Agree completely. This, along with a number of other issues where Trudeau is scolded for being incompetent or wrong, has no better approach. We don't really like it, especially when we have to get along and put in the work, but no one provided anther thoughtful response during these scoldings

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This is a good example of “everything Trudeau says will be used against him”.

If you actually listen to his remarks, you will notice it is fairly factual without mentioning or criticizing Trump.

If you believe the (right-wing) commentators (think Lilley and company), it was a massive attack on Trump personally.

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Like it or not, it wasn't called for no matter that Trump's name wasn't mentioned. No point stoking the flames, especially at this time. And no, I am not RW.

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You need to read the actual transcript and know what exactly was said. You cannot rely on other commentators to tell you what was said or what the message was.

It is the same as the comments by Trudeau after the G7. Some commentators decided it was a slight towards Trump, the actual words by Trudeau were benign and could have been said by any Canadian prime minister.

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As expected, Trudeau and team are doing all the right things when it comes to Trump. And I don’t think Canada necessarily has a weak hand. Trump and his committed helpers are claiming to ignore all laws and trade agreements, and are prepared to hurt the American people to achieve unclear goals. Once the damage start taking effect in the US, pushback will materialize in all forms. It is helpful if Canada is seen at that time as a sober, rational partner.

However, there is one thing missing in Trudeau’s approach. He needs to a larger press event, perhaps with the premiers, and explain the approach vis-à-vis Trump. Explain that we are not going to respond to each and every provocation. Explain that not all conversations are public. Explain that we focus on facts and that claims by Trump are not always connected to reality. Explain that we will be respectful the Trump administration and that we expect respect in return.

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There appears to be a central contradiction in your analysis: you argue the Trudeau government shouldn’t play hard ball for reasons that I accept, but you also claim Trump runs from a hard fight. This would suggest that going hard, if we accept your characterization of Trump (which I don’t), is actually the right strategy.

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it's all Team Canada , until the premieres go behind Trudeau's back , and mouth off... eh Dani??

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Good piece Evan.

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Adam and Eve not "STEVE ".

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Trudeau should just "joke" about having to burn down the White House again and shut this stupidity down.

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True- dough must go " TO JAIL ". Soon please for the sake of this country.

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Sheepdog, this is exactly what I said: This is no solution. In fact, it is not even a problem. It is just an action - dump Trudeau. For what alternative? To fix what? The pain in your soul?

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You just wake up from deep coma ? Have you been paying attention to the liberal circus? Go back to sleep, and don't forget to get your boosters.

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How's the weather in Moscow Sheepdog?

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Adam and Eve ....NOT STEVE !

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Thanks for this thought out piece.

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.. the enemy within is whatever ‘Canadian Mainstream & SocialMedia is metastasizing into

David Colletto ‘is part of the problem .. and you’re falling into ‘being a volunteer - not a victim

When ‘MassMedia has become the rotting out from underneath - 90% of the iceberg.. and decides it’s ’their time to shine .. what happens ? ‘Don’t Feed The Trolls.. ? So they Feed the APEX Troll - Trump & his Animal Farmhands

Fuck with the Perceptions of the Populace on Behalf of Poilievre, Harper & Jenni Byrne

Qui Bono ? Why ? How ? Meanwhile - as I wrote you many times .. Expect the Unexpected - a Seismic Event - something that Sucks The Oxygen Out Of Poilievre et al Inc - Did you truly believe that was Improbable ? Impossible ? Are you so Fattened on Tangibles you’ve zero room for INTANGIBLES ?

Trump Unleashed is not 400 fucked up truckers .. His Quantum Unleashing has FORKED the Poilievre Marching Band .. Stand with Canada & Canadians Or FAWN before Darth Trump

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Go ahead, define the intangibles. Your daratribe is exactly what Erin is speaking to. You want to "win" against trump? You ignore him.

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feel free to work on your civility .. & the term is diatribe btw

Evan has become fixated on ‘the odds - the polls - daily ‘churn

These are ‘the tangibles we are now force fed daily ‘Polls as The News

The ‘Intangibles are Wild Cards to use his analogy

I deployed the Chess Term - Forked - Polievre has ‘forked himself

but Evan is unwilling to ‘work with that Vulnerability

Riddle me this John .. Candace Bergen ? Intangible ?

Plymouth Brethren ? Intangible ? Arthur Hamilton ?

If there’s ’conspiracy or collusion - ‘dark money

it’s not my habit - or hiding in my backtrail ..

Things ‘happen for real reasons ..

If Candace Bergen was ‘caught up - in violation

while Briefed Daily per Top Secret Analysis

per 400 18 wheelers resembling Oklahoma City

What then ? To Protect ‘Sources & Access

& for that alone.. never mind ‘Decorum & Privilege

she suddenly has the urge for more time with grown family

but stops off to Deliver the Keynote IDU Speech

& then vaporizes..

The Odds re Poilievre claiming ‘i knew nothing of this matter ?

The CONSEQUENCES of such an Unexpected Intangible ?

You do understand the Common Law Marriage of Jenni Byrne

with Pierre Poilievre - ending just prior to 2011 Live & RoboCall Election Fraud ?

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