Why does it has to be either or? I think Singh is a sanctimonious liar who happens to be too stupid to understand he is a sanctimonious liar.

Personally I think Singh is just not very smart, surrounded by people that are equally not very smart. A smarter position would be “luxury condos are fine, but the government needs to do more”. It is telling that there don’t seem to be people in his circle that explain to him that not everything in life is class warfare.

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Building luxury condos is actually a good thing. Many aging boomers stay put in large empty SFHs because they can't find anything smaller up to the standards they're used to. Those houses could go to larger families instead.

Fully agree with your assessment of Mr. Singh. I don't think he's stupid, but rather a hypocrite and a habitual liar.

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At the risk of caricature, traditionally in Canada, the Liberals were the party of big business, the Conservatives were the party of small business. and the NDP were the party of the workers. Now the NDP has abandoned the workers, and they are drifting to the Conservatives. Hence the CPC lead.

The CPC still has its extremist fringe, of course, although many of those have packed their bags and moved to Mr. Bernier. But it's not the extremists who have brought CPC support up to 40% in current polls. It's the working class. The CPC may not help the workers all that much once in power, but at least they seem to take their problems seriously. The NDP? Not so much. And of course, the Liberals have taken great pride in being the champions of the middle class, even naming a Minister for that favored constituency. A Minister for the Working Class? You have to be kidding.

So there is nowhere else for workers to turn to. It's as simple as that.

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What a comedown for the party of honourable, intelligent leaders like Broadbent, Layton, Lewis, Douglas...

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Well put. I find it increasingly hard to believe the polls still put his party at 18-20% ish range. I forsee them getting crushed by Conservatives in their rural seats and Liberals in their urban ones when the election comes.

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I’d prefer it if Jagmeet was a cynical lier. A genuine opportunistic lier would be more effective than what we actually get from him, even if it would still be bad for the party, long term.

He’s infamous for surrounding himself with a tiny group of his friends, and refusing to consult with anyone else. So I assume he’s a genuine idiot trapped in an echo chamber.

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"massively lower demand for housing (read: slash immigration levels and then freeze them there for at least half a decade)." I know housing policy wasn't the point of the post, but reducing investment demand in housing by making it harder or more expensive for individual Canadians, investment companies and people from other countries from buying residential real estate will be much more effective than reducing immigration.

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if you look into the personal histories of party leaders it's common to find childhood situations that cause them to drive single-mindedly for power and control. Not knowing JS's history in detail, my guess is it was racism and absent father? Regardless of cause, a person not up to the task is in charge of the NDP. the fact that they have not dumped him leads me to believe it's really just about a good pay cheque, pension and private hospital. it was not always this way, but now they are just dialing it in.

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some o your ‘sweeping statements aside’ (did you just describe Kirsty Duncan as an ‘arrogant liar’ ?)

As a non-partisan Senior & amoral observer will say that Jagmeet Singh is doing a wonderful job of tarnishing whatever remains of the NDP ‘brand’

(this after his sneering creaminess - Thomas Mulcair & his current shit eating grinning on Power & Pimping was through with it.. & now parks there with Ride Me Wilfred James Moore & misc mercenary PR droids speculating of their wet dream ‘Walk In The Snow’)

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