And Trudeau and his team need to do something that Poilievre is incapable of: giving interviews with substance and explain what they are doing and why. Over and over again.

Yes, I know that the old rule is that if you are explaining then you are losing. However, you are also losing if each and every interview ends in a fight with journalists that emphasizes your assholiness. Let Poilievre make the case he is an asshole, and let Liberals make the case that they have sound ideas and care.

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Totally agree that the Libs must stop getting sucked in to emotional reactions vs Poilievre. It's tough because he is deeply irritating. His rhyming slogans are truly the worst comms ever, and I've been around a long time.... please make it stop!

But the policy arguments are the strongest, and they must be about personal economic risk/loss under Conservative govts.

Great idea for the Libs to roll out one message intensively each week.

On climate change, e.g., repeat how Conservative inaction will cost you more (insurance costs, dwindling competitiveness, etc) , whereas the Lib plan will save you money with renewables that are cheaper than rising fossil fuels (see Brit Labour).

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Evan makes too much sense. This is the 2nd or 3rd post of his that enumerates a solid strategy and a way of prying the news cycle away from Pierre's grubby little fingers.

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If one is going to be an asshole then be a damn good one, and that you are. Admirably.

PP is a dumb asshole.



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Poilievre is an ignorant partisan who will rush through obnoxious legislation that harms Canadians, and give the middle finger to critics from any source.

Poilievre is an ignorant partisan who will rush through obnoxious legislation that harms Canadians, and give the middle finger to critics from any source.

Poilievre is an ignorant partisan who will rush through obnoxious legislation that harms Canadians, and give the middle finger to critics from any source.

Stay on message: repeat, repeat, repeat, over and over and over again. No need for "20 reasons", indeed.

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There is a point when one becomes a cult member. You have reached that.

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