This is also why Trudeau would be insane to call an early election. Like him or not, Skippy is in his honeymoon period. Trudeau smartly struck his deal with Singh to stick around until 2025. That's two-plus years of Skippy trying any gimmick to get attention and overreacting to any slight, real or perceived, minor or major. The base might think that's "leadership" - everyone else will see it as petty, grating and immature at best, and 2+ years of it won't sit well with the people Conservatives need to pull into the tent.

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"You will never reach your destination if you stop and throw stones at every dog that barks." Winston Churchill

How aprpos.

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I hope PP's campaign manager Jenni Byrne -the organizer Harper fired from his 2015 campaign for picking fights and screaming at his team- doesn't read your column. I don't want her figuring out why they make a shitty impression

I can't figure out why anyone thinks PP has housing affordability ideas. Like all the other parties, the CPC is weak sauce on housing and affordability. "Build more" is everyone's idea. Nothing unique there. But PP selling government buildings to developers to make condos is not going to bring prices down. Like Harper, I expect that idiot would lose money on the sale of government assets. Additionally, even if he had a clue, his plan to reduce government to a shell and sell off assets will increase the cost of living as Canadians find themselves without services and programs their taxes pay for now.

PP is a bundle of contradictions. He's also a fucking liar when he claims to be a hero to the working class. He has never supported working people and more correctly his party never has. I can list a dozen actions Harper took to drive up youth unemployment, lower the Canadian wage standard and upend labour economics in his quest to meet every demand of the low wage industry lobby.

One thing I don't want people to let go of is PP insisting crypto would be a hedge against inflation and encouraging investment. Also Rempel and PP's wish to make Canada a bitcoin mining capital. That's egregious stupidity right there.

Harper's hayseeds were bad enough but this crew of PP's is the least competent we've ever seen.

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This is the first article I've read that made me doubt that PM Poilievre is inevitable. I dare say you might be right...and that would make Trudeau one of the luckiest politicians of all time. I guess we'll see.

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The harder Trudeau works, the luckier he gets.

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Poilievre is playing at constantly creating controversy and confrontation to keep the news feed on himself. I think all politicians use this trick occasionally, but to be using it constantly is exhausting for the electorate and can cause a chasm that is hard to repair. We have all watched our neighbours to the south struggle with just this. It can be interesting to watch Poilievre and Trudeau politically duel but can also dishearten the voter and even be a form of voter suppression …people become so tired of politics they just shut down and don’t vote.

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