All I know is I’m terrified if Pierre gets in, any little life I have will be gone. I worked hard, gave and supported only to lose everything under these conservatives. I sure don’t want my life to end under Pierre or more far right reformed conservative win. I’m not strong enough to handled anymore loss.

It’s not liberal drugs killing us it’s provincial cuts, theft of our money, high provincial cost and no empathy from conservative politicians or their voters.

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Two thoughts to share: First, the liberals have no intention of not letting Trudeau lose the next election. He is going to take the loss. If they're smart, they will enact some tough legislation that might lose them more votes before the election to say quote they "lost on principle". I am not sure they are smart.

Second, on the matter of Doug Ford, I completely agree he is capable of very nefarious skullduggery. But, I am not sure that the back room has control over every emotional impulse that Doug seems to bring to policy. So, I think anything could happen between now and 2026 in Ontario!

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Why does everyone keep talking about Mark Carney as a Liberal leader. He hasn't expressed any interest one way or the other and it seems to be the Conservatives who are pushing the narrative IMO Carney is a smart guy but has the charisma of a wet rag. No offence Mr. Carney.

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First, the Leafs should do whatever they want with Marner, so long as it doesn't result in him playing in Edmonton.

Second, after a year saying we have nobody able to campaign and go to battle like Trudeau, I am now completely in the dark as to what we and he should do. I agree that the results for Toronto St. Paul will not clarify anything for me. Given that, I think we should leave the stay-or-go decision up to the Prime Minister himself..I am absolutely certain that any pressure brought to bear on him should be private and not from anyone who intends to stand for selection as his replacement.

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I sure hope that Mr. Trudeau stays on. But then, I sure hope that the Liberals lose the next election.Of course, the Liberals should also hope that they lose the next election. The period post 2025 will be an extremely difficult one, on a large number of files. The economy is perhaps the most pressing, and much needs to be done after so many years of neglect. In particular, productivity is declining, and standard of living will inevitably follow. Income redistribution is nice, but first you have to have the income to redistribute.

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Personally I’m going to be far more curious to see the total vote split than any specific result. I want to see if the NDP manages to pick up any of the dropped Liberal vote at all

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