I would guess that Pierre's internal polling is seeing a significant shift for the Liberals as well. His tweets and those of his flying monkeys in caucus have a distinct air of panic. Maybe it's the Hogue report but I feel like Pierre focused for so long on Trudeau resigning that he has nothing left now that Trudeau is gone and he's floundering. The election of Trump in the US and his typical nastiness is also showing Canadians that Pierre is much the same in bringing gutter politics into Canada and that won't go over well. We've been inundated for 2 years with the hate and misogyny and anger and I think Canadians want to go back to boring and competent and that is Carney. I also think that's why Pierre has hopped back on the gender bandwagon instead of being quiet. Re-energize that part of his base so he doesn't lose them to Mad Max. We will see soon enough.

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Happy to have found your newsletter. I gave up on 'the news' in recent times (out of frustration) and I've needed knowledgeable Canadian writers that can explain things to me in a way I can grok. Thank you.

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This is the best explainer I have read yet, thanks.

(I recently watched a podcast by Grenier and Fournier that was ostensibly about this and I have to say that came away with nothing useful.)

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Is the abacus shift significant statistically speaking? I’m wondering if it’s more than noise

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I gave up on “news” but I give up on snide quips on politics and pretending to like polls because it gives you some cachet. Canada is not up for sale, it is not a 51 state, it is not an US American protectorate. It is a sovereign nation. Let’s start acting like it. Pay for defence, including the arctic, as well as healthcare, ensure benefits like healthcare are distributed by provinces as envisioned by s. 92 of our Canada Constitution. When it comes to polling, I can tell you neither my husband nor I ever answer pollsters, I do not respond to online pollsters, so multiply this and tell me exactly how much polls tell you or anyone about anything?

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This is a trite observation but these polls are meaningless. PP has been hovering near 50% for years because there is so much pent up rage at the government.

If these polls show a temporary blip it’s because people are projecting their hopes and dreams into an unknown new leader. That will fade quickly once that leader is not an imaginary person but a real one, and who is tarred with the government’s faults. All that rage will come back.

PP is a twit and a clown. No argument there. But it won’t matter. The worst lesson for Liberals to take from poll fluctuations is that everything is ok. It’s not. And unless the core message of the new leader is “I recognize massive failures by Trudeau and I will radically depart from them” it’s game over.

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You actually think Canadians think that a Stockwell Day wannabe who moved to Ottawa to get a seat in HP is the fall back guy? Seriously? This is the guy who cuddled up to the protesters who were actually protesting against his actual constituents. Why they voted him in again is beyond my understanding. I would have booted his rear out.

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