Yes! Libs should definitely lean hard into the D1 hockey goalie vs the fucking dweeb contrast.

The reality remains that most Canadians don't know either man well yet, and image is half the battle, if not more.

This stark personal narrative contrast is just waiting to be broken wide open -- bring it on!

If you watch the Oilers' Sportsnet West broadcasts, you may note the distinctive local ads for furniture, injury lawyers, or restaurants.

They have the same flavour as the Carney launch in Edmonton: the antithesis of slick or professional. They are low-key, modest productions using apparently non-actors ;-)

You would be hard-pressed to find more authenticity in politics anywhere these days!

I grew up in Edmonton at the same time as Carney and also left for university elsewhere.

I don't have quite the degree pedigree as him, haha, but I relate deeply to his Edmonton roots and his larger perspective gained from studying and working out there in the big world.

And yes, it is truly hilarious how Poilievre still somehow thinks it's a brag to claim he hasn't changed his views since his uni days. The U of C Flanagan Factory has trained many Conservatives, indeed, including Preston Manning, Stephen Harper, Danielle Smith. They all emerged as devout disciples of Ayn Rand and Milton Friedman, worshipping Reagan and Thatcher.

To be fair, Harper adapted his ideology as the exigencies of national governance and the financial crisis demanded Keynesian measures.

I see no such modification in Poilievre. Twenty years of Parliament and living in Ontario have somehow not induced him to adapt his rigid views. He still talks about "unleashing free enterprise" which is a laughable retro phrase.

The photo from the recent ceremony at the National Holocaust Memorial in Ottawa says so much:

a stern-faced Poilievre stands stiffly as a smiling Carney reaches out to him in greeting, putting his gloved hand on Pierre's shoulder.

Poilievre is consistently off-putting, apparently unable to just be a normal human.

It's way past time for Canadians to see the real Poilievre.

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I'd say the "manosphere" should rightly be called the "boyosphere" with all this (and I'm sorry but it really IS quite juvenile) wrangling about what a man even IS now, particularly in the deeply damning context of "toxic masculinity." And then there's the new generational verb "adulting..."

The current, ongoing and chaotic social/social media upheaval is the backdrop for Carney's main qualification AND his main appeal,i.e. being a bona fide adult.

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It's clear that the majority of Canadians want a change and the reasons are numerous. Although I like my MP (Martin Shields-CPC), and would vote for him, I hesitate to support PP. Short slogans I dislike, not responding to questions I ask in multiple emails I dislike, no clear platform articulated for Canadians to read and digest, as well as not rejecting Elon Musk's endorsement, does indeed make me question the ability to lead a nation. Being an opposition leader is easy work - convincing people that one instills confidence and trust in a future PM -- well, this is where it falls short for me.

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I agree that Poilievre is an unimpressive and unlikeable person compared to almost any other person. But does that matter in today’s world? Are voters still voting for positive character traits or policies proposed to make our collective lives better?

We see more and more in the world, with the US as prime example, that a good part of the electorate is motivated by making lives worse for others. They don’t care about their own situation as much as they care about making lives miserable for others. Candidates like Poilievre do really well in this environment.

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Polievre excels at Opposition Critic, but his innate compulsion to punch down, with a conservative purity test that Erin O'toole could meet, and a need to be the smartest guy in the room will get tired very quickly once he's in charge.

In the meantime, my red tory, blue liberal self will wait patiently for a home.

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The "smartest guy in the room" will hopefully soon be a slam-dunk, and it's definitely not him, never was.

Your political "home" after decades of renovation and upheaval is now officially ready. Good news is that it's as simple as ABC.

Clarity has emerged like never before with the right wing having left the room to become Trump/Putin adjacent.

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Opps..couldn't meet.

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Love this

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