Re the hashtags scandal, PP also listed #Shapiro in his Youtube metadata. The Shapiro hashtag represents Ben Shapiro whose followers number around 4.5 million. Ben Shapiro's audience is solidly far right and socially conservative. Even without MGTOW, Pierre would be drawing thousands of misogynists on the incel spectrum. Media didn't cover #Shapiro and they should have.

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As it's Hockey Night in Canada as I read this I will offer a one word analysis of PP - Greasy

The type of player that every supporter of the team loves, and every other fan base hates. The thing with Greasy player though is they rarely make good leaders.

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Don't forget he is a cunning back stabbing Brutus and the most dangerous boy in Canadian politics.

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.. You ‘left’ alot in the septic tank re Poily Ever 4 PM dude ..

The burning man question is if he loses Carleton Riding

Add another ‘conservatory’ loss - 3 full years from now

& then what ? The ‘downside is el freako BAD

The upside.. well Amen

he can’t exactly ‘run’ again to save face..

when the leopards already ate his face..

A by-election ? Somebody resigns

‘more time with their family’..

How sentimental .. heartwarming

my o my.. almost ‘romantic’.. NOT

I’ve outlined his pre-dick-a-mint via twitter

The Harper remnant rump Party

is an empty ‘talent pool’ - bone dry

& Poilievre is the ‘stain around the drain’

BUT WAIT ! ! There’s More ! !

(assuming Less is More)

Waiting in the Wings for Pierre 4 PM

is Gerald Chipeur & Jonathan Denis

and The Plymouth Brethren ..

not to mention marching with scumbags

And there’s still MORE ?

It never rains but it pours.. eh !

Walkin down his backtrail ain’t pretty

a shit sandwich & hold the bread..?

yum yum .. eh ! 🦎

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Thanks for the reminder of Poilievre's essential vacuity. I confess to having wondered for a decade whether there might be some connection between this PP and another PP--"Pierre Poutine," jocularly so called by the creepy Tory operatives in Guelph who collaborated with that PP in the local work of 'robocalls' fraud in the 2011 federal election. A silly notion, no doubt. Interesting, though, that Poilievre was said at the time to have IT expertise, and that Harper gave him the job of composing insulting replies to opposition MPs who raised the matter of Tory responsibility for the fraud in Question Period.

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Excellent read. Probably because I agree with you!

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In a nutshell, Canadians have a habit of throwing governments out, as opposed to electing someone for their values. It's what makes this federal election a real barnburner.

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Excellent take!

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Kudos.. extremely well written!!

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In a whiny voice:

Blah blah blah. Yes or no?

Blah blah blah. Yes or no?

Blah blah blah. Yes or no?

[ad nauseum]

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My question is why is it okay to talk about incels like they are degenerates when it is inappropriate to talk about other special interest groups in a similar fashion? Is that a code for something because it seems to me like that's asexuality which is one of the +'s in lgbtq+. Try replacing that word with queer and see how it goes over. 😀

From my point of view a lot of what goes on with those following PP can be juxtaposed with their opinion of Trudeau. It seems to me there are three groups of people in regards to the PM -those that love him, those that hate him, and a small group in between. And those that hate him generally are strongly on the side of the opposition leader. And I think Trudeau has made a lot of controversial decisions that could be argued are unconstitutional and it has given the conservatives a strong platform. This wasn't always the case and before the string of decisions that has led to this I think most Canadians had been happy to go with the PM. PP is a symptom of the times and also a symptom of long government: your bad decisions always catch up with you.

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Incel is not the same as asexual. "Involuntarily" celibate, as in "I have a right to sex but can't get a girlfriend so now I hate women". There is an undercurrent of hate and a incipient threat of violence against women associated with incels and for PP to purposefully go out of his way to court them as a voter base is disgusting. I've emailed my Con MP twice looking for a response on PP's stand here and all I've had so far is crickets.

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It's Carleton-Nepean. Carleton with an "e".

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