The entire CPC caucus has the shine of a brand new Ferrari and the depth of a mud puddle. It's all show and no go. Pierre has no intention of keeping any of the promises he has made. He won't "axe the tax", he'll axe the rebates. They will be handed to O&G as "incentives" to control emissions which of course won't actually happen. Pierre won't defend the working class. Most likely we will see a return to raising the retirement age. He won't "build the houses". He will do what Ford has done and cut developer fees and we will still have unaffordable housing. Pierre wants power to continue Harper's legacy of selling off Canadian assets. Nothing more. All Canadians will see are even lower corporate tax rates, higher costs and a ballooning deficit while services are cut to the bone. Why ANYONE has ever bought the myth of the fiscal Conservative is beyond me.

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I think it is pretty clear that the CPC is led and controlled by Jenni Byrne. The assault on Erin O’Toole for saying something nice about a retiring politician was a clear message to MPs, if you want to get ahead in the CPC, you are required to mean, nasty, ungracious and unpleasant to the other party. We used to have clapping seals, now the requirement is to be howling hyenas.

For now she is keeping all the CPC MPs in line. After all, there is a price at the horizon. Who does not want to be a minister in majority government? But what if the polls start indicating a minority government or perhaps a chance of continued opposition? Are the more intelligent and decent CPC MPs willing to continue taking Jenni’s orders?

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Jenni Byrne did indeed date Pierre Poilievre. Makes so much sense!

Isn't it amazing to see these two rise to the upper tier of national politics while using ruthless methods and juvenile sloganeering to steadily drag down Canadian political discourse.

They are each persistently lightweight on ideas or policy, while utterly shameless at playing the game of power.

Jenni was sharp and witty on The Curse, but also seemed a bit miserable in her worldview. So many bizarre and smug assumptions.

They must be sweating now that Carney has joined the fray. Their oh-so-clever tricks and plans are about to look so amateur to most voters.

And Rempel, oh my - she used to be better than this. I don't know what's happened to her... she's drunk the Kool-aid. Too bad.

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Just to clarify, Ottawa mayor Mark Sutcliffe was the choice of the Liberal Party of Canada. Just as Drunk Ana was their choice too over Olivia Chow in the Toronto municipal elections. For years they supported the Mayor of Rogers-town, until he was exposed as having a state paid concubine. They held hands with Doug Ford knowing he was and is on the take and actively colluded with domestic terrorists in the Ottawa occupation. They sent Ford billions for COVID and healthcare that were just laundered to his friends, while healthcare, k12 education, and colleges/universities all collapse.

There is also Liberal hypocrisy and wilful deceit, which is on par with the American Democrats, who as you can see love losing more than winning, if it means actually delivering a welfare state that works.

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Jenni Byrne & Pierre Poilievre were common law partners - (They Lived Together .. get it ! ! But that’s been amiably in a ‘collegial smarmy way SCRUBBED akin to ‘Ride Me Wilfred - James Moore !) & so, yes they were ! right up to the very Eve of RoboCall in 2011 & Candace Bergen is Spending Time With Adult Family for Damn Good Reason so get back to me when you cease playing patty cake with polls.. because POLLS are NOT NEWS - POLLS are NOW the Partisan NARRATIVE & are the Public PERCEPTION -> enroute to ‘Groomed Beliefs.. 🦎🏴‍☠️🍁 oh deary me .. ‘propaganda - create a ‘virtual stick to beat one’s Political Opposition / Elected Government ‘character with - 24/7 wacko daily, hourly incrementally virally - ‘jenni CAN DO !

if Pierre Poutine IS Pierre Poilievre .. who is Jenni Byrne ! Who is Candace Bergen ? Who is Ray Novak ? Who is Arthur Hamilton ? Who is Plymouth Brethren ? ‘The Company One Keeps ? 🔍

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When Erin O'toole failed the Byrne/Pollievre purity test, by being nice to an outgoing opposition politician, they showed us who they really are.

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Oh Muse, where are the old Republicans and the old Progressive Conservatives?????

Alas.....In the netherworld of Sanesville, in the nursing homes and the grave.

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Yeah, so now we're all "sanewashing" apparently.

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Isn’t most of this pretty standard electoral politics? I still remember in 2015 when electoral reform was a key campaign promise, the finance minister now willing to see “kids go to school hungry” because she needs to differentiate from Trudeau. All the Liberals running to Carney because he’s an “outsider” essentially admitting they made this country worse over their time in power, unwilling to run on their record.

There isn’t an election, I’m not sure what campaign plans parties share when the opponent isnt known and the writ hasn’t dropped.

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How can you just ignore how drastically our politics has CHANGED?! Where have you been?

There's the unprecedented level of misinformation/malinformation thanks to destructive big tech algorithms that have been worked like never before by these NON-progressive conservatives who have already shown us over and over that the ends always justify the means. They are wholly, openly, leeringly unethical and unscrupulous, just like the GOP/Trump. Rogue bad boys gone wild.

Therefore, their campaign to vilify Trudeau and the Liberals is also unprecedented, working so well that no one even recognizes it, proving once and for all that subliminal advertising WORKS.

So "running on their record" is a quaint idea from the before times when common decency was still a feature of both government AND the opposition when sitting in the House of Commons. No more.

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Tom Green - I’m a Canadian”.

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Poilievere only cares about winning an election, it's been his childhood dream. Unfortonatly for him he started his campaign far too early and has only been able to demonstrate he's got little to say.

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Agreed. I dearly wish the media weren't so consistently context-free (huge missed opportunities constantly, so frustrating) because another important through-line about this particular iteration of conservatives, or "cons" (aside from the fact that they can now truly be CALLED that speaking volumes on its own), is that THEY FUCKING STARTED ALL THIS.

Which matters because it's worsened exponentially as reflected in the lineup of "leaders" turfed one after another until they exhausted their always shallow talent pool and decided to just go for broke with Poilievre.

I also deplore the guyish style that views politics primarily as just another game, as with Herle and Reid, the latter having good observations at least but the former coming across as some neutral, interchangeable commentator, but both have a smirk waiting, and smirks just don't work anymore. For one thing, they've become the conservative trademark, but most importantly, the conservative brand itself is not only no longer even remotely acceptable, it's the banality of evil.

And the smartass approach, inherently unserious, also alienates a lot of people at a time when we need them and can no longer afford that boyish indulgence anywhere, period.

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And fittingly, Jenni Byrne now resembles Jabba the Hut....

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