I don’t think that “Can Trudeau fix this and stay on?” is the right question.

Politicians leave politics either at their own timing or at a timing determined by others. This could be the voters that decide or a party that removes its leader. I think the right question is “is there still a path for Trudeau to decide his exit from politics at his own terms and timing or will others decide for him?”

I think there is still a path for Trudeau to be the master of his own future. But it is getting very narrow.

Assuming Trudeau cares about staying on and being control of his own eventual departure, he could do the following to make it to the next election:

1) replace Telford and a good chunk of the PMO. Pick a replacement that is trusted by the caucus and key ministers. Declare that the PMO will be less controlling and there will be more room for ministers and MPs to step up.

2) appoint some known rivals and surprises in the upcoming cabinet shuffle. We are in a fight with the Trump administration and we need all people onboard. If possible, find some (former) conservatives and offer them a role.

3) offer publicly a role to Carney. It is time to help out or shut up. If he does not step up, expose him as an opportunist.

4) tell caucus that in April there will be a secret ballot to ask the question if Trudeau should still be the leader for the next election. Promise to initiate a leadership race if caucus does not want him to continue. Why April? By April we will know what the massive chaos in the US will mean for Canada and we will have the foreign interference report.

5) start trolling Trump. Trump does not care about relations. Being respectful is not met a similar respect. Keep it lighthearted, but don’t stay silent.

6) articulate a vision for the next 12 months on how to deal with US and how to deal with the key issues that Canadians are dealing with. Point out the failures of provinces with the same frequency as Poilievre verbs the noun.

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Scathing but breathlessly real . The Liberals party has worthy intent and policies that are simply being eroded by a leader with stubborn vanity. Self before Country

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Andrew Coyne’s take. See if you agree.

“It’s not just about poor choices in this particular matter. It’s structural. It’s about the vast over-centralization of power in the PMO, and the subordination of ministers to it. So this is an opportunity not only to push out one particular prime-ministerial autocrat, but to trim the sails of prime ministers generally. We need a Glorious Revolution in this country: a — peaceful! — assertion of the rights of MPs over party leaders, and of cabinets over primer ministers and their unelected advisers.“

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Couln't agree more with Mr Coyne, and it is not often that I do. See my comment in Evan's column of yesterday.

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This is kind of a mirror to the “should we replace Trudeau” discussion that’s been going on for a year. That a new leader would only be useful if it was used as an opportunity to admit mistakes and make significant policy adjustments. But that if the Liberals were institutionally willing to do that, they could have (theoretically) done it without ditching Trudeau

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It's all a grand plan, Evan... people just cant' see it yet.

Justin will resign in January, Freeland will take the torch and win Lib leadership vs a weak field, and we'll all have fun watching PP attack a very smart, competent, and experienced woman.

Cons are now freaking out as it dawns on them they won't be fighting Justin.

Freeland will be the Lib "change" candidate - the fiscally prudent, successful trade negotiator vs Trump.

JT always planned to leave but closer to the election to catch the Cons flat-footed against a new leader.

Great plan, amirite?!

Maybe Freeland is the only one who wants to accept the poisoned chalice, but she's surely better than JT at this point.

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.. seems likely - you suffer from a common but addressable weakness .. that being - ‘problem solving’ is hardly your strength at all - but have convinced yourself it is !

A major ‘tell - is your fondness for ‘pet sporting analogies. In fairness too - I also seek effective analogies but only as ‘stepping stones while ‘considering & studying an overall process

A major ‘weakness is you think you’re ’smarter than Justin Trudeau.. or perhaps he’s just becoming ‘more stupid.. or less capable - all this while you’re becoming ‘more enlightened

You’ve zero interest in ‘creative problem solving or ‘recognizing conundrums.. I would have noticed immediately if you did - over the years.. yet have a great talent & could have been a dogged, thorough & superior ‘criminal investigator - or even a prosecuting attorney !

You ‘believe so thoroughly in your own ‘perspective .. that you cannot ‘recognize someone else may simply have a different & ‘more useful ‘solution .. ie ‘they can look at the ‘problem better than you can.. Are you truly unable to consider ‘the upside of down ? Or ‘Lateral Solutions ?

Note your failure to interact via comments - in regard to ‘problem solving !

Pretend ‘we are your ‘caucus.. or we are your ‘constituents .. we are not ‘the polls

.. have a nice day .. eh 🦎🏴‍☠️🍁

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I’ve suggested a dozen ideas to the government and 5 more to the LPC and they’ve implemented half of one, I’m actually the only fucking person proposing solutions here

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I hear you.. & recognize the ‘Upstream Problem vs the Downstream ‘past’ - bro !

(& since you & I have a ‘communication problem.. that is solveable ..

you at least - have opened the door just now !)

IF - ONE Problem is MEDIA’ impacting Perceptions akin to PANDEMIC currently

An effective Resulting ANALOGY = ‘Intensifying -> Stampeding HERD BEHAVIOUR

should stimulate - A Great QUESTION - WHY ? Qui Bono ? WHO ? & again WHY ?


In the back of our minds.. ‘ponder PARTISAN Media vs COHERENT Media..

& keep Sun Tzu firmly in mind - The Art of War ..

Is Trudeau a Greater ‘THREAT than Donald Trump as CURRENT THREAT ?

Why is Pierre Poilievre ET AL - SHOUTING FIRE ? The Sky Has Fallen ?

“Canada Is BROKEN ‘ & “Only I Can Save US ! ! Trudeau MUST OBEY Me/US ! !

Start ‘thinking Differently.. Why do People Die At Soccer Games.. ?

(that’s just a nasty ‘prod question.. a ‘polite purpose pitch Evan ..

If a Vast Herd is ‘now in a state of Serious very CONFUSED Unrest ..

.. ‘EXPERIENCING & Feeling constant incremental Myriad THREATS

Maybe a very clever ‘Bell Cow’ would refuse to be Stampeded

& many many other ‘steers in the vast herd as well ..

.. this is another ‘thinking hat’ per Edward de Bono ..

go ahead & put it on .. deploy ‘lateral solutions..

or at least ‘seek them

PS .. ‘THE all knowing Media is now Its Own Message ..

.. & not ‘the messenger at all

It no longer ‘brings the news - It Has Become The News


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