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Lets not forget the issues relating to gun violence as well as the ace in the hole, Donald Trump. Trump is increasingly helping to motivate Dems all across the board, and his actions in nearly toppling a democratically elected government will create a firestorm of Dem votes. Plus, Republicans keep helping Dems with taking temper tantrums and hurting various groups (PACT Act with Veterans) or by opening up their mouths saying outrageous stuff that would only drive voters back to the Dems (forcing young girls to carry their rapists baby, etc) and the coup de grace, nominating election deniers and overall bad candidates (Dr. Oz, JD Vance, Keri Lake, etc). Plus, lets not forget the most extremist Supreme Court threatening contraception, interracial and gay marriage, and potentially allow state legislators to overrule the voters wishes and overturn election results, especially if they don't like the result (imagine the PA legislature overturning the 2020 election and giving the state's electoral votes to Trump instead of Biden). This will not be a 2014 election, but rather a blue wave election. Dems gain up to 5 seats in Senate, and keep the house, while gaining several governorships. Take this prediction to the bank. This will allow dems to initiate many reforms including campaign finance, voting protections, supreme court overhaul adding more justices, and implementing term limits on supreme court justices, gun control and many other things. This will make Biden the next FDR and Biden will coast to re-election in 2024.

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