It’s disappointing that the best criticism the Liberals and NDP could muster is pointing out that the interview was sponsored by an anti-abortion group and retweeted by Elon Musk, rather than addressing the substance of what Pierre Poilievre actually said (and that was a lot that could have been used). It isn't a big surprise that the conservatives are so much ahead when other parties seem incapable to developp a coherent response to them.

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My only argument would be that your claim that Trudeau refuses to engage with media- seems a bit far fetched- as they refuse to engage with him unless it is to backslash, manipulate or criticize. He talks to the press during a scrum, unscripted and I imagine with some interesting points? Do we ever hear this? Nope. Cherry pick from the responses and put out a clip that makes him look small in one way or another . It infuriates me . Let me decide if what he is saying has any merit. I’m not interested in someone else’s biased opinion.

The Liberals must figure out how to get around legacy media and reach every generation of voter. In this huge stretched out urban rural landscape ,without the evening news and the without the straight facts, I honestly have no idea how they are going to do it.

Even CBC’s headline for the Poilievre interview with Peterson gave the whole fiasco more cred than it ever should have received.

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He will walk into a noisy crowd (these past few weeks are not his usual approach understandably) & Answers questions with good manners, no matter the swearing & insults. He does not berate reporters, yet even CBC has ignored MrP’s behaviour playing his clips & not the Liberals’ or the PMs.

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He never gets down in the dirt with them. I don’t know how he does it.

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The interview which popped up when I was scrolling was the most arrogant, uninformed juvenile ‘discussion’ (for lack of a better word) between to white male narcissists (other negative adjectives omitted for time’s sake) I have ever seen, but I stopped watching when they said Canada imported racism for wokeness. Considering statements by both men on racial groups & other ‘phobes’, they are certainly in their own self-absorbed bubbles! I did watch Nate’s interview with the PM. I am a Nate fan and voted for him in the Ontario Liberal Leadership race. I think he has a future in this Party and hope he moves his young family here. Our Party has never countered the negativity of the Poilievre/Harper party! They get away with the most egregious behaviour and lies. Sometimes ‘turning the other cheek’ is not the wisest course and that’s why the far right-wing parties are walking all over the Progressives in the developed world! That’s why a racist felon with 34 convictions is going to sashay into the big house on Pennsylvania Avenue in DC!

We have accomplished much since 2015 with bumps along the way, but being too nice will be the undoing! I don’t mean ‘dirty tricks’ and interference from the Koch brothers & foreign despots, but standing up to the bullies and bursting the lies which they repeat ad nauseum! I hope it’s not too late to take Mr P off his fake pedestal!

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Rachel is doing an excellent journalist's job! I think we receive better coverage from Rachael than main-stream media for certain.

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Ye, she’s a real journalist!

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The “importing racism” remarks are unbelievable. And I see nothing on social media by the liberals (or the mainstream media??) annihilating him for this nonsense.

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Yes, folks still on 'X' are speaking very loudly and specifically about this interview content and calling it the crap it was.

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Historian Will Durant said, "Civilization begins with order, grows with liberty, and dies with chaos," a chaos lurking always beneath that "thin veil of civilization" because we ARE animals after all, so also sense the danger.

Nevertheless, I keep reading surprisingly angry, knee-jerk disparagements of the steadfastly civilized and mostly, actively governing Liberals in the context of how they're HANDLING rogue attack dog Poilievre and his convoy caucus who have devolved into braying intransigence by vilifying Trudeau personally and relentlessly while repeatedly defying the beleaguered speaker in the House of Commons, and arrogantly refusing to interact with the press.

Similarly, we kept hearing about Harris' lack of "policy" despite the ongoing, appalling phenomenon of not only Trump's "MAGA Trumpism," but also the fresh felon himself even being able to run for president AGAIN instead of being incarcerated for the crime of sedition related to the Jan. 6th insurrection that we all WATCHED HAPPEN.

But due to a lack of precedent, and apparent memory loss, many people are displaying some variation on the paralyzing "deer in the headlights" reaction to the depths of the current "divisions," apparently puzzling despite them being deliberately and assiduously stoked online for YEARS by the newly nasty cons, and by THEM ALONE. They truly started it.

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I am old enough to remember when I could get a credit card in my own name without being married.

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LMAO at Poilievre's full-on Ayn Rand fanboy shtick. Shockingly juvenile.

He remains frozen in time as a Young Campus Conservative devoted to Reaganomics and Cold War rhetoric... as if the last 40 years never happened.

I've never seen such an ideologue become a federal leader in Canadian politics, and I've been around awhile.

Bring it on, Pierre - show us more of who you really are!

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The PP- Peterson interview offers a treasure trove of clips for Lib and NDP campaign ads.

Why would PP would say so loudmy and proudly all the weird crap he believes but surely knows falls outside the vast Canadian middle?

He already has all the incel bros, so why did he do this risky interview?

Let's hope he never learns the word "hubris" or what goeth after pride...

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Can you just imagine two narcissistic toddlers negotiating the economic future of either country? Economics is also not well understood by either the 'orange' MEGA or the 'mapple' MEGA.

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Ok I am trying to figure out who the fuck can the Libs stop Poilievre. We need someone who isn't part of the existing rot within the party. Not Anand. Not Champagne. Not LeBlanc. Definitely never Joly.

Then I have the same sort of view about Carney. I can't see a lot of people standing behind Christy Clark. If I hear someone mention Patrick Brown again, I will snap. But I do believe that there could be a Conservative that can cross the floor to lead the party from the centre as one option. I would suggest Dalton McGuinty but he's a little old.

The bench is short. The options are minimal.

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Progressives may not like this but in my mind we need someone who can fight Poilievre on both the progressive issues AND the economic ones. This guy was a Liberal MP. He has not been in govt since 2019 so he is not tainted. He is a very successful self-made businessperson who built his company in Canada (no Pierre, Canada is not broken) and can juxtapose very starkly with the career politician that Poilievre is.


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I read the Hill Times post. He does have some baggage though which may not garner support from the base.

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I don't think Baylis would win a leadership race. Too many sticks in the mud in the Liberal party.

What they need to absorb is that as things stand now the party is going to get slaughtered in the coming election. Completely slaughtered. Nobody who was in the Trudeau government is going to avoid being tagged.

Poilievre will use that overwhelming victory as a mandate to eliminate everything Trudeau did.

You saw evidence of both these actions today in Poilievre's posts on LinkedIn.

One way to reduce Poilievre's majority and try to protect what has been achieved is to put forward a Liberal leader untouched by time in government. A Liberal leader who is a real business success and not a career politician sucking off the taxpayer trough like Poilievre. Progressives are going to have to plug their noses and put up with a Blue Liberal that will amputate the diseased leg to save the body.

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I didn't know if you just saw Baylis on CBC P&P but his interview but he was like a deer in the headlights.

I don't have a favourite right now and maybe the Libs will be slaughtered. I posted this today prior to Trump opening his trap today. https://politicsofinclusion.substack.com/p/what-will-it-take-for-the-federal

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I suspect Baylis is pretty rusty and needs some time on the frontline before he can be ready to fight a national election. What he or a similar candidate need to do is change the channel and not let themselves get sucked into the same old - same old style of politics. Part of what will make him attractive is if he can be a refreshing voice for what we can achieve in Canada.

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I also think that you love this country almost as much as you hate what this Liberal party has done to itself. And for that reason, you also need to call for the dissolution of this parliament and an immediate election. There needs to be a government in place, albeit one that you disagree with with every bone of your body but one that has a mandate and is able to react to whatever the US is going to do come January 20th. I love reading what you write, disagree with most with every bone of my body but we need a functioning government NOW!

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I can't pretend to read this article that starts out telling me the research is flawed and the author is biased.

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It's not the Liberal Party, it's the Trudeau Party.

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