I disagree about the liberals and that WE nothing burger false scandal. Pierre ruined the best charity out there. But you’re screaming rage about 1 $500 ethics violation against Trudeau but completely missed out on the 102 scandals against the law by conservatives. You need to revalue your thoughts by not listening to garbage news by Pierre. Our PM is not even close to being scandalous. SNC’s real scandal was Harper selling our billion dollar business to a prick for a lousy 15 million dollars. Now that’s criminal nothing even close to any false news about Trudeau. Our PM buying the pipeline because of Harper selling us out to China. The liberal blame is getting tiresome. Then Toronto city news lied about comments on Tory. That WE charity is one of the top charities now left Canada bc of lying bullies. Did you know that Harper and wifey supported the WE charity as did Scott Moe and Pierre? That contract didn’t even make it to our PM’s desk. His committee was looking for someone to administer pandemic help to Canadian students. My gawd the crap on Trudeau’s lap has been 10 fold. Cleaning up Harper’s mess while trying to help people especially families and seniors. As a party you need to delegate for help. There was nothing scandalous about that. As for SNC we lost 9000 jobs in Canada by Harper selling our business for Pennie’s while Trudeau was fighting for jobs. A $500 ethics charge is nothing compared to the RCons destroying our provinces. To bad the media doesn’t give the truth and should be giving the liberals, NDP and Green media time. The guy is a compassionate and intelligent leader who uses professionals like scientists and military/rcmp. He and his staff have been working overtime. And that’s a thankless job. Same with Rachel Notley who’s a hard worker with no talk about that on media.
I disagree about the liberals and that WE nothing burger false scandal. Pierre ruined the best charity out there. But you’re screaming rage about 1 $500 ethics violation against Trudeau but completely missed out on the 102 scandals against the law by conservatives. You need to revalue your thoughts by not listening to garbage news by Pierre. Our PM is not even close to being scandalous. SNC’s real scandal was Harper selling our billion dollar business to a prick for a lousy 15 million dollars. Now that’s criminal nothing even close to any false news about Trudeau. Our PM buying the pipeline because of Harper selling us out to China. The liberal blame is getting tiresome. Then Toronto city news lied about comments on Tory. That WE charity is one of the top charities now left Canada bc of lying bullies. Did you know that Harper and wifey supported the WE charity as did Scott Moe and Pierre? That contract didn’t even make it to our PM’s desk. His committee was looking for someone to administer pandemic help to Canadian students. My gawd the crap on Trudeau’s lap has been 10 fold. Cleaning up Harper’s mess while trying to help people especially families and seniors. As a party you need to delegate for help. There was nothing scandalous about that. As for SNC we lost 9000 jobs in Canada by Harper selling our business for Pennie’s while Trudeau was fighting for jobs. A $500 ethics charge is nothing compared to the RCons destroying our provinces. To bad the media doesn’t give the truth and should be giving the liberals, NDP and Green media time. The guy is a compassionate and intelligent leader who uses professionals like scientists and military/rcmp. He and his staff have been working overtime. And that’s a thankless job. Same with Rachel Notley who’s a hard worker with no talk about that on media.
I see it as a careless man not worried about humiliating his wife & family
ie John Tory’s ‘Ethics’ are shockingly ‘Situational’ & that’s all I need to know
I know people ‘cheat’ for a variety of reasons & I know the same re Lies
The dreary details of ‘affairs’ hold no interest to me, The Liars do though
I’m becoming ‘expert level’ at decoding lies & doing backtrail due diligence
So in summary Cheat on Your Best Friend, Loved One, Wife ? What ! See ya !
But Public Servant Liar ? That’s completely different to me - I go Open Season
That’s ‘just me’ - I admire your ferocious attitude/conviction as well !
Plus you’re context is of greater scope than mine - all highly admirable !
‘a lapse of judgement’ .. what the fuck is that ?
Can I bury that laughable gem in the
‘want to spend more time with family’ graveyard ?
Along with the Galactic Navigators of ‘need to get out ahead of the ‘story’
This is ‘Done’ not ‘Dune’ eh 🦎