You keep writing about Poilievre cutting child care and dental care. He’s not cutting it but it could really use a remake anyway and dental care is a nothing burger. He’s going to reduce the size of the civil service and consultants since he won’t need help making a fucking decision. Maybe/hopefuly program expenditures will have measurable goals and those that fail will get cancelled like hopefully the Liberal party will in the next election. Singh and the NDP should be decimated as they deserve to be.

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Let's keep it real Nadler.

If Poilievre wins a majority, he'll gut everything.

If he wins a minority he'll have to behave in a restrained way - just as Harper did until 2011 when he gutted everything in sight even including the long form census.

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Except slashing the Civil service is a part of the programs you mention. You can't cut one without cutting the other. PP is a great opposition leader, but in his 20 yr tenure he truly remains untested in any true position of power.

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"great opposition leader"

He's a far right populist.

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Did you understand what was written after the "great opposition leader"? And regardless of his being a far right populist, he's a annoying, squeaky wheel, that's part of what's needed as leader of the opposition. If JT stays on and the liberals are the official opposition, I hope he too is a annoying, squeaky wheel.

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CBC interviewed a poli-sci professor emeritus from UBC (sorry can't recall the name, you'll have to trust me) who said he doesn't think the Tories can hold Toronto-St. Paul - a riding they narrowly won - in a general election because by-elections are taken less seriously by voters than a general election when policies mean more than personalities and slogans. The riding is overwhelmingly progressive, and represented by an NDP MLA provincially and as we know, has for decades voted progressively. These voters do not actually value what Poilievre is selling. Instead, they seem to be sending a wake-up call to the Liberals. But do they really want to give up the rebate, the child benefit, the daycare, and other supports? It's also worth noting the by-election was disrupted by 73 phony protest candidates who siphoned over 800 votes from genuine candidates, so who knows how much that screwed things up. Note, these dopes are only doing this in progressive by-elections. They didn't stage this stunt in Durham.

It's not clear that Trudeau - who is the only reason the Liberals won a majority in 2015 and won the past two elections albeit not handily - can be replaced by anyone better at this point. Let's examine what is being said. 'If we want to keep all the good things Trudeau has done, we have to get rid of Trudeau.' What does this tell you. The Tory smear campaign is working but it's not rational.

The CPC has wanted Trudeau out since 2015 (when even Harper knew he couldn't beat him) and they've amped up the hatred since 2022. Poilievre blaming Trudeau for every global and domestic event is bullshit but many people seem susceptible to letting this bullshit affect their POV. It doesn't occur to them to add up the consequences of Poilievre cancelling all the benefits and money they get in exchange for not paying a few pennies of carbon tax.

Trudeau's faults don't merit the vitriol he's getting from the conservative-dominated media and the far right Poilievre (a serial liar whose stupidity and bullshit is never questioned) but "tell a lie often enough and people will believe it" is working. Take this week in punditry for example. Every fucknuckle pundit from Fife to Coyne are screaming Trudeau won't be attending the Calgary Stampede, insinuating he doesn't care about the people or he's a coward even though his public schedule says he'll be in Washington at a NATO summit. The same NATO those same pundits have been screaming Trudeau isn't contributing 2% to, never mind the fact that NO GOVERNMENT HAS MET THE 2% TARGET SINCE 1962 and Harper contributed LESS than Trudeau.

Getting back to that polisci prof. He said Trudeau retiring or resigning won't solve the problems the Liberals face. But when a caucus starts eating its own, this sends a negative message to voters. Many Liberals feel loyal to Trudeau because he's the reason they won in 2015 - not just won but scored a huge majority. He's also the reason they won the last two elections, albeit not handily. But can anyone complain a minority government has been a bad thing? Majority governments mean no cooperation with opposition parties and in these past few years the NDP has forced the govt to deliver some solid social programs.

In my view, the horizon remains hazy and the longer Poilievre is forced to reveal himself and find himself in positions he can't script and control, the less people will trust him. He's a polarizing douchebag, always has been and the only people who really really like him are far right white supremacist science-hating CONVOY trolls. There aren't enough of them to matter in the long run.

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You don't mention the misguided "long ballot" activists in that by-election whose votes would have given her the win, albeit not by much, but does reflect the ongoing problem with the NDP wing of progressives who still feel suckered by Trudeau for reneging on his ill-advised "promise," as are ANY in such a dynamic and variable context as governance, and how OLD are we all anyway FFS? But their fix-all solution of PR has several versions and even in comment sections no one can agree on which is best. Apparently he wanted ranked ballot which is what the NDP seem to prefer as well for their own uses, but the latent distrust of Liberals as being crooked or suspect and in bed with corporations popped up immediately and has since been relentlessly stoked by all media, unprecedentedly so thanks to "social" media, proving that attack ads definitely work, even when people are largely unaware of it, but are naturally predisposed to hate tall poppies more and more over time. Especially armchair political advisers (usually guys btw) who literally LIVE for the fucking horse race.

And no one wants to admit to that OR being manipulated, even when there's a poll using the EXACT SAME WORDS as the conservative narrative that "Canada is broken" and SEVEN out of TEN people somehow AGREE! And apparently Re.Climate did a survey that shows a recent reduction in the number of people who associate climate change with human activity.

And why have polls become the final word AGAIN even when we all know how they're just a snapshot in time, AND even though an election hasn't even been called yet?

It's interesting to compare Trudeau with Biden as current recipients of a pile-on to replace them. With Biden it's actually 100% valid due to THE highest stakes but with Trudeau I'd say it's more TIME and the tall poppy syndrome he walked in with through no fault of his own being compounded by the depressingly effective effort on the right to undermine, destabilize, divide and "conquer" with overtly nasty personal vilification (another bold example that is "unprecedented," the best weapon of all it turns out, reliably creating "deer in the headlights" immobilization wherever it's used) AND good old GOP level obstructionism to keep the chaos coming.

Their Achilles heel though? They can't help themselves, greedy bastards that they are, they ALWAYS go too far, and we may finally be reaching a tipping point with democracy itself on the ballot with the last Supreme Court ruling.

Sadly but tellingly, women as human beings with basic bodily autonomy wasn't enough apparently....

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I agree. There are way too many anti- Trudeau voters. And, btw, you can verify with my husband, I said over a year ago that Sean Fraser was going places. He's articulate (of course he is - He's a lawyer!) charismatic, and a good communicator. Love to see him take a stab at it although his youth/inexperience could be a hindrance.

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.. no comment .. instead will revisit your most recent Post i added a comment to - re current price of Buying Votes in Canadian Elections

Most recent ‘Poll I’ve seen - claimed 7 of 10 Canadians Agree Canada Is Broken.. Do Carleton Voters agree - 70% of Their Neighbours ?

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Jul 2·edited Jul 2

The Liberals should keep JT in the driver’s seat going into the next election. Let’s face it, Prince Poilievre is likely going to steamroll to victory and when that comes JT can bow out gracefully. Why pick a new leader now only to get obliterated, their political career in shambles, forever branded a loser. Better to take the loss and in the aftermath, pick a new leader with a fresh start and the promise of sunny days on the horizon as the reign of the Dark Prince descends over the land.

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Because, as Evan writes, there’s a difference between losing and being wiped out.

The current 338 projection has the Liberals at 46-94 seats. When it comes to rebuilding after, there’s a massive difference between those two numbers. That’s a huge difference in staff lost, and potential leadership candidates who lost their seats.

Where’s the rebuild going to come from? The Liberals don’t have any robust provincial parties grooming up-and-coming options. If someone outside the current party has a robust alternative vision, why wait two years to start articulating it.

If a generic replacement level Liberal leader ditches enough Trudeau baggage that it pushes the seat count up above 100, they’ve served their purpose even if they get replaced six months after the election

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