I don't know what it is about you guys that you are SO seized by games/strategy that you simply can't be bothered with the big picture or the "vision thing" that Trudeau once rightly pointed out was completely lacking in Harper's cons. Even under the current inarguably dire circumstances when the choice before us is truly binary, including in our politics, i.e. one side is a good-faith actor while the other is absolutely and demonstrably NOT, period.

The giveaway on the aforementioned common male obsession is the continuing wild popularity of sports generally, but particularly the relatively new "UFC." How is this not a factor in the growing number of young men's interest in politics when the alt-right assholes have taken the whole blood sport analogy and run with it, ramping up that all-important FUN factor?

Not only that, but with the help of endemic white male entitlement (not to mention the abiding heroic male myth) being somewhat challenged of late, they've transformed the "Lord of the Flies" into some sort of male renaissance based on "righteous" resistance to the growing socialism/feminization of society, i.e. more fairness, inclusiveness, collaboration, kindness, all contemptuously and infuriatingly dismissed as "wokeness FFS!"

And anti-semitism is NOT the oldest bigotry either btw, misogyny is.

As far as the government somehow STOPPING that, (have you MET people?), the Liberals handled that well by reminding us that the rule of law covers that.

University students jump onto the underdog bandwagon with the Gaza horror doesn't speak well of our post-secondary education system's modelling of critical thinking when they should actually be reviving the old "Occupy" movement against big corporations.

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You are basically pushing up against human history and how men are wired. We survived as a species because of these proclivities in men.

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Yes, and we may well become one of the many extinctions as a species due to those same proclivities.

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Well said, especially the part about protecting Jewish life in Canada. Going forward candidates should hammer the Conservatives on their plan to get rid of day care subsidies and dental care. If it were up to me I would also espouse fairness in taxation by closing loopholes and raising taxes on the mega wealthy. If they don’t like it, they can leave.

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It’s really the economy - and not calling that out and implementing policies to constrain monopolies and support innovation and workers will only continue to widen the gap. This will also need to focus on a full-court press for Canadian unity by enabling interprovincial trade. Again, economics. Yes, we also need encouragement & investment in innovation dealing with the fact O&G has a supply end date. The future is electric energy but even EVs drive on asphalt - an O&G product. Again, the positive motivation is economics. 6000 products are sourced from O&G. Lots of room for innovation and creativity and economics.

Infrastructure is a tri-level government responsibility - again a good policy & funding argument for better cooperation which also employs numerous people. Pour more investment into health care and a national plan to deliver in provinces. Introduce policy to regulate or eliminate PE ownership of housing. Work with provinces & municipalities to improve urban planning and the permitting process for housing development. Work with provinces to reach consensus on ONE building code rather than one for each province/territory. The NRC already produces the National Building Code with representation from provinces. There is an urgent need to pull together by working together for Canadians interests rather than corporate interests - most of which are already foreign. There is much more but the theme is ECONOMICS. The UK is also trying to wake-up to this reality.

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.. pumping ‘barrels of blather.. why not just ‘cease & desist ?

Canada Does Not pump Barrels of Oil .. We ‘ship heated Dilbit via Pipeline

2% of Canada’s Vast Petroleum Reserves is Conventional OIL

98% is Bitumen in the Alberta Tar Sands - now referred to as The ‘Oil Sands

The Conflation & Confusion re Diluted Bitumen & Beverly Hillbilly ‘Black Gold ?


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