I’d like to turn this into a pdf, add my personal notes to it, and send it to my Liberal MP.

I really like our MP, she’s been easily the best, most supportive and approachable representative we’ve ever had in our riding. If CPC wins our riding in the next election, we will end up with Dr. Matt f’ing “I would sooner give my children COVID-19 than a McDonald’s Happy Meal” Strauss as our MP.

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If I see no names of Liberal MPs this is nothing more than foreign interference, (probably Russian), to ensure JT misinformation is the topic of Thanksgiving Conversation instead of just how inept and compromised the CPC and their Harper Clone "Leader" Pierre Poilievre truly are.

If the rumour is actually true and the total is less than fifty they can go sit with the ReformerCons and bring try to bring the parliament to an end and at the same time their respective careers in politics.

The last thing I want to see is a prorogation of parliament.

It's too late to choose a replacement anyway and to do so would be a definite loss for the Libs in the next election.

If a fall for the Libs deemed necessary, (by the voters not the pollsters and pundits), let JT take the hit and not a new leader whoever that might be.

It's important to remember who brought the Libs to election dance.

Not once.

Not twice.

But three times now and my money is on a fourth as well.

A loss to a party of convoy clowns with no plan for policy aside from axe the tax and documentable fascist leanings.


These are not Conservatives.

They are Reform/Alliance leftovers.

More specifically, Manning's Merry Morons.

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No, it is too late for a change. Getting Trudeau to resign is also exactly what the CPC wants. They don’t want to run against Trudeau. Yes, right now they are well ahead of the polls, but they also know that Trudeau is the best campaigner for the Liberals.

Changing leaders now would create complete chaos. Who would be anointed? Would the other contenders agree? Would the new leader have to come from Quebec to protect the seats there? It is a mess and the opposition would immediately smell blood and go to an election as soon as possible.

Now, there is a much more obvious change that may need to be necessary. The current PMO is tired and worn out. This could be a chance that will have a much bigger impact. I suspect that Katie Telford will step back and a new chief of staff will come in. The good news is that Evan has already written the playbook for any new chief of staff in past columns.

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Jenni Byrne literally limited prominent Conservatives from going to Toronto St. Paul’s because the CPC don’t want Trudeau to resign

This isn’t true

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Why would you think Jenni Byrne is telling the truth? I would take everything she claims with a few kilograms of salt.

The only thing Jenni Byrne is interested in is creating chaos in the Liberal party. She does not care if it is mutiny in the caucus or a rushed leadership race. Both will suit her purpose.

Evan, you made excellent points a few weeks back on what the Liberal party should be doing. Most of these issues need to be managed by the PMO, not the PM himself. If you want change in the Liberal party, start there.

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Because I don’t have this fact from public statements, I have it from sourced reporting

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Come on. How easy would it be for Jenni Byrne to plant this reason with a few people in her circles, when the real reason is that they were not sure how Toronto would turn out and they did not want to be too invested?

Sourced or not, it is just too easy for her to do some trolling here. Especially afterwards when the results were in.

Having said that, let’s all agree to stop worrying about the CPC might do or what their preference is. Worry about the things you can control, like some sustained message control as you suggested.

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Amazing article and yes so ‘time’ do the party the hope of ‘living to fight another day’ before it is desimated Suzanne

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I totally agree, Justin should remain as Leader of the Liberals. He and his team have done so much for this Country and we need them now, more than ever, to deal with the Conservatives and the Conservative conspiracy theories and nonsense.

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Then I’d suggest they’re welcome to start doing that any time now

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Word today is that this "revolt" is BS. Several MPs have denied being involved. Two that were named as having organized it have said they had no part in it. Let's see what transpires.

I came across a great comment the other day. It was along these lines:

An individual has been CEO of a company for nine years and has achieved many accomplishments. Things weren't always perfect - what is? - but a lot was done for the good of that company. The CEO et al still has more to accomplish. This CEO is also highly regarded on a global scale. Should they be expected to step down and be replaced simply because said CEO has been around for nine years? This, DESPITE having pulled said company from the "evil clutches" of a global threat (pandemic), came out the other side to be one of the top companies (greatest GDP growth in the G7), has a new plan approved to benefit people significantly (dental care), with more coming (Pharmacare) AND is projected to be the economic growth winner next year.

With that record, and with more to come, I highly doubt anyone in the corporate world would want a successful CEO to be replaced and risk sabotaging their success, basically handing the reins to a batshit crazy opponent chomping at the bit to decimate said company. Same applies to Canada. If true, why are these coward MPs not uniting behind the PM and getting out there to defend their party and all it's accomplished and will continue to? Not only did they wait for JT to be out of the country, but they're feeding the Conservative beast and essentially doing its bidding.

And this coordinated effort by the media to oust the PM is truly abhorrent. No fact-checking or critical thinking for any of them. It's been this way for awhile, but it was blatantly evident this past week when CBC Tonight touted Pierre's speech re the one year anniversary of the ongoing genocide as "prime ministerial ", going so far as to say his speech received louder applause than the PM's. Oh yes, very PMish to talk about bombing Iran's nuclear facility.

And if anyone should be replaced, it's Pierre. Now THERE is a career politician who has accomplished nothing in his 20 years of living off the teat of Canadians. It is Pierre who has voted against anything beneficial to Canadians AND is obviously only in it to gain power, nothing more.

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This is a fantastic article. Well done!

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"Small ethical lapses"? Eegad.

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So, who in your opinion, should be at the helm of the liberal party?

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