A good test for Polievre would be to develop serious and credible policy proposals. He won’t be able to surf the next two years and be elected on feelings and slogans. So far, the little policy proposals he brought foward are borderline stupid.

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Has there ever been an election cycle in Canada in which the opposition started campaigning full speed two and a half years before an actual election? I am not sure that Canadians can stomach Pierre Poilievre increasing his carbon footprint by crisscrossing the country for one campaign event after the other for another 24 months. I found these last 6 months exhausting. But what I have not seen is Poilievre being capable of presenting a coherent and substantive policy.

However, I don’t think that the lack of policy proposals will be Poilievre’s downfall. His blind spot is the complete lack of grace. A good example was the recent far right pandering question at his latest campaign style event in PEI. Now the question was poorly phrased, but he should have known it was coming. He could have answered this with something like “I listen to the concerns and frustrations of all Canadians, including Canadians that have political views that I don’t agree with and it is my job to show to them that our common sense plan will allow them to achieve their goals in their lives.” Bot no, he prefers to humiliate the (female) reporter, attack the CBC and claim that this is further evidence that the mainstream media is against him.

The other example happened a few months ago during question period. Question period is a fairly useless political theatre, but both leaders now and then manage to score a few meaningless points. Trudeau landed one punch by pointing out that Poilievre never had a job outside of parliament. Poilievre responded by referring to a vile and debunked conspiracy about Trudeau’s teaching career. It was completely uncalled for, undisciplined and an indication that Poilievre’s skin is rather thin.

Poilievre can record as many baby videos as he wants, but the public (especially women) will recognize a jerk when they see this kind of behaviour.

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.. ‘Exactly !

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I remember some of the strategy memos I was writing during the 'very bad, no-good pre-writ polling period' in the summer of 2019 before the election kicked off. G and I were playing possum with the PM/PMO and party's optics (this was a long-planned strategy that we developed and started that March), and our polling was way, way down and the Cons were near majority territory. And then we reversed it and turned on the party machinery/optics and made history. But anyway, my point is, right now everything feels like those summer months, when I spent a lot of time in my backyard in Montreal getting drunk all day on single malt, in despair over the spectre of Andrew Scheer being our next PM. But it was misplaced worry on my part. Things turn around. Polls get it wrong, all the time always. My advice: Let's All Go Skating With Trudeau (it's a reference to something said in the 1980 campaign). People may be fatigued and the government is definitely showing its wear, but given a choice, voters will go for someone taking action rather than listening to someone complain all of the time.

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People forgot very fast but we experienced similar trends in both 2019 and 2021. Polievre may have 2-3 points more than O’toole or Scheer high but we are even not in an electoral cycle. Who knows where the polls will be in six months, especially if the libs can finally have their shit together.

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.. Woke up one AM to News of a Harper Majority.. was the day I knew Harper, his True Diseased Malignancy & that of his Parasitic were pouring out of Pandora’s Box.. - .. They’re now in Full Mutation Mode & Partisan ‘conservative’ Mainstream is Their Shocking New Coup D’état Bio SuperWeapon. We all saw the SAVAGERY unleashed against Mr David Johnson.. The ‘Daily Horror Show’ of POLLS is just one of the ‘Incremental Tactic / Technique & Tools Deployed & being Employed - Its my Senior Age Belief ‘we’.. you.. Evan.. & so many others ‘Must Gut Yellow Media.. like lamprey eels’ - As Edward de Bono suggested - ‘Lateral Thinking as Problem Solving’ essentially is accomplished by ‘Stating The Question Correctly’ & thereby The Solution is actually right there in ‘The Question’

I suggest .. ‘Why Don’t We Give It A Try’ ? (Gordon Lightfoot) - De Bono also suggests - ‘po’ - ‘Letting Time Into The Equation’ is a splendid Tactic..

I used it as a young parent who had no parents myself.. to solve my Problems raising my teenage rebel son. No matter what he did wrong.. I Never Argued .. simply waited 24 Hours.. allow the ‘heat’ to dissipate.. It was miraculous.. for both of us.. He is now a far better young parent than I ever was.. with his own children.. both under 2 years of age

We must become MediaTribe .. Warriors defending our Lands & Peoples.. the Environment & the Creatures - Spaceship Earth.. ‘WE RIDE !’

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I’m sure that now he’s lost the glasses and the I’m better-than-you suit women will stop thinking about his unlikable ideas and cohorts and change their votes in his favour, (hahahaha, you wish, PP)

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I’m worried. Even strangers are telling me how much they detest PMJT. I did not hear one favourable state about him on my holiday in the Ottawa Valley.

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I find the same thing no matter who I talk to pretty much. And yes, it's worrisome. If the Reform/SoCons get a majoirty were are fck'd. I wish Trudeau would step down. I don't see things improving for him, but I could be wrong. I'd vote for Anand. I think the next election will be won by the leader less "hated" at that point in time - PP or Trudeau. People don't "love" either one of them. So it will depend on what happens between now and then and what shape we are in.

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.. the truly obvious vulnerabilities of Pierre Poilievre ? - Complete Lack Of Character - Toxic ‘Personality’ - & The Constituency of Carleton Riding Voters (the only People Who Can Actually ‘Vote For Him’ - In my perspective Those Adults - Must Not Be Attacked.. EVER ! Please Note Those Voters ‘have not lost control of their lives’ - What that Electorate ‘has lost’ is The MultiMillionaire PUBLIC SERVANT & Daily Deceiver who abandoned them.. & plans to Return & Takes It For Granted they will re-elect him as MP.. If/When he Loses That Riding, the CPC will Implode

Poilievre is ‘running his mouth’ Daily.. Trudeau is ‘Running A Country’ named Canada, Daily 🦎🏴‍☠️

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Spot on. And I hope that he loses his seat. That would be something to see. I shudder to think he could become PM.

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.. to pretend that Poilievre is not aware of who Pierre Poutine is ? Laughable & Delusional

He ‘split up’ with girlfriend Jenni Byrne the day preceding the Live & Robocall Election Fraud of 2011

Stephen Lecce shared an office in The Fantino Campaign Office with the red goatee Robo Guru

with the ‘SuperWeapon’ & boasted publicly about shuttling back & forth illegally between PMO office & that office

Riddle me This TimberWolf .. What happens if ‘someone’ drops the bomb.. when. the. A writ Edrd

ps my lifelong nickname is ‘timbertom’ & there are grown up children, with children

who only know me as ‘Timber’.. I heard them yelling “Daddy.. it’s timber on the phone for you !”

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It would depend on where specifically you were vacationing......

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I bet that the same people would probably say the same thing in 2019 and 2021. People forget fast but it isn’t the first time Conservatives are ahead in polls. Maybe this time it is a little bit more but we are still 2 years away from an elections.

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.. Keep in Mind Please.. Daily Polls are the Modern Coup D’état/ incremental ‘conservative’ Propaganda Tactic & Tool..

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.. It’s a pattern Evan.. ‘it’s their nature’ ‘Jenni Byrne & Pierre’ - Even Harper told her to get f’d/go home one year.. 2011 or 2015 kemo sabe ? And funny they split up day before the 2011 Live & RoboCall Fraud.. Their Backtrail & spoor js littered with shit - Like Boessenkool.. ‘came from the womb’ that way.. Like how many Partisan parasites they got in that perverted ThinkWank DataWanker WarRoom ! ?

I keep on saying - How they gonna ‘stage’ his Prodigal Patriotic Son ‘Return To Carleton ? He gonna leap from a Hot Air Balloon ? WaterSki Rideau Canal ? Use his children as Props.. Pretend he’s Mr Rogers.. ? Get a Tattoo or Bitumen Earing ! Drop in with Joe Rogan ?

Keep doin the heavy lifting.. m’man.. I’m cooking up Guerrilla Theatre / Banksy Style a la the late Deanne Taylor & the Hummer Sisters when they staged ‘Canada or Can’t’ during the Quebec Referendum.. & hey what’s this about Ms Notely.. & bye bye Jagmeet ?

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One I'm still puzzled by the handshake Polievre had during the convoy protest with a right wing nut case who joked about raping his wife. Does Canada want a prime minister who is very poor judge of character and can't recognize he is being used.

Any person who changes is appearance to please his handlers is definitely a man lacking confidence and more like a puppet of the former priminister Harper( university chums with anti human ideas in support of big business).

Maybe I'm reaching but I don't think so.


Butch French

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.. well Butch, methinks you’ve picked up the scent.. & recognize the runny spoor of the tasteless travelling wondercreep Poilievre ! Seen through these aging eyes - one has to simply be astonished by ‘any of the many’ - bizarro realities of such a person dreaming He Shall Be King of Canada !

Trust that I myself am a Freak of Nature Survivor.. & so can choose Just One of the Clues to the Diseased Mind & Psyche of an Apex Parasite named Pierre Poilievre.. stumbling & lurching across Canada - Seeking Attention. One like Me - ‘armed only with a copy of The DSM-5 - Mood Disorder Algorithm Guide for Differential Diagnosis.. must accept its off planet stunning ! It’s like AI grabbed ‘Visual DNA’ from Val Kilmer, a snippet plus stunning chromosomes of Caitlin Jenner, contact lenses, a toenail clipping of Stephen Harper.. plus nocturnal emissions of an infected Tse fly.. & Jarod Kushner smegma.. and holy hell ! Zoot Allures ! Behold a new Viral Loser stalks among us with endless Bible style Rallying to Evangelical Voters.. Not In His Riding !

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IMHO, Canadian governments get voted out of office; opposition parties don't get voted in. If Notley had been more credible in Alta, she would not have lost the last two elections after being premier (it astounds me how many on the left still carry her water). There are a few things about federal politics people need to remember: since 1968, Prime Ministers from Quebec have been in charge for about 40 years, and the Liberals have been the party in power for roughly the same amount of time. The NDP have never been in power (and likely never will with our current electoral system). Mr Poilievre must win an absolute majority to form government, as I don't believe any of the other parties will support him. The Liberals have a more efficient vote (not winning the majority of the vote in many ridings, but getting the most votes of any number of candidates) than any of the other parties. I don't think the average voter in Ontario and Quebec have tired enough yet of Prime Minister Trudeau, and the Conservatives will probably have to wait at least one more election cycle. Even if the next election doesn't change much, the Liberals know they can count on the NDP to prop up their administration.

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Mr Baber was removed from the PC caucus at Queen's Park for publishing an open letter criticizing the Covid 19 lockdown policy (something that in hindsight, is increasingly being recognized as an over reaction). It should be noted that bastion of far right political views Sweden followed a no lockdown policy https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/sweden-report-coronavirus-1.6364154

As far as the Nazi thing, isn't Mr Baber Jewish? Isn't it ironic that those who accuse others of intolerance are so intolerant themselves when it comes to a point of view they don't share.

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"...que se vayan todos..." as the Argentinians are saying (they should all go away). But of course, that's not possible (although Belgium has shown that a country can do well without a government in power).

I don't hate Mr. Poilievre. He does have a nasty habit of being on the attack, more often than not. (But then, the Liberals are known to campaign based on fear. Tanks in the streets if the CPC wins?)

But put that aside. Mr. Poilievre is talking about economic issues. So far, he is mainly pointing out problems, and is not offering solutions ... yet. But I am willing to bet that, as we close in on an election, there will be proposed solutions aplenty. Some may make sense, some may not. As Kim Campbell once said, a campaign is no time to discuss policy. But, and this is important, he will appear to have the right priorities. He will appear to care.

By contrast, the Liberals have seemed bored by economic issues. It is only in the past year or so that they have spoken seriously about the cost of living, the price of housing and its affordability, growing the economy, and so on. Even today, the messages are largely incoherent. Take for example the statement by the Minister for Housing than homeowners will retain the value of their houses, while new affordable housing will be built and sold to middle-income Canadians (what happens to lower-income Canadians?) Does he not realize that there is one market for housing in each location, not two?

Free trade? That's desirable, but only as a way to leverage other countries into accepting our values. It's not a way to increase economic growth, or create jobs, or make better products available to consumers.

And so on. Lack of seriousness about economic issues may cost the Liberals heavily.

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You got a good point on housing but the reality is that homeownership is probably unattainable for low to modest income no matter who is power because probably the next decade. You would need price to collapse by more than 75% in some location to make them affordable for these people, which is a pure dream

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I agree.

What's more, politicians of all parties have an interest in keeping house prices high. Homeowners are more numerous, and vote at a higher rate, than renters.

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