Poilievre decided to campaign* more like Bernier to capture PPC voters. He wants that 5%. There are enough crackpots, obviously, in Canada to support far right assholes so perhaps Bernier has a chance in some Bumf*ck riding. Notice how they look for ridings that ensure their wins because they are utterly unconcerned with community or service. It's all about power and their ideology. Bernier is an unapologetic white supremacist with extreme views and a base of cretinous sludge. Poilievre is not far behind.

*I say campaign because Poilievre is a full time campaigner. He is behaving as if there's an election and that's all he does.

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This is fascinating ‘deep analysis’ ! Bravo Bravo Bravo ! I say it three times ! (Robert Heinlein - Stranger In A Strange Land)

It’s also a fascinating ‘last gasp’ for Bernier.. The last resort of ‘political failure’ is the Parachute Candidate into a ‘Safe Riding’

Does the By-election ‘explode’ if Dear Missy Candace Bergen is revealed.. re why she suddenly desired ‘More Time With Family’

This leads back to the ‘CSIS’ - did they ‘communicate via back channel’ that she would be ‘outed’ & humiliated re her own ‘back channel comms with Convoy Organizers & BIG DONORS’ & offered a ‘courtesy’ Parliamentary ‘free pass’ - so as not to sully The Parliament Of The Day via her tawdry behaviour & ‘we need to make this the PM’s Problem’ via Partisan Media Maneuvering ?

My prairie ancestors & family - originally from dirt poor Ireland as Tenant Farmers & not allowed to deign to ‘ride a horse’ - were & are ‘bedrock wheat farmers’ from that Manitoba Riding.. Any suggestion they would ‘Vote The Party’ of Ms Bergen, much less Bernier ‘should be laughable insult’

but the times they are a changin.. eh

Dr Leslyn Lewis & Jagmeet Singh prove ‘anything is possible’ in the Field Of Political Parachute Opportunity .. or Fantasy

Hell.. just look at Dear Ms Danielle Smith & The Coup D’état in Alberta eh !

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I think it is totally possible for Bernier. Last time the CPC and PPC had about 32,000 votes, with almost 10,000 for the PPC. Let’s assume the PPC voters are 100% motivated and all show up for a by election, and let’s assume that 20% of the CPC voters are willing to switch for Bernier. That gives him 14,000 votes. Then say that of the remaining 18,000 CPC voters one third stays home, that gives the CPC 12,000 votes. Of course a lot of assumptions, but certainly not unrealistic.

Also interesting will be to see if Poilievre will campaign locally. If he does, he will likely have to take positions or emphasize topics that are not popular in ridings that he needs to win elsewhere. If he stays away, then the PPC could tell it’s supporters that he does not care about them. No real good option here for him.

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