Do you see any indication that the small parties might have an impact on PC vote share? For example, the New Blue Party claims to have candidates in every riding, with at least 110 candidates having submitted forms to Elections Ontario for approval. I've already seen lawn signs for them here in SW Ontario. The PPC took a good-sized vote …
Do you see any indication that the small parties might have an impact on PC vote share? For example, the New Blue Party claims to have candidates in every riding, with at least 110 candidates having submitted forms to Elections Ontario for approval. I've already seen lawn signs for them here in SW Ontario. The PPC took a good-sized vote share away from my PC MPP in the federal election. I'm wondering how it might impact provincially.
Do you see any indication that the small parties might have an impact on PC vote share? For example, the New Blue Party claims to have candidates in every riding, with at least 110 candidates having submitted forms to Elections Ontario for approval. I've already seen lawn signs for them here in SW Ontario. The PPC took a good-sized vote share away from my PC MPP in the federal election. I'm wondering how it might impact provincially.