Thank you for your columns! As a green voter who really doesn't want the Tories in charge of our climate profile (or anything tbh) it's been reassuring to see you keep saying Trudeau can still win.

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My hope is that almost nobody watched this Jerry Springer "debate" because of all the sports outings on TV tonight. Tennis, the Jays, and the NFL kickoff with Brady and Gronk. I kid, but the English debates are an unmitigated nuclear dumpster fire, and the fact that they had a *pollster* from one of those "R-leaning firms" (or C-leaning, because this is Canada) as the (obnoxious) moderator should be disqualifying. Seriously, how would cons feel if Anderson or Maggi or Graves were the moderator? Why is it OK to stack the deck? How does this serve democracy or help voters make informed decisions? Even Chris Wallace was better moderating the Trump vs. Biden debate,and he's from Fox News! If Trudeau does actually manage to eke out a win, who will the corrupt "consortium" put up as moderator next time? Nick Kouvalis on a bender???

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