Apr 24·edited Apr 25

I am convinced that this Diagolon pit stop was planned. Poilievre shows on a regular basis that the convoy crowd are his people. Not too often, but just often enough to keep them in the CPC camp. Come an election, these people would normally vote PPC or stay home. Poilievre needs them to go from 38% to 43% support in the polls. The question of course is if this will also be the case on election day, but right now it is helpful for Poilievre to be at 43% and not 38%.

Now, what also is true is that Poilievre is undisciplined and thin skinned. Showing up possibly drunk and certainly disheveled is undisciplined. Being completely uninterested in what these people had to say is a missed opportunity. He is unable to have any form of dialogue and sticks to axe the tax type slogans. In effect, the pit stop is completely underwhelming, but I guess the real goal was already achieved by just making the stop and giving these losers just a bit of attention.

So far it does not seem to hurt Poilievre. And that should not only worry Liberal supporters.


The Liberals need to be careful not to fall into the trap that was discussed here before. The visit was not only deliberate for the reason described above, but also to change the conversation away from the budget.

There are several polls published now regarding the individual measures in the budget. All the individual measures are polling positive with wide margins. The government, while low in popularity, is implementing highly popular policy changes. The Liberals are not getting the credit (yet), but the public is telling them that they are on the right path.

In this situation there is nothing Poilievre and his former girlfriend want more than going back to identity politics and accusing each other of supporting some odious group. Any minute that we are talking about Diagolon is a minute that we are not talking about housing measures. And that is perfectly fine for Poilievre.

Which brings me to the following hypothesis. The pit stop was deliberate, but planned at the last minute. Poilievre had already tuned out for the day and got sufficiently intoxicated in the back of the SUV when he got the call from Byrne: “Pierre, I have a great idea on how we get everybody stop talking about the budget, just take the next exit and have a chat with some protesters”.

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As usual, the intellectual gymnastic of today's conservative is hillarious.

Freedom convoy protests: They should not stop because of some extremism elements that could be dealt with seperately.

Pro-palestilian protests: They should be totally shut down because of some extremist elements.

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Diagolon, Maple MAGA, Incels, Christine Anderson, Victor Orban, Modi, Alex Jones, Jordan Peterson, Tucker Carlson. These are all in Poilievre's ideological wheelhouse.

One wonders how Ana must feel knowing her husband is taking selfies and joking with the Diagalon leader who threatened to sexually assault her. Poilievre only condemned Diagalon after seeing Jeremy Mackenzie on camera making threats against his wife, he didn't condemn him for his neoNaziness. If Poilievre is asleep at the switch, his handlers should know better but I have a hunch they are all Okay with this.

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Why in the face of Poilievre's visit to the extremist right wing group whose leader has openly stated that he would like to rape Poilievre's wife, are we still touting him as the countries next leader. Have more faith in the intelligence of Canadians. Polls are just a small segment of the whole of Canada and who do they represent? The emphasis on polls is overriding what really needs to be talked about which is, what are the platforms of each party and how do they plan to make good on their promises. if Poilievre is allowed to continue calling Trudeau a liar instead of revealing how he plans to run the country, especially in the areas of climate change and social programs I believe Canadians will wake up and vote sensibly.

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Wow, the stupidity in the blog is overwhelming.

Where to even start. Nazi flag on the hill... 1 and it's been shown to be a trudope camper. Also, who invited an actual Nazi into the house?

Protestors are at-right wingers? Really? Trudope is a left wing extremist, you're just so left wing leaning it seems ok.

Absolutely ridiculous. I will thoroughly enjoy watching Pierre win and trudope cry, yet again.

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Well written.. and frightening!

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Excellent column.

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One scrawled Diagolon logo ( maybe a scuba diving flag) drawn on the inside of a door panel and this is enough? So what about the “kill all the Jews “ guys screaming at a “pro Palestinian “ demonstration. Are they all like that or is it one nut?

Lefties gotta decide. Does one person speak for the whole group or not ? Hypocrisy is wild for the lefties.

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Brittlestar made the suggestion recently that maybe Poilievre doesn’t actually want to win… hence this seemingly unfathomable gaffe or lapse of judgement on both his and his handlers. Otherwise the

guy is an actual moron ( or Wacko to use the current jargon) and we are all doomed

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With all due respect, Eric, what are you talking about? I don’t know if this is boomer and Gen X thing to not understand the internet, but Diagolon is a joke. It is a nonexistent country the same way “Kekistan” was a fictitious country by 4channers who’d film themselves in public asking them if they’d support a “free kekistan”. The joke is that a diagonal line from Alaska to Florida would separate from Canada and the U.S.. Four out of five court cases against Jeremy Mackenzie have been dropped because they were nonsense to begin with. I have to ask you very seriously, because I’m genuinely concerned; where are you getting this information from? Because it seems like we live in completely alternative realities. Do Canadians really only watch CBC?

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article filled with strawmen and personal attacks about peterson and incels

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Sensibility, meet PL’s mind!

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