This article shows no grasp of fundamentals. Just a basic vacuous opinion piece that all too common these days.

Enjoy the show mate. Watch and learn, and eat these words when all is done.

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He's got a point, that's why scheer and O'foole bounced around so much. The country is too dependant on being handed everything, the country has lost all strength to motivate itself, to sacrifice for the better.. It's so woke its asleep... This is why we see conservative parties across Canada leaning More liberally

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Any decent conservative has espoused social programs while trying to keep a free market and have fiscal responsibility. That’s what being a Canadian used to mean until the left took over the Liberals, and there is no center left in Canadian politics. The only hope we have now are Conservatives who can lean left just enough to get the votes needed. Any article that persists in calling the man Skippy throughout is pretty much a piece of shit in my opinion.

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Hahah! The Conservative party started to tank with Stephen Harper and I will be surprised if Timbit Taliban Skippy makes it to the next election when he couldn't even hack it as finance opposition.

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Couldn’t have said it better myself.

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I suspect that's true.

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Trudeau and Singh are both Schwab boy eugenicist monsters. Justin is terrified of Pierre Poilievre, and with good reason. A Conservative majority means the end of the globalist death cult in Canada. Does it need to be spelled out in caps? VOTE CONSERVATIVE.

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Globalist death cult? I’m no fan of those two but you may want to lose the tinfoil hat.

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There comes a point where the tinfoil hat infiltrates the brain and is no longer needed. I think the cult members commenting here are well past that point.

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Wow the air is pretty thin wherever this author was writing his opinion article, maybe he was hiding in the same closet as Trudeau. Just another mouthpiece with limited intelligence and knowledge of the fundamentals of Politics and he obviously underestimates the will of the people for change, that’s okay I hope he has an appetite for eating his prose:)

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What a horrifically written article

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No. It's actually well written.

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I listened to Pierre Poilievre announce his candidacy and it sounded like it came right out of the PPC playbook. But will Pierre ever work up the courage to address the root cause of Canada's malaise, the infiltration of Canada by traitorous graduates of Klaus Schwab's World Economic Forum? The WEF is a global elitist organizations and it is becoming clear to more people every day that global elitism is ALWAYS fascism.

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Need to keep a close eye on how Pierre and Michelle Rempel interact. She, while adept at hiding her fascistic intent, is also a graduate of the World Economic Forum Young World Leaders cult.

Has Klaus Schwab infiltrated the current Conservative Party of Canada?

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The root cause? The latest buzzword the WEF is the root cause of all the problems? How about the elite control of the world has been going on for centuries and this is just another incarnation of it. Global elitism is a problem, but it used to be national elitism, it’s all the same. Vote for leaders who think of the people first, although they’re damn hard to find.

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Please see the link at the bottom of my comment.

Great to hear someone speaking to the actual issue at hand Doug. I feel that Polievres language is guarded and subtle regarding the infiltration of this globalist neo Marxist Corporate fascist transhumanist, stakeholder Crapitilism elitist dictatorship dog and pony show. Many of our businesses and elected officials have been infected by this social virus. It has been quite apparent to me for some time and became crystal clear after slugging through The Fourth Industrial Revolution, Shaping the Future of the Fourth Industrial Revolution and Covid 19 The Great Reset I have not had the pleasure of reading The Great Narrative thus far but I am certain it will be as tittilating as the last three articals of cultural and human debauchery. The cancer runs very deep in our institutions, governments and big businesses, and will require a delicate surgery and slow play approach to combat effectively in my opinion. With that being said the initial sweep needs to happen.

I think this card will be best played close to election day or after forming government post non confidence as a shocker on the campaign trail or in the house, unveiling of the traitorous collaborators. I would go one step further with my wording, but that will be for the courts to decide.

The lockstep of the collaborators has been obvious to the trained eye and in some cases to mostly everyone. Maybe I am wrong, but I suspect Mr Polievre has his finger on the pulse of the monster. WEF is a foreign entity providing directives to their young leaders segment, delegates and members. WHO just so happen to be our elected officials, business leaders, MP's, Some Premiers, media outlets, school boards, business leaders and others.


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That link is no longer active. Here is a link for you:


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I'd like to know why this link is no longer active on Pierre's site. Why is he no longer letting it be known that he wants to stop the Great Reset? Timing is everything...

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Words like fucking and cringey make this op-ed read like an autistic millennial complaining about their parents on reddit.

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Just another attempt to discredit someone with common sense. I'm so tired of lies and hidden agendas.

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Expose the globalist cult colaborators. There are many in parliament. We have a common enemy to defeat as Canadians If we want to have our country. Pierre may be our only hope. Expose the WEF agenda for what it really is and stop stealing people's money to use it to destroy our country. I think you could win the average Canadian based on this. Pragmatism should beat idealism unless I am completely out of touch with the extent of our current stage of cultural destruction. Can anyone find a conflict of interest with the conditions of membership of the WEF and being an elected official? We need a zinger.

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The comments to this article! Wow.

Pierre Polievre has said that when the Conservatives could make an election about taxation, they won.

I'm thinking that there is a large immigrant electorate out there that thinks they should be a lot better off in Canada than they are now. They usually vote Liberal cause Liberals like immigrants.

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I totally agree. The conservative party blame PM Justin Trudeau for every problem known to mankind. Pollievre doesn't have any real solutions, he just cries freedom for everyone - whatever that is.

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The bulk of the comments here suggest that the author's biggest problem is the audience he seems to have attracted. That audience is extreme, and full-on Q-Conspiracy-minded. It's an audience who lives in an imaginary world where some fellow named Schwab runs everything. Bizarre indeed.

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Horrible article, I was hoping for something better than this, but just a biased piece of bullshit. Go Pierre!

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How ironic. The crazy people that Pierre will need to appeal to have shown up to comment on this article!

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"If Skippy tries to keep his right wing stances he is currently taking into a general election he will get destroyed. . . . You want a staunchly conservative leader? You can have it, but they’re not gonna win"

Then what's the point of winning . . . ?

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That's the paradox. The CPC membership just refuses to believe that they are out of touch with the national electorate. And so this will continue, to the detriment of the party itself and by extension of the country as a whole. An adult CPC is actually important to the well-being of Canada.

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An "adult" CPC means actually understanding, appreciating, embracing, and /defending/ traditional Canadian/Western values. In a word: conservatism.

A "childish" CPC means embracing irrational and ruinous wokeism.

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