I used to be an optimistic and think the liberals would eventually make things turn around but not anymore. The Trudeau’s brand is so toxic at this point (for good and bad reasons) that people just don’t listen to him anymore. The conservatives have been successful for personally blame him for everything wrong in the country, including things under provincial jurisdiction

A leadership race may not solve anything (and we have past examples that prove it) but it seems to be the last option available to avoid a total collapse in 2025. It would also force the conservatives to move beyond making everything about Trudeau.

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I don't think Trudeau leaving solves anything, because this is a systematic issue.

First, they don't know how to fight. The conservatives are illiberal authoritarians contemptuous of the enlightenment, open society, and science. How do you let yourself be sandbagged by Maple MAGA?

Second, the liberals continue to play footsie with Doug Ford, Legault, and Smith, who is a demonstratable autocrat seeking to turn Alberta into Oklahoma. They never call out the provinces or their cronies. They just waddle around giving the provinces money, issuing tax breaks, or finding another corporation to give subsidies to.

Trudeau is no tactician, strategist, or even a policy wonk. He's a dandy, who doesn't know how to fight. Where is the coherent vision or strategy? They bring chopsticks to a gun fight. If they hadn't been disingenuous charlatans, a PR system would have allowed them to remain in government. Instead, FPTP is going to sink us all.

They need to find a coherent national vision, with ten points that can animate the majority (which is LPC+NDP+Greens). Housing is a long-term issue, but fixable. Cost of living is fixable. I think Trudeau and the LPC can still win, but they have to fight every day, beat up the lying Cons everywhere, and cast blame on the provinces. Otherwise, they should call an election now.

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I think that linking the Poilievre Conservatives to MAGA has been part of the Trudeau Liberals' persuasion problem with the public. The Poilievre crew simply are not similar enough to Team Trump to be equated. The real problem with Poilievre is that he is going to lead a Harper 2.0 government that hurts our quality of life by rushing through partisan echo-chamber legislation and giving the middle finger to all critics from all parties.

Otherwise, I strongly agree with your post. Trudeau is fundamentally a leader with no cohesive plan.

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Also, to your point, they have had 8-9 years to figure this out and they are unable to articulate an argument about foreign interference, connect the Ottawa occupation with transnational illiberal/authoritarian regimes, and explain how far right regimes lead to economic disaster, if not eventual collapse (i.e., Spain and Portugal still haven’t recovered with their fascist detour).

So, yes PP & Co. wouldn’t be Southern neo-confederates, but the damage to the country would be catastrophic, if they ignore climate change and pursue an ideological framework on par with say the British conservatives. Liz Truss 2.0.!

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Too late IMHO. The economy is in the tank, unlke what they preach. The thing they need to do, like it or not, is move back to the center.

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Well thanks a lot Evan for joining all the other talking heads, ostensibly "on the left" who seem to have UNWITTINGLY (THE word for the times) blithely and obliviously jettisoned any and all relevant context, formerly the exclusive domain of the dumb fuck cons!

Good job at a time when the context truly is ALL.

Here's a reminder: POLITICS HAS BECOME BINARY, and NOT just because of the much-reviled FPTP electoral system, but because ONE SIDE IS the fucking CONVOY PARTY OF CANADA.

It's not even an exaggeration to call them proud poster boys for the actual "banality of evil" with their mind-blowingly arrogant ignorance and sheer stupidity, not to mention the unprecedented malice and steadfast denial of reality, a.k.a. CONTEXT, that will gut all our precious, wavering hope of addressing the looming spectre of climate change, and that's just for starters.

To understand the importance of hope for us as humans, how serious it is, and NO GAME, you have to note what just happened here in Alberta with Nenshi. I went to hear him speak in Lethbridge and you could just FEEL people leaning toward him in desperation, it was palpable how hungry they were for some hope of respite from the evil UCP. It's a truly awful feeling to be governed by genuinely irrational and/or crazy people, while watching the media, reporting it all as if everything was business as usual, propelled by the usual fumes of excitement over of some pending electoral "upset."

Who knew people were so malleable, and profound irrationality/insanity so contagious?

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Yup; irrational and crazy.

I live in Calgary where Nenshi was mayor for far, far, far, far too long so I do know irrational and crazy.

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Is that right Ken? Crazy and irrational like Jyoti Gondek you mean?

Because people from your side of the political spectrum (originally and "unwittingly" best named the Canadian Reform Alliance Party or CRAP Party btw) apparently have the knives out for her now too?

It's almost like it wouldn't matter WHO the person was if they're not in your conservative cult (as sullen and aggressive as any religious one), which is of course why your great leader "Denial" Smith is putting a noose around the cities now, where democracy still lives.

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Hmmmm .....

Thank you ever so much for telling me who I support and, very particularly, what I think (and shouldn't think). It is ever so good to have folks who can do that difficult thinking thingy for me

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Any time.

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It seems like pulling the goalie in overtime to me, but I agree, it’s the last reasonable option. I’m not sure who would be better at this point though. I hope if they change leadership, they don’t end up with another Ignatieff.

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If the leadership selection process manages to be open and accessible while still being slightly favourable to longtime party loyalists, a surprisingly effective new option could come right out of the woodwork. But that would probably require a contest with different rules than the Liberal leadership contest of 2013: any process that requires signing up hundreds of thousands of supporters for victory could result in a different but equally out-of-touch Leader.

Simple lesson: narrow participation in the leadership contest to members who have already been members for at least the past year.

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I don’t know if it would help one bit, but for sure the pressure for Trudeau to step aside will increase tremendously in the coming weeks. However, I don’t think he will give way to this pressure. I think he will lead his party in the next election and then departs. After all, it does not matter if Poilievre has 200 or 240 seats, all he needs is a majority.

Right now, the only person that can help Trudeau, is Trump. If Trump wins in November, then I could see Trudeau gaining support as a counter to the enormous chaos in the South.

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I read Evan's stuff because he is intelligent and rational. I largely don't agree with him - or Liberal policies in general - but I like to keep an open mind on Canadian issues, and he is an eloquent defender of progressive values.

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Governments in Canada almost never get 4 straight terms in office (Since Laurier, at least). The rare occasion that they pull off a 4th term is always the result of a leadership change. There are lots of reasons for this, but most obviously governments reach a stage where they have exhausted all of the ideas and policies that got them into office, and they have been in power so long you can no longer blame anyone else for the woes of the day.

I don't understand why Liberals thought themselves, and Trudeau, immune to this, particularly after back to back minority governments, and a decreasing vote share in each of his elections. It was clear as day after the 2021 election that Trudeau would not win another mandate - I cannot understand why he did not find an opportunity to step down during this term, and in turn why the party didn't push him out when it became clear he wasn't leaving. Whether you love Trudeau or not, it was perfectly clear that a 4th term was never possible for him. focusing on policies or actions over the last couple of years is beside the point - no PM has won 4 straight mandates in more than 100 years, and there was nothing that would cause someone to honestly believe this government could upset that rule.

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Quick answer is that you always want a talent pipeline, Trudeau didn't build one.

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Well there's this heaving thing called climate change that's a bit unprecedented too.....

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Aint read the comments yet .. & PS.. just came from Kinsella’s site that he shares with some commenting guy O’Dowd.. Warren led off his smugness with an odd ‘earthquake & a she bear ‘issue while sleeping .. and he arose silently so as to not awaken E. - He’s now broadcasting via substack too.. and seems to be saying the terrified & abandoned Jewish Constituents appropriately surged from their Middle Class Properties in massive outraged Courageous Response .. His commenters apparently ‘knew it was the bag - due to Advance Votes being ‘counted last’ & thereby went to bed ‘confidently

What ‘MainsStream journalism is Seeking - Refining Down - Magnifying - as ‘Factual Journalism’ .. is instead - Carefully Analyzing - including via AI - What ‘text’ or ‘Messafe’ - Will Optimize ‘Headline News Visibility & UPTAKE via ‘chumming SocialMedia with some appropriate Opinionation wrapped around the Daily BBQ Sausage

Now - Can we clarify something here thanks ? And I ain’t even ‘defending the guy.. am Non Partisan

The ‘massive Voter Turnout ? Turnout actually Declined from the previous Election

The winning Margin was 90 Votes out of some 36,000

Can we also face up to the reality of Cole Horgan - Earnscliffe Strategies confirming on a public podcast that Pierre Poilievre ‘Personally & Individually is Currently the Most Seen (UPTAKE) - Political News Outlet in Canada - This is Fact - Pierre Poilievre is Now ‘The Media .. like it or not

I did inquire - without response - How Much is the Going Rate - to Buy Votes in a Riding such as St. Paul’s - 500 - 2,500 $ ? I asked related Questions as well.. re the ‘Shock & Awe ‘Value or ‘Worth might be.. to humiliate Liberals & Absolutely Supercharge ‘The Zone .. Do you really need me to explain ‘How To Buy Votes In a By Election ? It’s easy .. Tell me Evan ? Do actually believe Votes Cannot Be Bought ? (Vegas Odds On That ?)

I give a fucknot about the goddamn Polls - That’s an Entirely Different ‘Malignant Strategy for the Contemporary Coup D’état - & part of an Integrated Propaganda Assault .. more an Incremental Daily/24/7 ‘Grooming of Public Perception with Comorbid Disinformation & Misinformation

(words, phrase & context’ use to Matter - are they now just Weaponry ? Say it ain’t so Evan ! !)

Bottom Line - will read the comments & will revisit the comments from your earlier post.. keep up the good work lad.. we gots ‘high expectations.. & PS .. the toxic ‘media chatter.. Walk in the Snow .. is ‘demeaning & insulting the great scope & reality of the Canadian Electorate. He stated Publicly - he would lead His Party in the next election - You gonna say he’s a liar or a quitter ?

And someday please - reappraise Your Perceptions - re Ms Jenni Byrne - & the Upper Table of Harper’s CPC Political Machine - and the vast ideological ‘conservative Cohort or Nebula attacking this Country called Canada - apparently The Funding is BOTTOMLESS - to regain Control of Canadian Legistation

‘Vested Interests - Know No Borders’ - Pretending US Vested Interests that includes ‘conservative Majority Control of Canadian Media might be uh.. Well why don’t you relay What the Polls have to say about What % of Canadians ‘actually think’ they can vote for Pierre Poilievre in Carleton Federal Riding Or believe it ‘An Impossibility’ he can Lose the Riding ?

‘Capture The Media & the Palace Is Yours.. ! ‘The Contemporary Coup D’Etat .. ! 🦎🏴‍☠️🇨🇦

Sent from my iPad

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I read Evan's stuff because he is intelligent and rational. I largely don't agree with him - or Liberal policies in general - but I like to keep an open mind on Canadian issues, and he is an eloquent defender of progressive values.

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The liberals lost when they faltered at the idea of keeping high spending into economic headwinds. Housing is obviously a massive sink for wealth, but if we'd had American fiscal policy for the last 4 years we'd be in a very different place.

And because they're incapable of learning, they'll decide that a rightward turn is the solution...

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Proof that corporate conservative media is a weapon just like Pierre’s mouth. The polls don’t help they ask very few and don’t ask every one connected to their polls.

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