I think Nate would be a great choice.

When I heard Bonnie Crombie speaking about how she thinks Ontario Liberal policy was “too far left”…I felt nauseous. Yeah. That’s clearly what we need in Ontario to attempt to repair the social damage left by Ford & Cronies after 8 years in power…more right-leaning wealth-protecting crap. Nope. 🤦🏼‍♀️

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I agree with your position on Crombie. I was stunned when she said Liberals need to govern centre right. Yesterday she pulled back a little from the "right" part but I think only because the feedback was brutal. Nate seems like a much better fit for Toronto. Can he beat Doug? Time will tell.

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regarding Bonnie's hard-on for Churchill, he used poison gas and had aircraft straffe Kurdish villagers in northern iraq. The USA at the time who carpet bombed german cities and dropped a A bomb on japan to see what would happen & teach a lesson to the russians (win win), thought that churchill went over the top on the Kurds. So what part of crimes against humanity makes Bonnie all woosey and warm on her insides?

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Have a look at Ted Hsu from Kingston. He's another I'd vote for. A solid community advocate for many years, and unchallenged integrity.

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I’d be fascinated to hear any thoughts you might have on what policies and election strategy you’d like to see from the liberals as compared to what policies and strategies you’d like to see from the NDP.

What are areas that are good policy for one and not the other?

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