"...if Higgs loses this gamble, it will be because Policy 713 wasn’t enough to save him..."

That is the crux of the matter for the Opposition. Highlight just how this gamble is a nakedly opportunistic attempt to befuddle voters and make them forget about all of the reasons the Higgs Government should be turfed, and otherwise don't engage with 713 other than to say it's confused and will result in the opposite of what it intends.

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"Anti-trans"? Its not about that. Be gay, trans, cross-dressers, or whatever. That's not the issue. The issue is, LEAVE OUR KIDS ALONE. Cease and desist attacking the family structures of Western Civilization. First Danielle Smith and now Higgs. Is it getting a bit uncomfortable for those woke folk presently aligned with governments, corporations, Wall Street, Big media etc.? Leave our kids alone. Enough of trying to trivialize as "anti-trans" the growing movement of those who have had it with the lunacy, dishonesty, and self-righteous aggressiveness of woke politics.

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How is this policy change “leaving kids alone”. This policy is forcing schools to inform parents if kids want to be left alone. It injects the government into is family matter where it has no business.

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If there is an election, what is the influence of the conservatives that refused to go along with Higgs? Are they thrown out of the party? Are they still allowed to run? And if there is an election, and they are still allowed to run, would the end result not be similar to the current composition?

Now, this policy change is the worst kind of politics. But it could backfire spectacularly. With the Liberals and the sensible conservatives teaming up to explain to the public why this is a horrible policy, I am wondering if a majority of people will see through this awful stunt.

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I think Higgs’ biggest gamble is that he can keep a leash on the supporters this is going to empower. At least long enough to get through the campaign.

The anti-trans campaigners openly see it as a wedge to go after other disadvantaged groups. And once you let those people start to shape your campaign, and hire their friends to run it, it can get out of hand awful fast

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