Byrne is not going anywhere. However, a former CPC operative mentioned something interesting recently. Typically leaders, or at least good leaders, surround themselves with people that compensate for their weaknesses and blind spots. With Byrne, Poilievre has hired somebody who has the same abrasive and combative traits.

As a result, the current CPC team has in earnest only one gear: attack. It will be immensively popular with 30% of the population (more in Alberta and Saskatchewan) and an enormous turn-off for the rest of the country.

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Byrne ain't going nowhere and you're assuming the CPC's goal is to win a majority.

They are eminently comfortable just being the "Not- Trudeau/ANti-Trudeau" party; the Justin Trudeau majority destabilized them and when they lost two more it broke them. They are nothing but a grievance party with no policy, no outlooks, no ideas and anger as their fuel source. Thankfully for Canada, Ontario and QC have an outsized say in federal politics and, SPOILER ALERT, we in QC (Royal "We" for sure!) aren't voting for an Incel-Celebrating Milhouse Van Houten. We voted for O'Toole though, in the neighborhood, because he was the closest to a Laurentian Elite the CPC had delivered since Peter MacKay.

As to whether the CPC should be worried....only if they want a majority. If they want to keep at their current shtick, they just need to lose one more election to get their pensions and then they can go off into the private sector. Best of both worlds?

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This is a fascinating thought. I always feel that it is more important for the CPC to attack than it is to convince. All the energy seems to go to cater to the 25-30% who already vote CPC. There is zero time to convince the 10-20% who could consider voting CPC, but currently do not want to.

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Don't forget about voter turnout and the PPC and/or CPC race to the bottom of human decency in Portage.

(You could hang a blue tie on a dog there and run it for the CPC and it would get elected with the PPC still getting second place.)

It is a riding filled with the the extremists of the religious right wing of the CPC/PPC and still only 46% voter turnout.

The PPC still gleaned 17.2 % of the 'popular' vote.

Down a bit but not alot.

That will not come close to crushing the PPC out of existence as was the CPC plan.

Honestly, with the CPC showing that they openly court those fringe voting PPC folk into their 'big tent' CPC makes a person wonder why they think that's a good look for attracting newcomers to their 'big tent'.

The truly Progressive Conservative wing of the CPC are shaking their collective heads and wondering out loud now why Peter MacKay joined with Harper in 2003 instead of who they were then and still are more aligned with ideologically (for the most part.) I.e. the Liberals.

Certainly not the outcome that the CPC thought they'd get from all those Trudeau/Liberal haters they keep telling us exists out there but that results keep saying "only in your dreams".

If an election were held tomorrow. The Liberals would win handily.

The only thing that would make a difference between another minority and a majority is the final tally of the voters that know piERRe poiLIEvre is a bad thing for democracy and therefore Canada.

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In Portage the CPC decided to go for the kill when it came to PPC. I am afraid it is just a flesh wound and Bernier will find its grifting way to a 2025 election. So, the real question is “was it worth it”? Liberals may think they have a goldmine of negative ads as a result of this, but I think it is immaterial in the long run. 2 years from now we have forgotten about Portage and other issues will dominate the discussion.

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.. fully agree.. & our host knocks another outta th park ..

But ! Re dear ms Byrne & her identical twin..

no no.. not Pierre. ! Her twin sister

The Tako Von Popta Propaganda Letter to Oxford Voters ?

Did it or or did it not .. get Written & Signed

by the BC MP then Mailed Directly To Oxford Voters ?

It’s an astonishing document, even Historic Case History artifact now

Some might even say a ‘Self Incriminating Defamation Slam Dunk’

Also fawning fluffer level pimping of dear Pierre

and nobody at the Harper High Table knew a thing ?

I think she wrote it & Von Popta took one for the team

as it hardly seems in character .. but may be dead wrong

PS.. she’s Entrenched & his Ex up until the eve

of the 2011 Live & RoboCall ‘Strategy’

They have nobody better, anyway

PS2 Watch Fred DeLory.. he pumped out a threat

re Poilievre ‘behaviour’ becoming ‘detrimental’

& the By-Elections would or could ‘signal’

if need be .. to seriously consider .. ... .....


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Prepare to be attacked. Byrne will come after you.

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Gloves are off!

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You can attack/blame Jenni. I've had too many run-ins with her over the years to where I no longer care and of such severity that I grant you permission. I've got STORIES...

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Do tell.

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Outhouse just won a campaign. Would he be an upgrade on Bryne? The Tory's are becoming a barbaric practice so maybe he and Bryne are the Zeitgeist.

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