly in BC, the NDP lost seats in Richmond and Surrey because those voters didn’t believe the NDP had tough on crime in their perceived brand.

Carney would be better off to acknowledge that the Liberals are not a tough on crime party, but to justify that based on the historic failures of Conservative policy. In terms of your point, acknowledge the failure of some of the Liberals’ crime policies but warn against going back to the failed policies of the Conservatives.

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PP based his entire campaign on demonizing JT. A new leader has thrown his strategy. With a new leader the ‘problems’ he ranted on disappear with the past leader. Citizens desire policy not politics. Economic policy is what will fix economic woes and that has to include environmental policy as LA burns. Economic policy will also improve the housing issue as Private Equity has turned housing into a commodity. Yes, municipalities have a considerable impact on the housing issue so if the Feds invest in infrastructure that goes a significant distance to moderating development charges and it employs people but contractors need workers and that’s why they lobby for immigrants.

Goodness - life is complex isn’t it !!

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I assume your list is not all inclusive but I hope you are working up some plan for tax reform including recognizing that the growing chasm between the super wealthy and the rest of us needs to be addressed.

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Hmmm ..... so, Evan, what you are suggesting is that Carney go to Montreal and promise that the federal government, "... will govern only as much as is necessary. We do not need an overzealous Federal government trying to impose our values on provinces."

And, yes, I fully expect that Carney would a) mean precisely that; and b) actually follow through.

In Quebec. But, in the ROC he would be a typical Liberal and tell us what we should do to meet his agenda. Quebec can go on it's own way but us? We will have to follow LPC dicta.

Yup, got it.

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question...single stair and development charges? doesn't single stair development bar handicap people from living there? didn't doug Ford already waive develpoment fees for his buddies leaving municipalities on the hook? adding to the tax bill for residents to absorb?..just wondering how this would work?

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1) there’s ways to ensure single stair without reducing disabled mobility and the double stair rules are out of step with European countries - it can be done properly

2) he didn’t, Bonnie Crombie proposed eliminating them on everything but McMansions and funding community needs centrally instead of raising the price of housing by hundreds of thousands per unit

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