I don’t know if the dental plan will make much of a difference. Will the rural voters recognize that the Liberals or the NPD realized this benefit? Just like it is not that clear at all that the Liberals get credit for massively reducing child poverty through a much more aggressive child benefit plan?

On the other hand, Poilievre cannot help himself. He has only one mode: lie and attack. For example, I have no doubt that he was ready to attack Trudeau for not inviting him for the Biden dinner. Instead of checking if something had gone wrong with the invitation, it was seen as an opportunity for another grievance. Canadians will get tired of this. The question is if they are more tired of Trudeau.

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I vote liberals federally and NDP provincially. These new conservatives can take a long walk over a shirt pier. The corruption out of that party is as dirty as their lies. Women should never vote conservatives ever!!! Our prime minister has done more for people yet there’s still that immature hate. Pierre is a bully who WILL take away everything that makes Canada great. He’s already said years ago he’d take away federal pensions and EI no more maturity leave, no child care support, no dental care. Insurance is a bust they support conservatives and deny claims to those of us who have paid into insurances all our working life. Canada will be controlled by the 1% under conservatives. Sadly people have left hate steer their heads in the sand and brought all election crap when the conservatives did the damage not the liberals. I’m losing my hope for churches with these voters in there willing to let go of our crowns and social programs. When hate takes over corruption that means no one has become an adult.

Exhausted on the hate and name calling, when our PM if people actually paid attention to the federal government’s website instead of Canadian media failure has done more for us even women that conservatives wanna take away. The conservatives ruined my life, they are cruel, disgusting and abusive. Yet their voters are the most uneducated on politics

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The Libs and NDP will need to advertise their dental care expansion broadly and steadily. It's up to them to tell that story effectively. Agree that this benefit does corner the Cons.

PP has always been an attack dog. Can he change? Shows zero signs of maturing so far. Seems to not understand Canada as he follows the UK Tory and Republican playbooks.

He's cynically playing the margins, microtargetting amd motivating voters. Hard to see how he can overcome the progressive majority of Canadians. But voter turnout is always the key.

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