Last column Evan gives invaluable advice to the Federal Liberals, this column is equally valuable advice for the Ontario provincial Liberals.

Say what you will of Poilievre and team, their messaging is disciplined, consistent and relentless. It is not necessarily true and certainly not fair, but blaming Trudeau for everything is working. If the Ontario Liberals could only muster 10% of Poilievre’s persistence, they would be much, much further ahead in the polls.

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The attack on WE was a travesty and it hurt real families and young people. Taking down the Kielburgers had nothing to do with the truth, integrity or corruption. It was cruel. I hope the CBC pays a big penalty in the US lawsuit against the 5th Estate. Charlie Angus showed such poor judgement that be should never run for govt again and an Indigenous candidate takes his seat.


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Oh please! There was no 'attack' on WE. There were legitimate questions asked. And I have yet to hear any evidence that 'it hurt real families and young people'. The only people claiming this are We sycophants. I hope the 5th Estate wins the US lawsuit. And Charlie Angus did some of his best work on this file. The link you provided is nonsense masquerading as journalism.

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Thousands of youth are without this extraordinary and impactful leadership development program. Youth were inspired to be their best selves by gathering together, learning from inspirational Canadians and taking action on issues that mattered to them. A huge loss to our communities. If this was Charlie Angus’ best work..then I rest my case- it was a complete misread of the situation. There is no longer a national student leadership program that had a network into every school in Canada. WE was THE only one. The reason for the sole source - no one profited here. A huge loss for youth.

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Voter apathy and a conservative controlled media will produce the same results next time unless people smarten up.

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We have too many non voters, we need more safety in voting, people don’t wanna go to a hall to vote.

I’m in polls and I never get asked a political question

Media is conservative and republican bought, people believe TV. In Saskatchewan people stand behind child molesters, a hit, run and kill premier. People stand beside Gormley who was abusive to women. A Quick Dick guy who attacked women in bad way but he’s a hit? He’s front page news in Saskatchewan. People have lost respect and empathy because they suffer no consequences online. Plus where’s the media on conservatives bought troll/bot farms

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Policy failures are indeed sinking Trudeau, but they are too vapid, incompetent and arrogant to notice.

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