This is feeling more and more like a soft coup. Would the RCMP be able to sit on something like that for 2 years? I doubt it. Not in this day and age and not with this version of the CPC always looking for yet another issue to rage on. We already know members of CSIS and police departments were giving the freedom convoy information. There is a rogue element in CSIS that needs to be found and dealt with. Unless this is 100% verifiable (and I sincerely doubt it) what is happening now with Global is a direct threat to our democracy and as far as I'm concerned Robert Fife, Andrew Coyne and Terry Glavin are just as guilty of influence and interference as they claim the Chinese are. Ask yourself honestly. Would it really surprise anyone if the CPC decided this was their only path to power and damn the consequences to our country? Maybe it's just me and maybe I've read too many books on what happened during the Kennedy administration in the 1960's but this all stinks. Terribly. It also smells very familiar. Pierre is almost panicky trying to topple this government. Almost like whoever is running him has an agenda on a tight timeline. This isn't just happening in Canada. It's a worldwide push back toward fascism around the globe. Well funded, well versed in the use of propaganda through social media and well controlled. We are either going to stand up and demand truth and accountability from our leaders, our media and our security apparatus or we can kiss our democracy goodbye.

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Sounds like Harper and his IDU in action.

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You want us to stand up and demand accountability from....the people bringing treasonous behaviour to light? Come on man, what you just described is a conspiracy theory which requires mental gymnastics

orders of magnitude more complicated than the plain obvious reality here - chinese interference, incompetent security apparatus, and a liberal government both incompetent and wilfully blind to all of this

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I want accountability from all of them. Not just the party I don't like. If it's just "Liberals" then why such a limited scope on the inquiry and I believe Pierre just voted against looking at Russian influence? You were saying about those mental gymnastics?

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Mar 23, 2023·edited Mar 23, 2023

I fully expect all parties to have been compromised to some degree. A conservative MPP has already stepped down. What I think is silly is your assertion that this is some form of "soft coup"

The reason the LPC is taking most of the heat here is because they've in power for 8 years, not Harper, not Poilievre, and seem to have been turning a blind eye to some pretty shady stuff

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We have a security organization that is leaking like a sieve, American owned Postmedia one siding the story to death and a political party whose only policy platform now seems to be rage farming. A party that is pretty insistent that not all of it be looked at. Just what will benefit them. Not sure what else you'd call it if you were being honest.

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Niether Global nor the Globe & Mail are owned by postmedia. Your conspiracy theory depends on the Globe & Mail being a far right "rage farming" insurrectionist organization...ok then

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Dong should sue that racist POS conspiracy theorist Pooper Scooper into oblivion. Force him to out the traitor or traitors smearing him, so that an innocent man can face his accuser. This isn’t “journalism.” It’s a McCarthy smear campaign of targeted hate.

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If this is all 100% true, what crime would Han Dong have committed? Without doubt it would be absolutely despicable and immoral to suggest to Chinese to delay the release of Canadian citizens for political gain, but I am not sure it actually a crime.

It is not treason (we are not at war with China). I cannot think of actual crime that would capture this (immoral) behaviour.

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Question for the lawyers:

If Han Dong sues for defamation and Globalnews provides no additional evidence other than what is in the article now, are they liable?

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Mr. Dong would open himself up to requests for discovery. From what we know so far, I don't think that he would like that.

Were you thinking of acting on his behalf?

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Why would he not like that? All he would have to do is make a statement under oath of what was said during the conversation with the Chinese consul. Anything else is immaterial.

All Globalnews can provide is exactly what? Two anonymous sources that claim to have heard something.

So, it would be a sworn statement against a claim by a journalist that he was told something by 2 people that he cannot bring in court to corroborate his story.

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It’s all bull. Our so-called media is carrying water for the CPC. Clearly the ‘media’ learned nothing from the Arar case. This stinks to high heaven. Destroying a man’s life and the confidence in our democracy is serious and our Conservative owned and operated Media is doing exactly that. These leaks are what is dangerous. That is what should be investigated. Somebody really wants the Libéral Party destroyed. I’d look at Harper and his fascist organization.

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Last news source I’d believe is Global

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I think that you were a little prompt to let our political leaders off the hook. How do you know that at least part of the problem is not in the PMO? I'm not saying disloyalty to Canada. But it may have been incompetence, or perhaps the desire not to see things that were inconvenient.

As for Poilievre, he was a nobody two years ago. I doubt he had a hand in this.

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Because the RCMP does not need the PMO’s permission (or direction) to pursue a criminal investigation.

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True. But on a matter as sensitive, I would think that they would consult with their Commissioner at the time, Brenda Lucki. And other events have shown that Commissioner Lucki was in the habit of close contact with the PMO.

That leaves CSIS as a possible rogue player. Their past conduct does not inspire confidence in them. But it does not single them out as THE problem either.

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There is a lot of conjecture with Lucki in your claim. I don’t think she could have stopped an investigation if people underneath her wanted it.

Mr. Arar may have an opinion about anonymous sources at CSIS.

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for some reason our snow board instructor has all the power, why do you think not so lucky brenda quit her post as commissioner. ''SHE HAD ENOUGH OF SNOW BOARD BOY CALLING THE SHOT''.This corrupt boy has stratigically placed people and made legislation to protect himself and his followers . Now snowboard boy is giving advice on how to better protect Canada. What a mockery he has made of the entire system here in Canada. ''TRUDEAU MUST GO '' TO JAIL. Along with his follwers.

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Sounds a lot like what Reagan did to Carter. Sounds like right wing dirty tricks

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When it comes to spying, it’s all dirty tricks. The mistake we made is not understanding until the two Micheals incident that China is an enemy super power wanting to flex its muscles and letting the world know who is boss. We also have laws that allow dual citizenship with China, but the Chinese do not recognize Canadian dual citizenship- we need to plug these holes and have dual citizens choose their countries and then treat them accordingly.if they choose China, they should not be members of parliament, for instance. If they choose Canada, they should not be advising the Chinese government or spying for them. Ever read any Le Carré novels? Spying is a pretty murky business.

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