Hi UU....This new fake scandal is being blown up by the Cons and their bought media into the "Scandal of the Century." When it's just another attempt to smear the Chinese Canadian community for crass political purposes. And as you point out, the FIPA agreement bound us to China for thirty years, cost us billions and counting, and the Cons should have been arrested for selling out our country so cheaply...
Rumleyfips....I can't watch that ridiculous video without wondering whether Poilievre is really dumb and thinks we're idiots. Or whether he is losing his marbles, and should really think about resigning before he makes an even greater idiot out of himself. One way or the other, he's a loser and I can't wait to see him squeal like a pig as he goes down with all the other Nazis....
Excellent post. But here's one thing you need to realize. Kenny Chiu did not lose his seat in Steveston-Richmond East because of Chinese government interference. The area covered by this riding is represented by two and possibly three NDP MLAs. It includes many environmentally inclined voters, which is why Justin Trudeau brought the former B.C. Green leader there shortly before the 2021 election for an endorsement. Plus, Kenny voted against banning conversion therapy, reinforcing his reputation as a social conservative in an increasingly liberal-minded area. I doubt Bob Fife or Steven Chase has ever stepped foot in Steveston-Richmond East. If you want to read more, start about one-third into this post on my Substack account. https://charliesmithvancouver.substack.com/p/which-universe-do-you-call-home
There doesn’t need to be a investigation and CSIS denied doing or saying this. This is another conservative dog whistle. Harper and conservatives sold us out to China yet Global or any other media will say it. Yet Harper did it behind everyone’s back. Global laid off what was it? 400 staff and other reporters quit. I could see global becoming another non ran journalist media show. Funny how media/reporters leave out the truth behind Harper and regime. These conservatives have continued to show their immaturity, non of them have any credentials to be running in a party let alone be premiers. People are voting stupidity.
Let’s follow this one step further: there is one party here which we can confirm is attempting to interfere with Canadian elections and politics, and that is Global. Witting or unwitting is of no import. They will claim (as they have) that this is in Canada’s and Canadians’ interest, and justified by it being mere reporting of facts. But unverified hearsay is not a fact. And that is what they (wittingly) are advancing, and whilst protecting the source of such hearsay. If it’s all true doesn’t matter if Global is unable to state that with unequivocal certainty. Ironically, they may also be unwittingly (?) advancing the Chinese goals they are claiming to be revealing. This is a non-partisan issue: if media organizations are able to advance (possibly) complete bullshit stories, based on a kernel of truth or otherwise, to create a pre-January 6 insurrection-like narrative at will, Chinese interference will be the least of our problems.
None of this is intended as an apologia for the tiresomely awful PMO comms that fanned the embers of this fire into a roaring blaze — as they seemingly always do.
Thank you for this. The points you raise so we’ll have been bothering me from the beginning. Irresponsible and poor journalism also undermines our institutions and public trust in them.
Excellent piece! This whole situation has me thinking of the classic STNG episode called "The Drumhead". Global and other enablers (Coyne, Fife, Glavan - basically almost all of the middle aged, mediocre, white wing columnist class) is literally running its own drumhead against people using unverified allegations, rumour and innuendo. If there is hard, 'actionable' evidence than hand it over to the RCMP. If not. Fuck off.
We’re not even sure CSIS itself is the source of the leak are we? Seems everything is about having read various documents and reports from multiple sources including CSIS. Those documents circulate. It’s convenient to obscure the source but that source could be anyone on the circulation train.
Where’s the 100’s of millions of taxpayers money lost to the Chinese infrastructure bank. How about the CCP military scientists who smuggled deadly pathogens from the Winnipeg lab to the Wuhan lab and year before the pandemic, now knowing Covid was created and released from said lab. If your going to write an article at least include the totality of the facts instead of some whitewash fake news.
All part of the “five eyes” western Intel agencies ramping up a worldwide anti-China campaign. Headlines in Australia are now proclaiming war with China is imminent. So JT shouldn’t take it personally.
Hi UU....This new fake scandal is being blown up by the Cons and their bought media into the "Scandal of the Century." When it's just another attempt to smear the Chinese Canadian community for crass political purposes. And as you point out, the FIPA agreement bound us to China for thirty years, cost us billions and counting, and the Cons should have been arrested for selling out our country so cheaply...
Rumleyfips....I can't watch that ridiculous video without wondering whether Poilievre is really dumb and thinks we're idiots. Or whether he is losing his marbles, and should really think about resigning before he makes an even greater idiot out of himself. One way or the other, he's a loser and I can't wait to see him squeal like a pig as he goes down with all the other Nazis....
At least you understand we’ve been sold out years ago, Turdeau is absolutely perpetuating the agenda though unfortunately.
Oh how’s that? I see a hard working man who tries
Excellent post. But here's one thing you need to realize. Kenny Chiu did not lose his seat in Steveston-Richmond East because of Chinese government interference. The area covered by this riding is represented by two and possibly three NDP MLAs. It includes many environmentally inclined voters, which is why Justin Trudeau brought the former B.C. Green leader there shortly before the 2021 election for an endorsement. Plus, Kenny voted against banning conversion therapy, reinforcing his reputation as a social conservative in an increasingly liberal-minded area. I doubt Bob Fife or Steven Chase has ever stepped foot in Steveston-Richmond East. If you want to read more, start about one-third into this post on my Substack account. https://charliesmithvancouver.substack.com/p/which-universe-do-you-call-home
There doesn’t need to be a investigation and CSIS denied doing or saying this. This is another conservative dog whistle. Harper and conservatives sold us out to China yet Global or any other media will say it. Yet Harper did it behind everyone’s back. Global laid off what was it? 400 staff and other reporters quit. I could see global becoming another non ran journalist media show. Funny how media/reporters leave out the truth behind Harper and regime. These conservatives have continued to show their immaturity, non of them have any credentials to be running in a party let alone be premiers. People are voting stupidity.
Let’s follow this one step further: there is one party here which we can confirm is attempting to interfere with Canadian elections and politics, and that is Global. Witting or unwitting is of no import. They will claim (as they have) that this is in Canada’s and Canadians’ interest, and justified by it being mere reporting of facts. But unverified hearsay is not a fact. And that is what they (wittingly) are advancing, and whilst protecting the source of such hearsay. If it’s all true doesn’t matter if Global is unable to state that with unequivocal certainty. Ironically, they may also be unwittingly (?) advancing the Chinese goals they are claiming to be revealing. This is a non-partisan issue: if media organizations are able to advance (possibly) complete bullshit stories, based on a kernel of truth or otherwise, to create a pre-January 6 insurrection-like narrative at will, Chinese interference will be the least of our problems.
None of this is intended as an apologia for the tiresomely awful PMO comms that fanned the embers of this fire into a roaring blaze — as they seemingly always do.
Thank you for this. The points you raise so we’ll have been bothering me from the beginning. Irresponsible and poor journalism also undermines our institutions and public trust in them.
Excellent piece! This whole situation has me thinking of the classic STNG episode called "The Drumhead". Global and other enablers (Coyne, Fife, Glavan - basically almost all of the middle aged, mediocre, white wing columnist class) is literally running its own drumhead against people using unverified allegations, rumour and innuendo. If there is hard, 'actionable' evidence than hand it over to the RCMP. If not. Fuck off.
I have been a reporter and editorialist for 45 years. There are days when I’m not proud of my profession.
We’re not even sure CSIS itself is the source of the leak are we? Seems everything is about having read various documents and reports from multiple sources including CSIS. Those documents circulate. It’s convenient to obscure the source but that source could be anyone on the circulation train.
Excellent article. Just keep in mind that the leaker(s) may not be CSIS, but people that have received CSIS briefings.
Have to believe Sam Cooper is selling books and looking for a movie deal...
Where’s the 100’s of millions of taxpayers money lost to the Chinese infrastructure bank. How about the CCP military scientists who smuggled deadly pathogens from the Winnipeg lab to the Wuhan lab and year before the pandemic, now knowing Covid was created and released from said lab. If your going to write an article at least include the totality of the facts instead of some whitewash fake news.
All part of the “five eyes” western Intel agencies ramping up a worldwide anti-China campaign. Headlines in Australia are now proclaiming war with China is imminent. So JT shouldn’t take it personally.
I believe it’s another dog and pony show when no media like global posted this, it’s a deflection