We don’t have to make the case against Poilievre, he is more than capable to make this case himself. Every time he belittles a reporter, every time he panders to the PPC type voter, he shows what he stands for.
The challenge is to provide an attractive alternative to Poilievre.
I couldn’t agree more. So why, why, why is he (or is it just the “Conservatives”, rather than Poilievre himself) so far ahead in the polls? I just don’t get it.
Happy Birthday, Evan. We don’t always agree but your heart is in the right place. I’ve been a Liberal for as long as I can remember - not an easy stance in Alberta - so I plan on continuing the fight.
I’m concerned about the lack of talent on the Conservative bench, as much as I am about their leader. I’m still looking for vocal voices of reason among them, but find a dearth of talent instead. Not a good indicator of what could come.
Happy Birthday, Scrim. We've seen how our concerns about a second Trump term were written off as "Trump derangement syndrome"
Now he's confirming all our worst fears.
I hope I'm wrong about all my Poilievre concerns. Canada can't afford a post-truth populist who's more interested in punishing libs than what's best for Canada.
I agree with everything you say, but a negative focus on Poilievre will lose the election. Liberals have been pressing your points since he was elected leader and the polls keep getting worse. Governments are voted out, not in, and voters have plugged their ears, eyes, and noses. "Vote for us, the other guy is worse" won't cut it.
The new Liberal leader will need to make a positive case for why s/he is different and better than the 10-years of Liberal governance under Trudeau. (Voters who love Trudeau will be voting Liberal anyway: it's the 80% who don't who need convincing.) This will be extremely hard given that the election has been baked for so long, but it's the only way to avoid decimation and/or, if one believes in miracles, to hold Poilievre to a minority.
The negative and the positive cases should both be made at the same time.
You say, "Liberals have been pressing your points since he was elected leader and the polls keep getting worse." Maybe the Liberals have been hinting specifically at Evan's points, but their criticisms have been fairly scattershot, undisciplined, and lacking in a narrative. If I were in charge of Liberal communications, I would hammer home over and over again that Poilievre is ignorant about public policy due to his blinkered partisanship.
Exactly. Every Liberal (and NDP) communication needs to be “X is a problem, and here’s how we’d fix it, and PP can’t fix it because he’s a clown”
Make the CPC engage on PP’s suitability to join the circus
However, you don’t get to do part three without the first two parts. If you’re not acknowledging problems and proposing solutions, no one is paying attention when you get to the part where your opposition is a clown. That’s where Liberal (and NDP) comms have been failing hard for quite a while now. They’ve been unwilling to take ownership of problems, and then have been baffled why their attacks get tuned out
I am hopeful. I suspect the harder the Trumpian US attacks us, and the more that MAGA fan-folks like Danielle Smith promote anti-Canadian bias, the better it will be for Centrist (and I do mean Centrist) folks to regain an electoral home. Despite doing a lot of good, the Liberals lost site of our competitive position, including a focus on productivity, modernized electoral processes, and expanded views of alliances (including becoming part of the European Union) to protect ourselves from an increasingly insular and intolerant southern neighbour.
Pollievre is under qualified to become pm ???? What kind of lieberal Coolaid are you consuming, scrimmage? And Truedough, is the man hey, to continue. You can't even acknowledge the obvious scrimbag.
Poilievre is ignorant about public policy due to his unthinking blinkered partisanship and inability to concede that Conservatives ever are wrong in any policies ever.
Wow. Canada is on the brink of non existence and all you people are worried about is the Liberal party? I’m not a fan of any politician but someone has to do it. The liberals should look in the mirror. This is a nightmare of their making.
Looking on the bright side, you also share a birthday with the inauguration of Barack Obama, Jimmy Carter, JFK, and maybe FDR? (can’t remember back that far)
Thank you. Great points in this article. Unfortunately Poilievre is leading in the upcoming federal election polls. I believe he is the wrong man for the job of PM. Especially against Donald Trump.
I understand the rhetoric. Unfortunately the Liberals have given him so much ammunition to take pot shots at. If they could have gotten out of their own way for a while perhaps they would be passing Bill C-63 this very moment. The Liberals are hardly innocent in the state of things. If I recall correctly Trudeau ran on "Transparency" as a large part of his promise. He has been anything but. The sentiment that governments get themselves voted out is an apt assessment. There is only so long you can lie cheat, steal and signal fake virtue before the people have had enough. His arrogance and entitlement has cost this country. I only hope the Liberals or whomever form the official opposition are as fierce and dedicated to expose the truth as this Conservative team have been over the last couple of years under Pollievre's tenure. I highly doubt Mr.Carney will stick around in the likely event of a loss. Some of you may be right about Pollievre, he may not be the same without someone to fight. That remains to be seen. The prinary reason why he and his team have such a commanding lead in the polls for the last 18mos or so is due to its work ethic. While most parliamentarians were off on the BBQ circuit the were holding committee after committee doing their best to hold this deceitful government to account. We need to seriously consider a change to the prorogation process. It's been used way too many times to avoid accountability for dubious behavior and actions. God forbid we hold our elected officials to account. Career politician... I think if you take a look you will find many "Career Politicians" I'm ok with that, I'm sure it's not easy to win a seat year after year after year. If anything I think we should educate ourselves a lot more of the parliamentary processes and about it's officials. For all the waste that happens in this country perhaps it would be great value to the country to have a day off to vote. Or go surfing in Tofino...? Keep receipts always it appears most of the commentary here on PP have done so on him. And I must say that's some weak sauce. See you at the polls I hope.
Well happy fucking birthday Evan.
You’ve added something real and authentic to this day of mourning.
I enjoy your posts immensely, don’t always agree but you make me think and I appreciate your pov.
So damn the torpedoes.
Full speed ahead into your special day and have some fun. 🤩 ♥️
We don’t have to make the case against Poilievre, he is more than capable to make this case himself. Every time he belittles a reporter, every time he panders to the PPC type voter, he shows what he stands for.
The challenge is to provide an attractive alternative to Poilievre.
I couldn’t agree more. So why, why, why is he (or is it just the “Conservatives”, rather than Poilievre himself) so far ahead in the polls? I just don’t get it.
Happy Birthday, Evan. We don’t always agree but your heart is in the right place. I’ve been a Liberal for as long as I can remember - not an easy stance in Alberta - so I plan on continuing the fight.
I’m concerned about the lack of talent on the Conservative bench, as much as I am about their leader. I’m still looking for vocal voices of reason among them, but find a dearth of talent instead. Not a good indicator of what could come.
Happy Birthday, Scrim. We've seen how our concerns about a second Trump term were written off as "Trump derangement syndrome"
Now he's confirming all our worst fears.
I hope I'm wrong about all my Poilievre concerns. Canada can't afford a post-truth populist who's more interested in punishing libs than what's best for Canada.
I agree with everything you say, but a negative focus on Poilievre will lose the election. Liberals have been pressing your points since he was elected leader and the polls keep getting worse. Governments are voted out, not in, and voters have plugged their ears, eyes, and noses. "Vote for us, the other guy is worse" won't cut it.
The new Liberal leader will need to make a positive case for why s/he is different and better than the 10-years of Liberal governance under Trudeau. (Voters who love Trudeau will be voting Liberal anyway: it's the 80% who don't who need convincing.) This will be extremely hard given that the election has been baked for so long, but it's the only way to avoid decimation and/or, if one believes in miracles, to hold Poilievre to a minority.
The negative and the positive cases should both be made at the same time.
You say, "Liberals have been pressing your points since he was elected leader and the polls keep getting worse." Maybe the Liberals have been hinting specifically at Evan's points, but their criticisms have been fairly scattershot, undisciplined, and lacking in a narrative. If I were in charge of Liberal communications, I would hammer home over and over again that Poilievre is ignorant about public policy due to his blinkered partisanship.
Exactly. Every Liberal (and NDP) communication needs to be “X is a problem, and here’s how we’d fix it, and PP can’t fix it because he’s a clown”
Make the CPC engage on PP’s suitability to join the circus
However, you don’t get to do part three without the first two parts. If you’re not acknowledging problems and proposing solutions, no one is paying attention when you get to the part where your opposition is a clown. That’s where Liberal (and NDP) comms have been failing hard for quite a while now. They’ve been unwilling to take ownership of problems, and then have been baffled why their attacks get tuned out
I am hopeful. I suspect the harder the Trumpian US attacks us, and the more that MAGA fan-folks like Danielle Smith promote anti-Canadian bias, the better it will be for Centrist (and I do mean Centrist) folks to regain an electoral home. Despite doing a lot of good, the Liberals lost site of our competitive position, including a focus on productivity, modernized electoral processes, and expanded views of alliances (including becoming part of the European Union) to protect ourselves from an increasingly insular and intolerant southern neighbour.
Pollievre is under qualified to become pm ???? What kind of lieberal Coolaid are you consuming, scrimmage? And Truedough, is the man hey, to continue. You can't even acknowledge the obvious scrimbag.
Poilievre is ignorant about public policy due to his unthinking blinkered partisanship and inability to concede that Conservatives ever are wrong in any policies ever.
Are you a fifth columnist for the Liberals? Cheap nastiness is the one thing that could blow this election for Poilievre.
Happy birthday, Evan!
I am hoping "competence" becomes the key contrast between Poilievre and Carney.
Slogans and script vs conversation
Lifer politician vs economist
Doom & gloom vs solutions
Inexperience vs leadership in crises
Weakness vs confidence
Narrow-minded vs long term plan
How will the Lib leader make your life better?
Let us count the ways.... specifically!
Happy birthday!
Wow. Canada is on the brink of non existence and all you people are worried about is the Liberal party? I’m not a fan of any politician but someone has to do it. The liberals should look in the mirror. This is a nightmare of their making.
Happy belated goddamn fucking birthday, Evan. Sorry. In a mood.
Looking on the bright side, you also share a birthday with the inauguration of Barack Obama, Jimmy Carter, JFK, and maybe FDR? (can’t remember back that far)
PS. Happy Birthday.
Thank you. Great points in this article. Unfortunately Poilievre is leading in the upcoming federal election polls. I believe he is the wrong man for the job of PM. Especially against Donald Trump.
What a shame, there is one man who could actually make a difference,to the party and country, and you could not even mention his name in your writing.
I understand the rhetoric. Unfortunately the Liberals have given him so much ammunition to take pot shots at. If they could have gotten out of their own way for a while perhaps they would be passing Bill C-63 this very moment. The Liberals are hardly innocent in the state of things. If I recall correctly Trudeau ran on "Transparency" as a large part of his promise. He has been anything but. The sentiment that governments get themselves voted out is an apt assessment. There is only so long you can lie cheat, steal and signal fake virtue before the people have had enough. His arrogance and entitlement has cost this country. I only hope the Liberals or whomever form the official opposition are as fierce and dedicated to expose the truth as this Conservative team have been over the last couple of years under Pollievre's tenure. I highly doubt Mr.Carney will stick around in the likely event of a loss. Some of you may be right about Pollievre, he may not be the same without someone to fight. That remains to be seen. The prinary reason why he and his team have such a commanding lead in the polls for the last 18mos or so is due to its work ethic. While most parliamentarians were off on the BBQ circuit the were holding committee after committee doing their best to hold this deceitful government to account. We need to seriously consider a change to the prorogation process. It's been used way too many times to avoid accountability for dubious behavior and actions. God forbid we hold our elected officials to account. Career politician... I think if you take a look you will find many "Career Politicians" I'm ok with that, I'm sure it's not easy to win a seat year after year after year. If anything I think we should educate ourselves a lot more of the parliamentary processes and about it's officials. For all the waste that happens in this country perhaps it would be great value to the country to have a day off to vote. Or go surfing in Tofino...? Keep receipts always it appears most of the commentary here on PP have done so on him. And I must say that's some weak sauce. See you at the polls I hope.