.. A question for you - what ‘Verified Revelation would it take to crush Pierre Poilievre’s Campaign - dead in its tracks ?’

That’s not a facetious question - despite the current Trump Reality. Such a ‘scenario’ de facto includes Losing Carleton Federal Riding

Why would I inquire if not serious ? We need ‘Benchmarks’ re Separatism In Canada ! True or False - has Pierre Poilievre Endorsed Danielle Smith & an Unelected Evangelical Pastor who’ve together via coup d’état taken over Jason Kenney’s Secretive & Unaccountable Political Party & Majority Government ?

Another question - ‘Was Jason Kenney ‘unelectable’ as Prime Minister or Not ? Hence ‘Unite The Right’ in Alberta - a variation on Stephen Harper’s Hostile Brand Takeover of The Progressive Conservative Party. Since ‘Mainstream Media accommodates & amplifies Daily Deceit via The Jenni Byrne War Room & also churns Social Media & Polling - does it not follow that ‘Actual’ Investigative Journalism, perhaps a whistleblower or two - perhaps re Pierre Poutine, Plymouth Brethren among numerous ‘Fatal Revelations might simply end his Great Wet Dream.. What say you ?

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I am wondering what “Admit it, and try and pressure the party to get their heads out of their fucking asses.“ looks like?

For a governing party, what more can you do than keep working on meaningful and pro-active policy, trying to communicate these properly? Especially when in general things in Canada are going quite well?

Should Trudeau be more angry? Should he push other LPC leaders forward and stay in the background? More town halls? Fewer town halls and interviews? It is easy for the opposition, but when you are the government, what else is there to do, especially this far out of an election?

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far from any sort of expert, but I think the only way forward for the lpc is to build - starting with houses, ending with trust, and a bunch of things in between.

don't save platform points for early 2025 - call some shots now, and execute them. build the infrastructure for this country to double in population in the next 25-30 years rather than scrambling as a million new Canadians per year get blamed for our crumbling everything

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“keep working on meaningful and pro-active policy, trying to communicate these properly?”

I’d argue this is exactly where Trudeau continues to fail. Two current and illustrative examples.

First, both Ontario and Alberta are having teething problems with their subsidized daycare programs. Nothing unsolvable, but the provincial authorities are happily throwing the Feds under the bus for every minor issue, while taking the credit for anything that works, while the Feds are MIA. So something that should be a signature victory for Trudeau becomes almost a liability due to lack of engagement and messaging.

Second, and perhaps more instructive, is the Bell layoffs. Trudeau come out with a very strong statement against it, but there was no policy attached. No announcement of CRTC changes, or replacing some of his corporate appointees with less friendly ones. No cuts to subsidies for Bell. Nothing actionable or concrete. And I don’t think anyone expected anything. No one associates his statements with results.

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On the first one, I fully expect at some point in time the sabotage accusation to be levelled.

The Bell lay-offs came as a surprise. The expected response is opening up the cell phone market to foreign suppliers. Not policy that is developed in 2 hours, but in 2 months we could see this.

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“At some point they’ll eventually do something” is not how you show leadership, build confidence, or get re-elected.

This isn’t really about policy per-se. It’s about the fact that the current Liberals are incredibly bad at the visible activity of leadership.

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Well said, sir.

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Polling manufactures political fiction via: 1) the bandwagon effect (Tories can't lose); 2) underdog effect (Give NDP/Greens a shot); 3) resigned to the result effects (Liberals can't win after 8 yrs); 4) big lead effects (don't bother to vote). Harperite Coletto, for one, (at Abacus) is playing all these cards.

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PP is and has been blaming everything (probably even the cruxifiction of Christ and lakes not freezing over) on JT and people are starting to believe it to the point that JT probably can't win the election and JS won't be able to carry him this time.( PP by default, oh my God)....Thank you JT, but time to step aside. We acknowledge you brought the party back from the brink of extinction and now to save it again step aside... come back in 2028.

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